Is it possible to make this community more right-wing? Reddit is now more left than ever. It's hopeless, I think it's even more left than tumblr.
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why dont we just make them dead?
Hmm, what is r/The_Donald?
95% of /r/The_Donald users have below 60 IQ
Why go to reddit in the first place? Serious question.
Huge number of normies on reddit
Ignoring it comes at a cost, they become ever more left-wing over time if they stay.
I know Sup Forums doesn't like it (rightfully so) but fighting or subverting reddit should be a large priority.
this is the average reddit comment chain
let have a chat about that ifunny watermark
Absolute cancer
"Normies" don't browse Reddit you autist. Go outside for once.
yeah they do
what subreddit??????????
Not sure it's possible, it's a self-reinforcing echo chamber. There are right wing subreddits, but many of the more extreme ones just get shut down. And most redditors don't care
probably /r/lewronggeneration if I had to guess.
That place is pure cancer
> US soldier with Thompson Submachine gun
Nah, that'd never happen, that thing might have been revolutionary at the time, but not that time and now it's a jamming piece of shit.
Although I'm not disagreeing with you. kike lovers who won't admit their sins deserve nothing but the future they chose; slavery or death
>r/The_Donald is a right-wing community
>95% of /r/The_Donald users have below 60 IQ
Really makes my marbles pound.
It is literally impossible. They aren't wrong, they are mentally ill.
This poster could not address my point, so they dug my history instead and used it as an excuse to not further discussion. Insanity ensues.
They're boomerpilled
Probably not. Talking about factual things that normies don't like such as racial differences will get you downvoted and buried, or banned and scrubbed. It's curated dialogue, aka a bunch of impotent bullshit.
post more of this convo pls
No, it's impossible, there is no going back for that place.
Anytime a right-wing sub gets too popular, it gets purged, and if a mainstream sub gets too right-wing then the mods crack down on problematic posts and comments.
Fuck reddit, let it die.
Perhaps it will violently and suddenly implode one day, like NeoGAF.
The_donald claims to be mainly pol you know...
>le jews have le high eye-cue
this myth needs to die a horrible death
a place you should go back to
/r/communism needs to go.
Impossible. Reddit's owned by same people as NYT and Conde Nash. Mods are chosen to push Marxist agenda. Reddit is compromised. Your question is like asking if the Southern Poverty Law Center can be redpilled.
The most popular promoted subreddits are all heavily moderated echo chambers. There are far more right wingers on there than you realize. Those subreddits get suppressed and censored into oblivion.
The sole reason I don't go there.
Fuck having a backlashing presence online just give everyone a new id each thread and let the talk be the talk instead of the members.
>People that browse Reddit take themselves too seriously.
No, but we should make it more offensive
And whats with the fucking +1^
If you have nothing to add just lurk.
Appeal to their left wing sensibilities. Point out that Israel is an apartheid state:
Umm.. they're all HERE
True patriots.
That's literally it. I made some comment in response to leftists freaking the fuck out over the presidential pet, particularly one comment about how Don doesn't understand public appeal. The only thing I said not included in the cap was:
>He has CNN reaching new heights of pettiness over inaction on what is arguably the least important thing imaginable. Whoever asked the question prompting this response should be ashamed of themselves.
>I find the whole thing pretty appealing.
Unable to argue the fact that this is the least important thing ever and they are all ridiculous, they dug into my history.I had posted an article about the Israeli PM and they projected (correctly I suppose) that view onto me. Now that they have successfully proven that I am aligned with the Israli PM, it is clear I am a neo nazi and must be ignored.
r/The_Donald is like /ptg/
except /ptg/ is filled with rural neckbeards while r/The_Donald is more like urbanized rural homo-nonsapens breed. Both developed an addiction to drink Drumpf's semen through a straw. Daily.
Considering Sup Forums has turned both /lit/ and Sup Forums into right wing boards, I don't think it would be impossible to colonize a few key subreddits and change the narrative.
Communal moderation, tyranny of the quick ultra-minority. if like 6 people downvote you your shit gets hidden and if you get downvoted enough you are essentially time-banned between each post.
point to
All spot on. If the left truly believed they were right, they wouldn't close off discussion in the fir
st place
Does anyone have that pic of the fat neet with the "trump is my president" shirt and a pepe cake? He had a bunch of ice cream and chips next to his tv during inauguration too. Ive been looking everywhere for it
checked for truth. It is possible, but is exceedingly difficult due to the upvoting and downvoting process, and the fact that upvotes can be removed at will, in an abritrary manner, by admins.
The best bet for making Reddit more right wing is to ask pointed question in AskReddit. Things like "what do you like about Christianity?", "What was something that used to be acceptable, now isn't, but should be?"
"What is an old fashioned way of being that should be brought back"
"What is the trashiest thing you've ever seen?" (use trashy instead of degenerate while posting on reddit)
I really think that subs like r/AskReddit and r/Showerthoughts are the best means to redpill the community there.
The only way to make reddit right wing is to post naive, innocent sounding posts that people instinctively agree with. It can't be overtly political, or people will prevent themselves from agreeing with it if they know it's posted by a Trump supporter or general conservative.
The few times I go on Subs of Reddit I always see retarded posters like this. They’re so fucking stupid. I only go on Reddit for a few hobbies, I can’t stand that place.
Never going to happen. Put it this way
>is it possible to make Sup Forums more left-wing? Sup Forums is now more right than ever. its hopeless. I think its even more right than stormfront
>discussing r*ddit here
I stand with Israel along with my fellow Kekistanis! We aren't racist like the democrats. Shadilay!
You need to get moderator positions.
That’s how the SJWs did it. They got into the moderator positions and slowly took over the site.
Don’t push conservative ideas, just refuse to censor stuff and it will move to the right.
Start with city and country boards, those are the most open to influence.
TRP is the only reason to visit Reddit unless you enjoy seeing liberals having a circlejerk.