Is social justice the new religion? Similarly, is "privilege" the new original sin?
Is social justice the new religion? Similarly, is "privilege" the new original sin?
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mark collett is a beast
great guy
She is great breeding material. Too bad about the tattoos
Yes. And virtue signalling is a horse hair shirt.
he's a massive attention seeking faggot who thinks he's literally Hitler 2.0.
And "hate" is heresy
I don't really know anything about him or her tbqh.
What the fuck is up with that bitch's neck
i dont think so
what have you done lately to benefit white people?
I just watched a documentary with Mark in it. He got jewed by a BBC jew who befriended him and gained his trust. Talk about reinforcing stereotypes.
You should watch his bi weekly livestreams with Tara.
shes a nazi giraffe and he's a thick manlet who thought he was going to lead the BNP in some sort of revolution.
More than you ever will.
I always pictured the self loathing whites as flagellants.
Neat, thanks.
How tall is that woman?
no joke around 5'10.
Thats a big bitch, natural or XY?
>XY women
So that guy's like 5'7"?
Yes and yes. People have turned away from faith without internalizing the fact that everyone needs something to believe in. They have made politics, and by extension social justice, their new religion.
5'6-5'7 yeah.
Get your reading comprehension tested
Asian guy, how do I get a wife like that
Eva Van Housen for the curious
Nah 5'9 mate
Nazi here. Nazi stuff is YUGE in Japan right now. You could just join the party!
why can you see his fucking skin thru his shirt? who made that shirt?
Science is more of the new religion with social justice being the tenets or Commandments and being white or "privilege" is the new original sin.
She stated she regrets them utterly, except her Nat Soc ones.
Fucking chestlets can't stretch out a button down? Pathetic.
What sorcery is this? Other than the head tat it's like someone expertly shopped a different female's head onto that giraffe neck body. The more I look at the picture, the more unnerving it is. Uncanny valley shit. It's like part of her body has activated Raphaim ancestral DNA and part of her doesn't. I'd say the more simple explanation would be is that she did some of that weird African tribal neck stretching using multiple rings, but looking at the tats, I'd say that possibility can be ruled out. Stranger fact than fiction sometimes.
The religion is Progress, and its main goal is equality.
Democracy and Communism are sects
>social justice
fuck anyone that thinks either of those are valid in any way
He's quite intelligent. I think he's got a degree in economics.
Yes and yes. Jews did this.
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:
Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:
The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:
White Genocide is real - In their own words
Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
The Jewish role in the porn industry:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
Tattoo whore
Quite a loaded term that can mean anything to anyone. Of course to the left "progress" means anti-White agenda.
Which mean redistribution of unearned resources.
Looks like they are working themselves into a corner where it will be those who have nothing begging and threatening those who have something to turn over their resources or face revolution. The left is about to get a first hand demonstration of a Second Amendment backed counter revolution.
SJWs are crisis actors in training:
looking for a replacement fan for my laptop. ad on the side of the screen.
Would the original nazis be for tattoos, against them or not give a fuck about them at all?
This is a form of Estrogen cult.
equality is the supreme law. So the observation is that people aren't actually born equal or get equal opportunities in life and so all measurable qualities of life has to be measured and if you have more than someone else it's privilige and if you are above the average you are priviliged in general.
Underlining all this is the worship of complete selfish gratification. the more you get the better (but of course this still has to be equalled out)
any aspect of your life serves to gratify you.
If you are underpriviliged you deserve more gratification and can assert your right to take that gratification were as if you are priviliged you should give up gratification for somebody else. this principle can be observed in relationships and policy.
sin and forgiveness only happens through sacrifice through working for the cause.
leadership workes from a form of victimocracy/starvocracy. basically the more you are starved for gratification and so the less priviliged you are you get more power and the more privilige the less power.
It's communism in it's purest form. freebase communism. no longer should you just chare the fruit of labor and share the work.
All positive aspect of life that can possible give you any gratification what so ever is subject to distribution and quotas.
fx the fat trans handicapped can demand sex from any man. the hungry child can take food from your plate.
the lest likely to get employed gets the job over the most likely.
the least experienced driver most unlikely to get a car gets the best car.
Why isn't she being bred by him?
She could really give birth to some majestic sons of mine.
I wonder if she would want big italian cock
Collett helped get me away from mfc camwhores, the dude creates good content, thx bro
>giving cam hoes money ever
Collet is actually inellectually very capable dude. Very insightful thoughts.
Are there nudes of her?
I think a nazi girl would think you will arrive to late and be ill equiped.
holyshit i gotta listen to this bloke some more, i think i recognise him from tara's podcasts i havent paid attention to the right in awhile but this part of the real right is something i will continue to pay attention too