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Press D to dance on grave
Get in here
Press D to dance on grave
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I accidentally a word:
You should really post sources and other material if you want people to, "GET IN HERE!"
So what
>How dare anyone ask for a source for my claims
>What retard doesn't believe everything he hears on the internet?
(thanks for the bump)
I've never had to do it. People just 'google' it and the first result is always it.
Besides, not serious.
was wondering what happened to christopher steel last i read he was missing/not talking.
Looks like he's confirmed this was all paid for by the DNC too much winning.
Bump. I have no idea why this isn't a bigger story on Sup Forums right now. The walls just closed in on the Democrats.
The Washington Shitpost
If they are reporting something that hurts Clinton, they are trying to get ahead of something.
Bumpin all pertinent threads because Clinton and Obama are goin to jail.
Also checkin them digits
Clinton paid for a firm that discovered trump is a traitor
Trump Jr paid a foreign adversary to attempt to find dirt on Clinton
You assholes will still feign outrage here
go back to neogaf -- oh das rite, they shut that shit down due to hypocrisy.
>Trump pays for opposition research
>Clinton pays for opposition research
Who's saying that?
Not me. It's embarrassing for Clinton
fake news
It's funny actually.
Trump does opposition research and the goobs cheer.
Trump colludes with the Russians to do opposition research, and admits in a series of public emails. And the goobs cheer.
Hillary does opposition research, like every candidate since the dawn of time, and the goobs scream FELONY !!!!!, LOCK HER UP !!!, and of course BENGHAZI !!!! REEEEE!
you shareblue fags seem to be missing the part where Democrats in congress used Hillary's fake oppo research to launch an unprecedented investigation into the White House and accused the sitting President of being a traitor. Again, all based on a made up dossier created by the Clinton campaign itself.
Sorry, but your all going to jail.
Tucker is on fire tonight!
Actual Russian collusion involved millions going to the Clinton Foundation and the FBI hand delivering uranium to the russians.
they then used the dossier to obtain FISA court approved authority, which then was used to unmask intelligence files as they pleased. The word sedition comes to mind.
Thought that dead body was Seth Rich.
Actually, not just yet. Make sure to drag it out, since she's off her rocker with the public pronouncements. It's too delicious.
Comey needs to burn
Yeah, Comey should get the lock-up. He has no other good role to play.
Although it would be funny if he skipped the country. I think I would be OK with that as long as the matter were pursued further anyway.
Flip it around, use it against yourself. This fallacy is so common it needs a name.
A lot of it was already known. We knew since Jan that a GOP member started the project and then the DNC picked it up.
The linkages between the Clinton Campaign and the DNC and Dossier are clearer now. The Dems don't care, they say if it is real then it doesn't matter that it was paid for by the most corrupt politician of our time.
Didnt comey just sign up for twitter the other day??? watch him delet his account as quick as he started it.
if anyone wants
tu quoque?
I follow politics pretty closely and I am not sure why this is significant although I think I remember reading it was supposedly financed initially by Republican opponents of Trump so has that been proven false?
the fuck they just cut me off and want my provider
>as if
They are spinning as the dossier still being potentially legit and they are also going out of their way to distance Clinton and the DNC by pointing out it was one guy acting on their behalf multiple times.
The dossier shit is hilarious, we are coming up on a year with Trump as president and they still have nothing.
Did he? That sounds foolish. He's all set to just slink off to a life of giving expensive dinner speeches or retire into a law firm or investment bank or whatever.
Trump never paid, he was offered it for free and turned out to be bullshit.
reminder that the steele dossier = shitposting
normies will try to spin this and say it was perfectly normal opposition research.
Leftists can't meme
BREAKING: Gowdy Opens Investigation Into DOJ's Exoneration of Hillary Clinton
Clinton pays for the fake dirt, Obama’s admin uses fake dossier paid for by Clinton to start unmasking and spying on American citizens. SOFT COUP attempt ensues.
>press D
b-but that just steers to the right, senpai.
Just follow him on twotter
I don't even really know how twatter works.
i bet the media matters/shareblue office is a total shitshow right now.
Remember that Fusion GPS tried to get a court order to stop lawmakers seeing their bank records
>genuine national security concerns
>but you can't know who are clients are for some reason
>lol wtf?
Even CNN reported it. Obama and Hillary and their allies are so used to doing whatever they want that it didn't seem to occur to them how absurd a request that is.
So I guess Fusion GPS will have their bank records examined, the Hillary team know this and obviously also know the records will show clearly that the Clintons did indeed pay.
So they're getting ahead of that.
it's on the front page of the WAPO this might actually be a big deal.. IDK im desensitized to this shit. lol this place will make you think ww3 isnt a big deal
All the soros bucks on earth can't teach them to stop being retards. I hope enough of them realize their 'webtools' are all the evidence anyone ever needed to end them.
