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uh oh, i think they ought to worry about incarceration instead
Wrong, shitlord.
London will remain brown.
fucking nice. finally
Reminder /ourfash/ was involved in this.
Nice. We need a group like them.
Oh yes the identitarians will accomplish something.
Presumably they were immediately incarcerated for hurting someone's feelings and having an unlicensed banner
their movement fucking sucks theres tons of jew followers that think cuckstians are european even the ones in France have crosses fucking idiots bitchheads
This is an OUTRAGE.
These people should be in PRISON.
Martin gib a Ruh
>stop islamization
this is why you fuckers are going to be slaughtered
We are here
It's not racism if we didn't get nicked.
Some of you cunts need to convert to Islam and go all Guy Fawkes. Why does parliament look so shitty? May aswell kill 2 birds 1 stone.
more like (((martin)))
They were doing renovations.
Was I supposed to have read that in this fella's voice?
Is this the new clock tower under renovation?
They're remaking it into a minaret.
Go away, MI5.
and here come the shills........... 3....2.....1
That's where the terror attack happened right? Was wondering why hang it over a river instead of a major road
>White beauty standards forced into your head at a young age
>She clearly doesn't do natural hair
>White beauty standards are bad
>Literally uses white beauty standards
This is why i havent dated in so long. Till all this dies down and they see how stupid they are.
>and they see how stupid they are.
Have you even met people?
Yes, Westminster bridge
im literally on campus, in a city. Yes i've met people, and yes they are really this ignorant.
Don't forget this is america so we're not the brightest either.
There's identity europa in america, not I guess it's not the same thing.
Nice. I heard a chapter is setting up here in leafland, hopefully they get up to some of these publicity stunts. Isolation is the most powerful weapon of the left and it's in full force up here, we need some people to show that we're not all insane so we can get a real right-wing movement going. It also outright terrifies lefties.
>teeth appreciation
Have you niggers realized than most niggers have very white teeth?
I wonder what it could be?
Is that an Overwatch symbol?
I would go through great lengths to have a girl this hot. Yet there she is, never going to walk. Never going to smile again. Never going to come home to her mom. Yet here I am, a year later with the picture saved on my computer, as a remind of what happens when men are weak. Protect your women, even if they don't want you to.
I asked a black girl once and she couldn't say
She just said; genetics I guess
>Islam raises crime rates
>I-it's not Islam's fault!
>Terrorists cite Allah and Islam as motive
>I.. uhm, wonder why they did it. I haven't a clue :(
>White people discriminated against every single day
>Rape cases silenced because "muh racism"
>Thinking Islam has anything to do with race other than the subjugation of the white race
>Upset when people get upset
How odd.
Do you not want to preserve democracy? White nationalism poses a significantly greater threat to Western democracies; its supporters and sympathizers have proved, historically and recently, that they can win a sizable share of the vote as they did this year in France, Germany and the Netherlands — and even win power, as they have in the United States.
You actually believe it was real?
So she admits that niggers are genetically different from other races. Made me think.
>woman in the city
m8 there's like a 95% chance she was leftwing as fuck
she chose her own fate
Us white people must remember the need for repressive tactics in times like this. In past circumstances the speeches of the fascist and nazi leaders were the immediate prologue to the massacre (for instance the Holocaust) the distance between the propaganda and the action between the organization and its release on a unsuspecting people had become too short, but the spreading of the word could've been stopped before it was too late. If democratic tolerance had been withdrawn, when the future leaders started there campaign, mankind would have had the chance of avoiding auschwitz, and a world war.
Everyone just needs to stop hating each other and get along. I think we should love one another no matter the skin color, race religion or gender
Repressive tolerance is needed.
that "girl" is actually a 30-40 year old french mother. Look up the victim list
>Multiculturalism struck London too and most of Europe and North American
Ignore alarmist that use cases of crime in which immigrants are involved to stir up outrage, people like this don't deserve the right to speak freely or a platform to speak from.
Nice bum tho m8
Fear of jihadists (who pose a genuine security threat) and animosity toward refugees (who generally do not) have been conflated by these people in a that allows far-right extremists (like himself) to seize on Islamic State attacks as a pretext to shut the doors to desperate refugees, many of whom are themselves fleeing the Islamic State, and to engage in blatant discrimination against Muslim fellow citizens.
Theyre really deluded as to why. I had a nigger give a presentation, she was saying how white people banned African American women from showing their natural hair. But yes they then let them imitate white women.
it's all contrast
Yeah, is definitely not like importing people who believe in what is shown in (webm related) would be a bad idea, right?
Waiting for the American branch like
I am loving Maigret, I especially love that plebs hate it.
>Muslim refugees
>Fellow citizens
Pick one, sand niggers are not welcomed. Also why Europe? Israel hasn't taken any influx, let them be multicultural this time
Why can't we fucking kill them all, this is the upper echelon of rage-inducing gore
What is the biology of the blood in that webm. I just don't see where the pressure is coming from.
Fuck yeah
Good English lads
Why? Literally 1/4th Israel's population is Muslim?
No quality photos of the Parliament until 2021. But damn it I'm still gonna visit the place.
the pressure comes from a big fuck off rock m8
im fucking crying mate lol
Pro Israel pro Israel pro degeneracy BASED ENGLAND LADS
>11 people with a big banner
That’ll stop the terrorist rape gangs.
Probably from cerebral inflammation, maybe..? (engineering major, not biology) I could guess that might be the cause, but I can confirm you that human blood looks like that, when it's fresh from the body.
