There is no way this shit is going to happen. Right? 18B dumped by Soros. 24m to BLM. Ms-13 to team up with BLM and other gangs. Is it plausible that ISIS would join up with these other faggots to try and destroy this country?
Are these faggots serious
I already talked to my neighbors we have a battle plan supplies and trained gun hands. We good.
So question
Pissing on their posters and leaving them up
a lot of the posters near here are black/white and the urine would really show up
i'm just worried i'm getting into the "Be offensive for the fuck of it" teretory, I want to maintain an overall narrative
to clarify I normally tear them down and leave some anti-antifa stickers or trump stickers higher up so it's a pita to clean them
they will just take over the cities and end up killing themselves
move to the country and defend your property, join a militia
ISIS would join ANYBODY to destroy our country.
oh BTW op
that poster cost a LOT. don't fuck it up with some rebar or like tear it with your hands because sorros needs every penny
I love the inclusion of Pence, and the frequent thought that Pence would be worse when people talk about impeaching Trump.
>Trump is an evil fascist Hitler monster undermining our country!
>but what would be really bad would be if a staunch Christian was governing the country
And then they go back to pretending it's not that they're intolerant to half the country, it's just Trump is a bad man or something.
I live in an extremely redneck/conservative area. I’m not too worried around here
There was a group called "World Can't Wait" which had some kind of plan to hold mass rallies around the country and "peacefully force the Bush regime to abdicate power" on some set date back during the W administration.
I predict that this will be as successful.
It'll be another Wall St style protest where they're around for a couple of days, then leave. However, those first couple of days will have some great footage of these scumbags getting wrecked. I'm only slightly interested because of that.
That is what I call a GET
Except for the retarded, would someone with half a brain take any of this seriously?
>trump/pence regime
Nigger do you even know what a regime is?
So once this shit is over do you think well see another weather underground? They got started after a riot.
i ain't clickin that shit, nigga
Nothing will happen.
Do remember, though, that the Bolsheviks had multiple raids / riots / revolts before they had any real success.
If this is a long term program of theirs then get a rifle and train.
If, like me, you live in a socialist occupied state learn who your local Commies are.
Just in case.
If this shit gets real then so be it.
I know how to use a gun in a defensive capacity and will do so as needed.
>liberals unironically believe they are in white supremacy fascist zeitgeist
Brain problems. They are just upset a whitey is president.
Of course they can only protest through coon tunes
Nothing to worry about, those stupid fags are a bunch of big talkers, they think that issuing imperatives and wishing really hard will their delusions real. The process of electing and replacing presidents is quite clear, and low IQ children making demands won't change it. No matter HOW much they throw around words like "absolutely" and "must", and pretend everyone thinks the way they do, when clearly over 60 million of us do NOT.
>day after day night after night
looks on track to be as successful as Occupy.
These people need to get a fucking job
How do they even survive?
>tfw in the national guard
I hope they do something
kek, you literally swaggered your fat ass over to your neighbours house and said to them "huurrrrrrrrr ya know on nobembah tha 4th theres gonna be a hella shootin, you going to be on my team pardnah?"
you fucking fat useless american cuck. o i am laffin boy kekekek fatcunt LARPers always give me a cack. you fucking gaycunt. you FUCKING gaycunt. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA actually went and did battle strategies with his LARPy neighbour too kek you fatcunt!!!! hahahahahAAAAAAHAHAHAHA. i hope you accidentally discharge your weapon and kill your neighbours wife or something you stupid, pathetic scared little gaywad.
>november 4th
>s-shit, we better watch out for those hectic progressive student focus-groups that are coming for us
As it is written, thy will be done
why would they pick the beginning of winter to stay out on the streets?
I can't really "have your back" - but if it came to it I would have your back.
a great way to get a taste of the martial law
because they dont think user. they dont think. drumpf has clouded their reasoning
Douse the streets in gasoline as they march by, then light em up.
Using guns will just make it more political and making martyrs out of a few will just make it worse. Fists, batons and shields will take too long and not as effective.
Set dozens or hundreds of them on fire at once, then they will be dealing with the burns and damage for a long time, eliminating numbers to move between cities. In addition, you have the psychological effect of their screams and minor burns existing as a deterrent and moral killer for many other's, reducing their numbers further or making them less effective.
Not trying to be an edgy faggot, but it would be a new tactic in guerilla warfare that would be effective when handling larger numbers. Them already boxing themselves in streets makes the tactic more effective. Block as many exits as possible with vehicles or barriers, dump the barrels into the streets, throw a couple flares and that's it. Through the panic of trying to escape, the ones who do will disperse, causing little damage elsewhere.
Following this tactic, you would consolidate collateral damage to an isolated area that would most likely be covered by almost any property insurance. This would also prevent or minimize further damage throughout the city and in the future since you have created a deterrent and reduced their numbers.
Them trying to "unite" is not as effective as a tactic as they think it is. It just makes it easier to blanket attack them and use their own injuries to demoralize others in the concentrated area.
lighting people on fire is pretty rude, user
I live on a conservative university campus, I expect a small number of days wandering around in the academic plaza while everyone gets on with their day
>all this text and this limp wristed bitch doesn't even own a gun
When the FBI comes to visit you, tell them agent WL5 says hello.