>I follow politics pretty closely
me too
>I am not sure why this is significant
lel, retard
>I think I remember reading it was supposedly financed initially by Republican opponents
shill confirmed
first day a-shillin' are ya?
>Trump colludes with the Russians
What is fucking hilarious is this stupid Russian shit backfiring can be pinned on Podesta since it was his idea. The worst campaign in Human history that didn't still hasn't quite. Losing isn't good enough, he's managed to destroy him and Clinton ever further by directing accidentally directing everyone to their nonsense.
The fail is mythological in scale
Learn to type leaf nigger. But yeah it's awesome. Also, it's destroying the establishment of BOTH parties. And maybe the intelligence agencies too.
Make sure to let them know DNC/Hillary campaign money was, through intermediaries, paid to foreign agents INCLUDING RUSSIANS for this info, much of which may or may not be true.
Meaning they may have helped the "Russian influence campaign" directly, with funding.
Couple things really fast
- tucker said they spoke to a source interviewed by mueller, source used to work for podeata group AND PODESTA AND MANAFORT WERE TRADING CLINTONS INFLUENCE
- lou dobbs said the fbi informant gag order could he lifted by tomorrow
It really is happening. I'll have to start paying attention to this.
>Dotard Trump's retarded son pays for information from a Russia agent
>Dumbass National Committee pays ex British agent for information
Meaning? That they were facilitators for Hillary/Bill's bribery scam?
No one has ever alleged Trump Jr. paid the Russian lawyer, and everyone involved acknowledges that he wasn't interested in the "info" presented.
What the fuck is wrong with his typing?
A leaf said something good, isn't that enough?
Speak again
We know you don't belong here. Quit wasting your time, you will only make more of us.
Sounded like they lobbied specific people into positions in the US state department - it was tuckers openning monologe
Reverse a livestream vids not up on youtube yet
Not him but it's all fucked up, I'm guessing he's on a phone because I've had posts come out that way when I'm phoneposting.
Yep it's not. And you're a faggot. On day of the rake, you go too.
Not just that, it's almost school time. Shortly, I personally WILL be teaching others how to track down these faggots. And how to make them think twice. It's too hott right now. But, with 1-2 days you will laugh at how easy it is. These faggots are in wayyyyyyyyyyy over their heads. Btw, they are bought and paid for by the DNC.
that horse is in some serious pain
You faggots can't get anything right, you are going to keep losing, and it makes me smile.
Find a nigger's cock, and suck it.
Clinton paid a foreign intelligence agent to procure harmful information on her political opposition.
Literally what they've been accusing Trump of. Funny how that always happens.
Reminder that shareblue took over Reddit and raided this place BEFORE they started calling everything Sup Forums does and anyone with right wing views "Russian".
Reminder that Dems said Trump supporters would be violent BEFORE they themselves became violent.
Reminder that Dems said Trump supporters wouldn't accept the results of the election BEFORE they themselves did exactly that.
I could go on. But you get the point.
Will its hoof grow back?
And your on the list. Injoy your time in the camps faggot.
in that particular pic i think the horse is already dead.
I guess some faggots just need to find shit to bitch about.
As you were, private.
Its a dead leg used for educational purposes to show the laminae
t. horseman
Grammar. Nigga do you even use it!
Of course you shitlords and your right wing media are creating new distractions once again. The problem - for you guys- is that truth will prevail
That's good to know. Do their hooves ever get ripped off?
Says the faggot still bitching who obviously didn't even read the first post because all he knows is ironic white knighting. Kys, sweetie. You're bad at what you do.
go back to the original reporting on this and show me why what has been revealed today materially changes anything about the story?
You fag
Guys, it's nothing. I'm getting sleepy. Almost 9pm on the east coast. Let's get some sleep, guys.
>Carlson said in his opening segment that, according to a source Mueller is looking into the Podesta Group, a lobbying firm with close ties to Hillary Clinton, over spreading Russian influence in the United States during Barack Obama’s presidency.
>Carlson said, “The central effort to extend Russian influence was focused on the executive branch, the Obama administration. The vehicle through which [Paul] Manafort worked for the Russians was a shell group called the European Centre for a Modern Ukraine. The group was supposedly based in Belgium but had no offices there. It had only two employees, both based in Ukraine.
9PM EST means it's just about time for the Trump Phenomenon. An hour of comfy Trump cheer leading and white nationalism.
and meanwhile He'll be President for the next 7 ½ yrs.
Have you delved into the world of husbandry yet?
lol shitlords... cmon tumblerina get better insults
fake news. Turning a Trump investigation into a Hillary incarceration is colossally retarded.
Only horse blowies are allowed here atm
Hey Colonel J
Shitlords is a term created by CTR/American Bridge/DNC
Pay attention to their language. They are faggots. And speak like children, because they have the mind of a child.
Lmfao mueller on suicide watch!