How harmful is caffeine really?
Can we hope to know the truth on this subject?
Or is there a caffeine conspiracy, hiding the truth about caffeine? Because coffee and tea are probably a billion dollar industry. I wouldn't be surprised if lots of money is pumped out to steer scientific publications etc. to say it's healthy and to make sure any information saying otherwise is kept from surfacing.
How harmful is caffeine really?
I used to see a homeopathic doctor way back before homeopathy was trendy. He told me once that if he has a patient addicted to tranquilizers, tobacco, and caffeine, the first thing he would take him off of would be the caffiene; said he knows what the tranquilizers and tobacco do to the body, but caffeine was a mystery.
I've read that caffeine is toxic to our nervous systems
>but caffeine was a mystery
Why a mystery? A cover-up? Also, just now I saw there was another thread about caffeine going but this is slightly different because I'm asking, he's stating as if he knows the truth, with his personal experience the only source from what it appears.
I hope you're trolling because if you don't find anything wrong with what he said you might be retarded.
whatever coffee does it is one of those things that obviously bothers some more than others I know plenty of people of advanced age who still drink it, I think it is probably really bad for some people though because of all the variables
Caffeine is really well understood though. I bonds to the adenosine receptors in your brain, blocking adenosine, which helps regulate sleepiness. The only downside is that of withdrawal, your body, lacking the adenosine, creates more receptors due to the excess of caffeine. This is on a long time scale though and is quickly reversible
It is a psychoactive drug which works on the nervous system but this doesn't have to be harmful
My grandpa drinks a pot of coffee every day and he's 90, so it can't be that bad.
The only negatives I know of caffeine is that your liver has to work to get it out of your system, and you can get minor withdrawals from it if you consume a lot.
Nothing serious for a healthy person.
Wait WHAT ?
Not trolling. That's what he said. This was like 30+ years ago though. But I liked the guy. Helped me and mine a lot when regular MD's couldn't or wouldn't. And he lived to be 94. Must've known something.
None in fact it is proven to prevent Alzheimer's
the oldest lived person ever smoked for an entire century though
Well, it definitely gets me through the day. However, don't let the caffeinated jew take control, because an addiction to coffee can indeed be harmful. If you need a pot of black gold in the morning, otherwise you start getting shivers - that's when you've crossed the line.
Is there any research into why caffeine produces a euphoric effect? It is like taking a small amount of cocaine or mdma or something for me
>30+ years ago
holy crap most of us on this site hadn't even been born yet. Don't really know the research back then but at least now coffee has been more studied. You should take a second look into it user
tea dindu nuffin m8
How harmful is dihydrogenmonoxide really?
Hmm caffeine isnt really my area of research but that is interesting. I really wouldnt know since ive never taken mdma or cocaine but I will look into it.
It does act upon neurotransmitters in the brain so it might make sense why maybe that occurs but I wouldnt know.
me in the middle
Caffeine is not harmful.
Stop using it as a crutch.
>homeopathic doctor
>effects of caffeine are mysterious
lol kys retard
Kek. A homeopathic "doctor". Way to fall prey to a snake oil scam artist. Fucking cuck.
Yea old fag here. Still drink 2 cups of coffee per day tho.
>quickly reversible
I hope, I've pounded coffee all day every day for ten years. Maybe 20 failed quit attempts. My mood and thought patterns and everything go to absolute hell when I try to kick.
God damn this demon drug.
It's relatively harmless. It shows more benefits in the long term than any of it's negative side effects (i.e. system flushing, withdrawals). Increases cognitive functions, alertness, attention span and some studies claim to longer your life span. If losing efficiency and gaining dependency, I stop for about 2 weeks to a month, and start up again. Never had any symptoms of withdrawals or any negative impact to my life. If anything, it impacted substantially positive.
Switch to meth bro, you'll never look back. Seriously, coffee is for plebs, true patricians smoke a bowl of crystal to get their day going.
Try and slowly cut back and drink lots of water. Not that you would need to ever quit, theres really no downside to prolonged use in moderation.
Just please dont do this:
I read or heard somewhere all the multi-billionaires use homeopathy.
It's a plant that grows in the erf so it's automatically good for us.
