Alright Sup Forums, you have 5 seconds to determine which person in this pic has the better genetics.
Better genetics
Other urls found in this thread:
The one on the right because he's not a nigger.
Better genetics for what? Writing a play? Or throwing a ball?
Right and sage.
Skinheads aren't white anyway
better genetics for getting white pucci obviously, so left is gonna get laid while right is teh cuck
The one on the left is clearly homosexual and won't pass on his genes. The one on the right may just do that. Point white guy.
Right one, being smarter has proven to be the best genetic attribute in all history. Ooga Booga on the left can throw all the spears he wants it won't stop him from being carpet bombed.
the chinlet because he's white
In terms of looks? Both look like shit.
Left looks like a woman and right has no chin. But atleast the one on the right is a human.
we need yoga mats for the mental gymnastics taking place in this thread
They both looks like raging homosexuals
I can determine that neither have a healthy diet.
I only see one person in that photo.
5 paypal yuros say the guy on the right is American
You mean rape
left is probably gay
Chinlets honestly need to be gassed. They're so revolting to look at.
>I needed 2 sec to realise that the left one was a Man.
Does the left one had a fucking car accident or smth ?
My brother?
Excuse me sir please do not compare gorillas to niggers.
This nigger has very European traits though. His nose doesn't look African at all.
Not a fair comparison. guy on right obiously has some defect or jaw eating disease. does he even have bottom teeth?
>any male who is outrageously better looking that me is probably gay.
u mad white boi?
I would say the one that is civilized enough to wear a shirt.
>nigger with a typical monkey face
>white guy with a jaw deformation
I can tell you which one can feed a family without ending up in jail.
>Black with European admixture
>Deformed man
>Thinking this is anything but a shill thread
>unemployed guy on the left will starve to death if employed guy on the right decides stops working
not a good long term plan you knee-grows cooked up here
The guy on the left is a fine fuck boy for a white CEO thats for sure and the one on the left is aight too he can be a janitor.
The one on the left definitely has a significant amount of white blood in him, also looks like a literal faggot. The one on the right is a skinhead and he could look much better but he chose to be a skinhead fatass, has better genetics but doesn't care about his body at all. Genetics and Physical Health are not the same thing.
>nigger with 80% white blood looks 10 times better than nigger with100% nigger blood
What a surprise
Also, black guy looks effeminate, which is a sign of high E levels
Whereas white guy is bald, which is a sign of high T levels
the one on the right
Whoever makes these types of threads should probably just kill themselves. They have no value what-so-ever and the time it takes op to make this shit and respond to every post is pathetic even by Sup Forums standards.
Jusy watch this. Make your own choice
>comparing rotten apples to pristine oranges
Intellectual dishonesty at it's finest.
Even your best-looking nigger still looks subhuman.
Which person would you want to call your neighbor?
Pic on right. Bigger cranium and genetically predisposed for bigger gains. Ugly, but this is the kind of person that made weapons of war that conquered peoples like the one on the left.
Me obvioisly, I am.the strongest and best.
oh c'mon Sup Forums stop being hypocrites the white numale, looks creepy and you wouldn't want to hang out with him if he was your friends, on the other side nigger is pucci magnet with whom you would hang out and get laid , nigger would have got top bitch and you would got the bitch not so hot freind
>hanging out with someone based on their looks
Kill yourself.
>this is the "white future" that Sup Forums is always chimping about.
Based Latvia user.
Just look at that man on the left. So masculine and handsome. He looks like he's eyeing a blonde wh*Te girl and knows he's gonna implant a beautiful black baby in her tonight. I can already feel the testosterone and sweat dripping down his beautiful black body as he penetrates a blonde blue eyed wh*Te girl. Every thrust the power and beauty of the black race.
Now look at the wh*Te dog on the right. He is a weak mongrel full of estrogen. He is probably a virgin or married to a sickly wh*Te girl. His own children are most likely half black. He is the weakest of the races and he knows it. He wears a chastity cage because he know he cannot compete with the BLACK man.
You would fap while sitting in a chair while your friend Tyrone harvests Latvian potatoes with his schlong.
Yes, what of it negro?
Nig on the left is mixed
White boy is right. Your place is the wingman while out there dicking down they Stacies.
I am only interested in iq and basic functionality
Person on left has average iq of about 80 and is predisposed to chronic hypertension, sickle cell, obesity, diabetes, and violent behavior.
Person on right is merely unattractive due to male pattern baldness and weak chin. But he has average IQ of 105 and no necessary genetic predisposition to disease.
Fpbp I think we're done here
This. He might look like some inbred but he could have better intelligence which is more valuable than a million niggers.
Gozer the Gozerian does. Can't top a god.
Can't have a glass jaw when you don't have one.
The one who doesn’t have the genetic predisposition to spurge out and murder people like a fucking pit bull... so right
The one on the left is a mulatto.
He only looks that good cuz his mommy's white.
One on the right is probably g*rmanic or slav(e)ic.
fuck off rabbi with your black v white race baiting.
We all know these threads are made by jews to distract anons from posting in or making jewish hate threads.
Ever wonder why there are no Jewish hate threads? This is why. Classic Jewish Sneaky tricks.
don't insult pit bulls
What a stupid picture to be honest. You could easily do the same thing for Asians.
Left looks mixed - right looks the product of interbreeding. Gotta go with left. Interbreeding is bad news and wrecks your genetics.
left, the right one is american.
degenerated non-vaccer, was diadnosed to have genetic ails that were determined early enough but the parents wanted to "keep it anyway" goes on Sup Forums and tells europeans what nation is white and which isn't.
> chin size > brain size
bix nood mufugga
t. scrawny mutant no chinned freak
being mixed is genetically superior to any race,beautiful curly hair, perfect skin complexion, fit and athletic body due to higher testoestrone from my black side, an iq of 137 from jewish side.
can any of you compete with these genetics ?
poor inferior specimens.
For getting white cock desu.
The one on the right...higher intelligence and physical deformity that cam be corrected with simple BSSO surgery.
There are no known medical procedures that can correct the genetic deficiencies of the subject on the left.
Which person in this pic has better genetics? Shill
the one on the right because he can at least produce a white person
as long as he isnt a libcuck, the white guy is alright with me, he can be improved, he can be remoralized
that's breathing technique you nigger
>jewish side
let me guess, your mom
>better genetics
In what sense? You can argue the rat or even common cockroach has much better genetics than the Siberian tiger in an evolutionary sense. Slight changes to the Siberian tiger's environment and increased pressure from slow 2-legged mammals in small portions of its massive range and it's nearly extinct, meanwhile the rats and cockroaches would still be here long after a nuclear apocalypse. This does not mean the rats are "better" or in any meaningful way more desirable than the Siberian tiger, Orca whale, timber wolf etc.