Nah, kill the Jews, the Muslims are just worthless paws
That's a bigger lie than the holocaust
Nice pic, hope it was worth getting raped by sandniggers in the gulag though
>Let in a million low IQ Arabs and Africans
Population dysgenics.
>Convert to Islam and start marrying your cousin like Mohammad the Perfect man
Population dysgenics
Gee, I fucking wonder who's behind this "solution".
wrong post
why are they putting a burka on big ben?
Starting an American branch is impossible. Why? Because the entire movement is based off the indigenous people. In America it would literally have to specify that it was a white only group in plain words; which sounds a lot worse than
"Maintaining the culture of the people who live here" which is basically Gen_ID entire premise. But they do advocate against white genocide so they've been called all the names in the book. I would join an American version.
Their optics are so fucking comfy and ACCURATE.
Those three words never get though the American dissident right and always get buttfucked by the Feds because of it. Maybe (100%) Americans are dumb.
Wow she's pretty hot
Let's use Occams Razor.
What makes more sense: That the Nazis, a anti-semitic group who rose to power and commited Genocide against Jews (alongside other groups) in the places they controlled using death camps that they documented, listed, and built.
It's all a massive global conspiracy in which everyone involved, from world leaders to actual jews who lived through the events are lying and making up claims that a genocide happened and that the Nazis who had plans to actually kill jews were really just good guys.
My grandparents even died in the Holocaust hell. Kill all nonwhites is all you will ever say, only the blonde haired blue eyed people deserve to live. Does this really sound rational to you?
Trump lepen represent white nationalisme :D
how is this racist?
Fuck Islam
Arabs are okay if they aren't fucking brainwashed by islam.
London needs some cleansing of that filth ideology.
Sodomites are better than Muslim
>democratically win an election using fair rules that have existed since the republic's creation
>waahhh wahhh threat to democracy waahhhh
It's micropolitics. It will do something. They banned the Burkas in Austria for instance.
You know how loose that slag's ass is m8?
(To understand Hitlers "Reich")- Imagine a country letting its cruelest people take charge, Imagine giving these people the power of life and death over a whole nation. Imagine a nation where children are taught to be tattles and tell the secret police about anyone who protests even their parents. Imagine a nation that burns the books of the greatest writers because it fears and hates ideas and truth. Imagine a nation that kills people because it doesn't like their religion or ideas, or they're handicapped. This is what happened in Germany in the 1930s. Germany no longer even attempted to be a democracy. It willingly became a dictatorship. This is what "National socialists" want to restore. So "Normies" is this what you want?
>believes this is democratic wants to bring this back
White beauty standards are only bad if I don't have features that match them.
>Let's use Occams Razor
Good, so 6,000,000 jews were disposed of in two years, were even with high ally surveillance, they managed to never get caught, also Leuchter report and Rudolf report being false, even without any counter research, not to mention documented evidence of "final solution" = Madagascar (also false right?), Mathematical impossibilities of burning 1 Million Jews just at Auschwitz, but math is racist so it doesn't matter, rabbit farms that never existed, Ziklon-b = pesticide for HUMAN use, yet it kills us, using fuel to burn Jews at the end of the war, several more inconsistencies that need to be false for the holohoax to be real, i.e. Holo survivors claiming Lion cage fights
The holocaust = labor camps (usual from the time, everywhere in the "civilized" world) where a typhus epidemic and starvation caused by bombing killed many jews, but nowhere near a six figure number
>Kill all nonwhites
Literally that's not Nazism, only kill Jews for the problems they cause to humanity as a whole
>My grand parents died in the Holocaust
It didn't happen though, they must died of anal cancer for getting to much dick through the ass. Don't act innocent, fucking kike.
Get in here. Evidence of pedophilia in Hollywood.
A farmer that cannot be cruel when necessary will not be a farmer very long.
The same rule applies to nations.
You just claimed above that documents can be faked. If you won't trust the credibility of Holocaust documents why should I trust the credibility of your documents?
She has a point. she probably would be pretty if she was white. Right now she looks like a white girl that buried her face in shit
What convinces me are the numbers, the documents are just picked to what makes more rational sense according to the numbers.
They should have worn dust masks like the Japs.
Let's hope they don't die after 3 months in prison like the bacon guy.
Islam is not a religion.
Has Mummy May cracked down on those evil right-wing extremists and thrown them all in prison yet?
There's Identity Evropa, but they're basically just pawns of Spencer
The point of my statement is that even if I provide you with the actual documents you'll claim they are all fake. There's not point in even trying.
Also a cursory search on the internet (as you recommended) has proved your almanac theory as false.
>Holocaust denial proponents point to the World Almanac for proof. The 1940 edition listed the world’s Jewish population at 15,319,359. By the 1949 edition, deniers assert, that figure is listed as 15,713,638. How could six million, over one-third of all Jews in the world, be murdered and the population increase?
>Historians immediately point out that the 1949 World Almanac does not list that figure for the world Jewish population. Instead, the increased number was taken from an erroneous Senate Judiciary Committee report in 1950. Anybody looking in the 1949 World Almanac would instead see the figure of 11,266,600, along with a revision of the 1939 population upwards to more than 16-and-a-half million.
Though I'm sure you'll claim this person is in on the conspiracy too.
I never said that, I would use the documents against you
especially when you consider sh'e 41 years old
You're probably trolling, no one can be this retarded
>an almanac with several dozen researchers, as well as a judiciary committee and all the editors made a mistake of one of the most statistically relevant demographics of the decade that they had years to confirm
get fucked nigger