>isnt familiar with australian gun laws - gets his information from john oliver
>brags about his guns but his government is occupied by zionists which he does nothing about
>muh guns
>doesnt use them
>53% and SHARPLY plummeting
kek stay mad m8.
They live off NEET/autism bucks. They just hang around and do drugs at coffee shops all day.
So this is the power...of Australia...
>Ms-13 to team up with BLM
Bullshit. if there is something that a spic can't tolerate is a nigger
It is a LARP. Let's face it; there won't be anything except for some useless marching in cities which are already 70%+ shitskin (like LA, NY and Chicago.) They'll shout and carry their little Soros funded signs, they'll loot and life will go on as normal.
im sorry user it just spilled out. its like 10am on a wednesday and im drunk
For safety just keep your equpment with you when possible and barricade your windows
It will sway the public opinion in our favor. Also, would be fun to put trump stickers on cars of known leftists during the march
Aww, these fucking nobody's got btfo in stl last time and don't want to come back. Guess they'really just gonna pout in the cities that literally already agree with them. Gr8 strategy fags.
>leftists want to turn themselves into a nightmare that must end
well alright
I'm just going to go ahead and post this again....
president ryan and castro jr would be one pathetic duo
I love you cunt user
Yeah, it was a bit overboard of a theory. I am honestly hoping it all just a larp on their behalf. I'm really hoping it doesn't escalate into some sort of civil war but it's looking that way.
But if you are in a civil war, uniting in enclosed areas would make the tactic seem effective. Hypothetically at least.
It's also one of my concerns with Trump voters going through the streets. Antifa wear masks and have shit tons of funding. They could end up doing the same thing and would be easier for them.
Though, this was just a hypothetical tactic. I'm not so sure how it would even work. Most people wouldn't even be able to afford to pull it off. And it would be even more difficult trying to plan routes.
Oi ya fucken dole bludging cunt. Im at work you should be too. Cunt
Any yet they forget the frontline military veterans and active duty troops are OVERWHELMINGLY pro-trump.
This will be fun to watch. I should buy a bigger umbrella to keep the entrails from raining down on my good suit.
How likely is this?
>imagine no police
anarchy? that would just turn into the drama shit on walking dead
>oh, i don't like you. i'll just kill you then
let's talk again in a few months
This guy reads off a warning from a source that claims the following:
-antifa has 800k members most ages 18-26
- blm recived 18 million dollars
-ms13 joining
-1200% uptock in leftist groups buying guns and ammo
- trump supposedly deputized and is training response forces
-all this done to protect hillary and co from prosecution
>refugees are welcome as long as they arent driving
>tfw live in Portland
>tfw work in downtown Portland
>tfw waiting sheriff to call for CCL
I'm not gonna make it, am I bros?
can't wait to watch police fuck these kids up while sipping hot chocolate in bed. hopefully another pepper can to the nuts
quads confirm
only leftist strongholds will be harmed by leftist violence.
>because fascism
funny because fascism was invented in reaction to the extremist violent communism. Hmmm, for some reason these idiots changed their name to "anti-fascists" when they are actually the creators of fascism indirectly.
I'm ready for war. Nice of them to skyline themselves. They better not try anything stupid in that spotlight.
just another reason im glad i voted for him.
See Mike Strickland. Avoid shooting until your face is bleeding, and you're on the ground.
thats just how every black majority city in america already is.
this is satire...
you will never ever get this point past their cognitive armor and to try is to lose the fight.
all we have to do is turn blm against antifa and watch them rip each other apart
Welfare/soros bux
>Alaska NATO controlled
Glhf with that
is that the acronym you use for concealed carry?
Pretty funny post actually
Let them try. I keep a shotgun with me in my moms basement.
is this a dude?
CCL = Concealed Carry License
Nothing will happen.
i've mostly seen CCW
Nothing will happen.
If you could figure out a practical way of delivering the gasoline quickly, or keeping people from smelling it, it would be a great tactic. I think 1 fire department pump truck at each entrance would work well. Start spraying, then ignite it as soon as people start to run.
Good luck getting a hold of the truck, and that much fuel though.
The issue is that screaming, running people who are on fire, will run in all different directions and set half the city on fire. Plus, there's no way to execute this plan without a high-risk front-row seat yourself.
C'mon man, it's like you never played Postal.
Hahahahaha so this is it? The whole buildup to Nov 4 and the payoff is "WE GON STAND IN DEM STREETS AND DO NUFFIN"
can't wait to see all those niggers get run over.
The side is fucking satire almost.
the chick from it was on tucker carlson.
>Great Plains states not siding with Trump
>Parts of Arizona and New Mexico going Socialist instead of fully Latino
>NATO having any power without America
They were out for three weeks after the election, nothing happened, same will happen this time.
You sir are a living meme and I salute you
Not how it works. Gasoline dries fast and isn't flammable when dry
What exactly has Trump turned to shit?
he uh... you... I.... um... HE SAID GRAB THEM BY THE PUSSY, OH AND HE'S RACIST!
Flag checks out. Fuckin Pufta.
for the right price...
Clashes from the northwest? No one lives there...