It's one of the few pleasurable things in life that's just plain good.
lol homeopathic doctor. the only mystery is how he calls himself a doctor.
>2 cups of coffee
Days I have work I sometimes drink like 5-6 cups or something. But the cups at work are more like half a cup.
Yeah, worked out really well for steve jobs.
Whatever jew, a bowl of crystal and I can shitpost for about 36 hours straight.
This user knows whats up
Hey man, I'm not judging, it's your funeral. I'll be over here enjoying my teeth.
Dentists are a jew conspiracy.
I feel better ever since I reduced my caffeine intake. Just throwing that out there.
Bruh. Haven't you heard of dentures? Teeth are for plebs.
caffeine raises blood pressure + dopamine = you're doped up
in war, caffeine will get you killed
look at peak athletes. they drink gatorade, nothing caffeinated, before playing
This niggah knows.
Oh shit. Dub.s confirm the dental jew
But tabbaco and coffee are good for you
That cuck must have gone to his local (((dentist)))
IDK about that but I had to drive a ways to see him. He had his own little lab, too. He used a lot of weird gadgets like a magna -therm machine you would lay down on and take a 45 minute nap in before he examined you. Best sleep ever. And he was a forerunner in using LLLT long before it became commonplace. I miss that old doc. /Pol tards can say what they will about me but that guy was a genius.
Caffeine is one of the worst drugs in terms of sleep quality and creativity. It kills both.
honestly, by the time it kills you youll be so old you were gonna die anyway, same with most things.
Yes, because (((they))) don't want Billionaires to live very long.
Their also on steroids you absolute 12 year old.
>uhmm gatorades good cause muh electralites
>oh no coffee is bad 4 u it's brown so it must be yucky and hurt you
Black coffee is perfectly fine and healthy
Saying shit like this is like saying milk is bad or eggs raise cholesterol.
Its true bro, (((they))) have a massive record of all the meth users, then sneak into their homes in the middle of the night to pull out their teeth. All in the name of profit. Its despicable.
Not to mention the cops who RPG the homes of those poor young entrepeneurs making the meth, then having the GALL to blame it on their innocent glass. GLASS LIVES MATTER!
picture in OP is actually very healthy with few if any negatives at all. however the additions people use for taste are what makes it just another energy drink/artificial stimulator
>talking out your ass 101
I quit caffeine 5 years ago and I'm telling you it was tougher than quilting alcohol, sugar, and tobacco combined. I don't think I could do it again.
i only went a few times in my life my teeth are mostly fine i had 1 cavity they said last time i went
Are you still off caffeine? What was it like? Are things better or worse?
it's bad for spiders.
Coffee (and stimulants in general) have a paradoxical effect on me.
Coffee makes me sleepy, no energy, etc.
We talked about this in a class once, and it's not as well understood as we think.
It is known that adenosine accumulates through the day, and correlates with increased drowsiness as the concentration increases and interacts with adenosine receptors...
However, it's still paradoxical.
Imagine a sinusoidal waveform of adenosine over 24 hour periods, reaching a minimal value after a long nights rest, and highest levels later in the day.
But, when does everyone NEED coffee? When is it most effective?
When you first wake up.
So, why is caffeine most effective at combating drowsiness when the level of adenosine is LOWEST if the arousal mechanism is based on altering the accumulation of adenosine?
>Jew detected.
Caffeine is the destroyer of Aryan creativity and only fit for consumption by bugmen
I drink a forty of tea a day and I'm fine. Cut out sugar since that's probably killing me faster than the caffeine but slower than the beer.
Maybe you metabolize it really fast and hit the crash part quicker than most?
>So, why is caffeine most effective at combating drowsiness when the level of adenosine is LOWEST if the arousal mechanism is based on altering the accumulation of adenosine?
Could it have something to do with it being a vasodilator?
there ain't no rhythm our rhyme to it. you'll come down with bowl cancer at 50, having done nothing.
>kills creativity
Interesting. Might be true. What's your source, personal experience? I'm not sure if it's coffee or my monotonous night shift job that killed my creativity.
Perhaps, but then we can toss the adenosine theory entirely.
