Abandon Christian pacifism now, cultural survival is at stake. Beliefs true to the (((founder))) of Christianity must be abandoned, they are counter-productive to our survival
Religious syncretism, which allowed us to survive and thrive, has always been untrue to the beliefs of Jesus Christ. Those who hold on to Christian pacifism will perish in the long run
Christianity is a name (((applied))) to a culture which has next to nothing to do with Jesus Christ of the New Testament, and everything to do with militaristic nation-building of the (((Old Testament)))
The (((American))) gospel of wealth (God is on the side of those who are powerful and wealthy) justifies exploitation of the powerless and weak, nationally and globally. It is still used as a justifying device for the atrocities of neo-imperialism
The West is still under control of people with a looting mentality. They have combined Germanic/Norse raider mentality with the OT's concept of a divine nation, as a means to increase their loot
Smart play, using Jesus as a marketing tool to become rich and powerful beyond imagining
I'm advocating for the creation of free (ethno-, idea-) states on earth, disconnected from a globalist minority that would else govern us
Religion, for most, still plays an important part in identity and can therefore play a major role in creating those states. Christianity cannot accomplish this as it has become, and always was to a certain extent, a (((religion))) that promotes globalism
Once the states are established, every group/state can decide what domestic socialism means to them
If a group/state wants to stay Christian, no problem here
>a friendly reminder: Joshua ben Joseph (Jesus) had a devoted father named Joseph. Joseph was a Hebrew of the Hebrews, albeit he carried many non-Jewish racial strains which had been added to his ancestral tree from time to time by the female lines of his progenitors
>race-mixing resulted in (((Jesus)))