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rabbies do that all the time, yet they get away with it
Will MSNBC or CNN cover this?
they're all fake at this point
Horl hortler!
Fake hate crimes database. I refer to this often.
sigck HYLE!
OMG! She's spelling out HKI...which includes many of the letters of H-I-T-L-E-R.
This is pretty close to where I live. Southeast Michigan is cucked.
>sigck HYLE!
Of yeah. You're a nazi.
fucking kek
this is my university and i witnessed all the protests, anti-trump marches, student hall/classroom/board meeting protests that occurred as a result of this.
imagine my shock
About 15 minutes from me, too.
Remember last year (i think...maybe earlier this year), there was the mudslime at U of M that claimed 4 white guys jumped her. Turned out to be a lie and none of the papers or news stations covered it.
>ignore tens of thousands of instances of racism that happen every day in America
>focus on one false flag racist vandalism event
Sup Forums logic
>Racism is now a buzzword
>people just won't use fucking racial prejudice since it's a better catch-all
Quite the contrary, user. We see racism rather frequently. It's simply that blacks are the primary perpetrators of racism in America. When you graduate, you'll see it more and more.
btw, Tits of GTFO
(because we know that you're a girl)
With a blanket
Lol I can not believe nobody talks about these fake setups to make the right look bad. They make their own crimes put it on social media for attention.
Some racist would have done it eventually.
There was a lesbian couple over here who tried to make the life of an innocent family father a living hell. She also accused the local church.
The whole country took her side until some journalists did some detective work with the police.
And even then, the State attorney reopened the case because "we have to believe the victims!!!".
And the living hell of the family father continued.
Eventually the activist state attorney gave up in the face of overwhelming evidence of the lesbian being a lying cunt.
Can you post one of those examples?
Why do you even let the jews henchmen live in your space let alone the jews
A lot of that going around.
Its usually jews making up fake news and bs to race bait people to distract them from hating jews.
Honestly about half of the LP is fucked, northern LP is alright even with some of the Libshits.
Yooper master race.
No only Kikebart
Love these
Ha, ha everyone was so outrage.
Black man arrested. crickets
Hopefully someone murders this nigger.
>tfw go to this uni and called this from day one
have more