I've had to come off the caffeine Jew once I developed insomnia and panic attacks. It helps but now when I do need a little pick me up some Pepsi works wonders although I don't get too buzzed since insomnia
Disagree, I'm a hardcore coffee addict. I am 10000% more productive with a cup of coffee next to me. That's when I just start working on my (((blog))) and shit for no reason.
Its most effective when adenosine is at its lowest because that is when it can block the most Receptors. Later in the day, as adenosine accumulates, less receptors are available for the caffiene to block. Hope that clears it up.
>this video is 10 years old now
>Perhaps, but then we can toss the adenosine theory entirely.
Not necessarily. It can increase alertness/decrease drowsiness in several ways at once.
No that still doesn't explain why it works. It would make sense if coffee made you more alert many hours later, but it doesn't.
It's a short acting agent.
Yeah, probably.
I have a funny liver, Gilbert's Syndrome or something, so maybe that's it.
There's literally nothing wrong with caffeine.
Kind of both. I noticed in myself that the less caffeine I drank the more 'childlike' and creative I was. I also read an article a while back which stated similar views, sorry though I can't remember where. I also worked the night shift and let me tell you it drained my soul after a few years.
Buy more coffee and give us more money hahahahahaha
If you don't like it then don't drink it, faggot.
This is why you people get fucked by the sand niggers so much, you count on government for everything.
Go for diet coke. Good amount of caffeine. Also get caffeine pills. 100mg (equivalent of a coffee cup) in each pill, you only really need just one.
Or go for green tea. It's got tons of caffeine-like shit in it that works the same way.
I beat the caffeine jew months ago.
What the hell is a 'do' flag?
>It's a short acting agent
Hence why you crash, the adenosine that was blocked rushes into the receptors.
>It would make sense if coffee made you more alert many hours later, but it doesn't.
Not really because like you said its a short acting agent.
I will reclarify and say caffeine is not my area of study so I may be wrong but that is how it works to the best of my knowledge
>some jackass can make a thread about just coffee on a political board
>yet /sig/ is somehow not allowed
Dominican Republic
Basically black people on an island who think they're white.
Mirin those digits, however you are wrong friendo
>coffee grounds plus hot water
Perfectly fine and healthy
>Decaf Soy Latte With An Extra Shot And Cream
Unhealthy as hell
Theirs a reason bugmen & nu males don't drink black coffee.
Black coffee Is redpilled.
Also if a drink kills your creativity you're probably as bland as a piece of cardboard to begin with
Oh it's totally how it's modeled, but it doesn't make any sense given when it's most effective.
As always, further research is needed.
Granted I'm going off of a 60yr old pharmacology professor's tirade on the subject, maybe he wasn't up to date.
Don't pretend you're not a bunch of fucking niggers too, Jamal.
If it's not organic, coffee is the most sprayed crop. So just be careful about it's source and moderate its consumption, otherwise you're getting a ton of chemicals.
Not sure if my job counts as proper night shift though. They usually call it evening. It's 1800-0315. But yeah I've been there for 1.5 year and I feel like a robot.
But again, if early morning has the least amount of adenosine, and the most free receptors...why would blocking them do anything?
I habitually drink coffee all day for weeks at a time and then go without for an equally long period. I suspect people make up the increased alertness part of it, I mainly drink it for the taste and like the combination of that and drinking it when it is maybe 3 degrees below unbearable-tier warm. So it definitely isn't addicting.
Marijuana on the other hand, is actually addictive.
>coffee makes you mentally AND physically addicted!
>marijuana only makes you think you're addicted
Health class teachers are the true niggers of society
Totally understandable. The right answer in science should always be to question results; Otherwise science will die at the hands of those who are dishonest with their intentions like (((Bill Nye)))
Thank's for the idea bob. Without coffe I was sleeping for 15 hours. Can't live without it.
>monotonous night shift job
What do you do?
Avoid using any rewarding drugs.
They alter your motivations.
clean and refuel buses
You sure that's not an effect from the sugar? lots of people load up their coffee with an absurd amount of sugar because the bitterness counteracts it.
>Avoid using any rewarding drugs.
Like sex and friends?
Endorphins, dopamine, oxitocin?
You niggers are mere machines and for some reason refuse to accept it.