How do we divide and conquer (((them)))? Which is to say, how to we turn the Israelis and the Diaspora kikes against each other, as they have been doing to us?
How do we divide and conquer (((them)))? Which is to say...
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kys reddit
fuck off kike. Nice try though. Back to r the donald with you
You're supposed to go after (((them))). They're a distraction from the Globalist Central Bankers, i.e. Rothschilds, Warburgs etc.
When the bankers rule the world, they won't need the Jews anymore. Keep in mind, 93% of humanity OR MORE (that's their first cut!) is planed to die.
wonder who's behind this post lol
this. bankers love antisemites because they make normies tune out.
They are already divided.
Our media has promoted antisemitism (controlled opposition), and in return more people are becoming antisemitic.
nice try again kike. Typical kike tactics are to call someone what you actually are. Clear that you want Israelis and diaspora kikes to be united.
Opinion Netanyahu Hates Israelis
Life in Israel under Netanyahu has been broken down into particles. The code is simple: Jew = right-wing = loyal = good Israeli; left = traitor = bad.
read more:
Stay mad shlomo, and keep posting in my thread
You typed reddit in the wrong box kike, you're looking for the URL bar.
This goy is dumb.
You are jealous of our wit and intellect, we own you, get over it.
"How do we do x" has always been pure bot spam. There has never been a legitimate thread or an intelligent sentence attached to that format. Do not reflexively reply, and understand that at least twenty to thirty threads here a day are illegitimate. A good thread generally has some kind of source, context, and argument. No OP consisting of a writing prompt or information solicitation -- especially if there is nothing else, if he addresses a monolithic pol, the picture is attention-getting porn, or as here the suggestion is something as utterly mindless as attempting to infiltrate the most tribalistic people on Earth -- can be legitimate.
that i do its why i called you a kike, you wallaby loving bushnigger
shlomo in tears right now, we will divide you
these type of posts are always bots or shit to deride attention. how the hell is an open ended question post going to do shit but make us circlejerk, dumbass
Benjamin Netanyahu is the best prime minister ever since for ever!
should be know !
there's absolutely nothing wrong with israel other than western jews convincing us to give money to them
You must push for a multicultural open borders isreal that needs to take in refugrees and migrants from africa. You must defeat them with their own dirty tricks and if they dont like it call them facist racist hypocrites.
poor shlomo, trying to keep the tribe together
what jews living in israel are telling you to destroy canada?
Bibi is a /our guy/ you fool
the point is to accellerate the division between Israeli jews and diaspora kikes, the division they are desperately trying to prevent
see ->
>It worked perfectly to deflect the U.S. president from pressing the relevant questions: “Bibi, you win every debate, but meanwhile every day the separation of Israel from the Palestinians grows less likely, putting Israel on a ‘slippery slope toward apartheid,’
oh, so now the slippery slope is real
Force them to confront their hypocrisy:
diaspora kikes are sweating blood as Israel gets more and more religious, more and more violent towards arabs each and every day.
there's absolutely nothing wrong with being violent towards arabs and liberals
100% agree
>death to the leftists
greatest ally!
But israeli jews ARE FUCKING BASED!
>value traditions
And the best of all
>BTFO mudslimes
The communist bankers jews are totally opposite to them and evil because they spread homosexuality and feminism.
>But israeli jews ARE FUCKING BASED!
Fuck off kike with your dumb Israelis aren't communists/globalists memes.
I hope mudslimes annihilate your bitch ass state soon.
you can try. unfortunately in a war, 9 times out of 10 the people with the higher IQ will win out over you
T. Abdullah who got BTFO by BASED israeli jews
Israel is a ethno nationalist fascist state that Sup Forumsyps can only dream of and it has nothing to do with the communist bankers that spread homosexuality.
you really can't. their (((tradition))) is too strong. their worst problem is their inherfent greed, they always overreach. the best you can do is shoah them when they get too greedy, like the past eight years
who is a member of a masonic lodge in your town ? find it out , put his name and photo on Sup Forums . repeat . make sure now freemason is able to act against your country .
open borders for israel.
no more jewish wars.
boycott jewish businesses.
vote out jew controlled politicians.
let the muslims take europe and nuke the shit out of israel if needed.
you are so smart that we killed 6mio of you , now the anglo has learned and soon you will die . Auschwitz II will be built in Australia . and 12 mio kikes will die there
countering their lies with truth.
For one, muh based semite shilling
>T. Abdullah
Hey JIDF uses a new name now, I was expecting t. ahmed.
>Israel is a ethno nationalist
Cool imagination kike, how could Israel be an ethno-nationalist state when there is no such thing as Israeli ethnicity and Zionists promote globalism for the rest of the world; they don't respect anyone else's nationalism.
Those kikes will be gassed soon.
we don't care if they are based or not, you fucking retard. You probably are an 85IQ arab. We are trying to set Israelis against diaspora kikes, as they have been doing to us. Fucking retarded naziboo. This is why you guys fail, you cannot into strategy.
Fucking retard. Just because you're a collectivist doesn't mean everyone else is
op - the best way is to expose them.
they hate being called jew. they hate people attacking israel. so we need more voices attacking israel like #open borders for israel or #free palestine tags
the jew will absolutely scream in agony if you attack their precious israel.
>Those kikes will be gassed soon.
Yeah sure. And while you wait for it enjoy your mulatto grandchildren.
Samefag harder kike. Somehow even an 85IQ t. abdullah can clearly see the identical sentence structuring.
Why can't we let them be in their containment zone? They are surrounded by sandniggers anyway, maybe the two problems will neutralize each other
Throw some pennies in the street
Nice try moron. The British tried to limit the amount of Jews that entered Palestine, and when they left Palestine they were hoping the Arabs would destroy the Jews. It's America who keeps giving foreign aid to Israel.
I have the same ID you fucking retard
You're probably a Jew shilling for Jewish unity, which is, lets face it, fast crumbling
or youre a nigger arab who is just plain stupid, like all inbred camel fuckers are
Just 20 or 30? I can pick out that many trolls in an hour.
And Sup Forums mods don't want you pointing out shit posts.
Netanyahu is good for his people, but poison to white people.
Pity Trump lied about America First. He's clearly Israel first. America is a distant 2nd.
Give money, arms, secrets, kill for and spill some blood, yes.
Here we go with the “nationalist Jews are based, right magapedes? xD” faggots again. All Jews are the enemies of whites whether they kill Muslims or they kill niggers. When they finish Greater Israel, do you really think they’ll be happy? They’ll come for you next. The Middle East is the last bastion of hope in eradicating those parasitic rodents. All Jews are filth, and so are you if you ally yourselves with them.