Why is lolicon banned in a lot of western countries and US states?
I thought the west was pro-freedom of speech?
It's drawings???
Why is lolicon banned in a lot of western countries and US states?
pedos get the rope too
We're controlled by the feminist jew.
cause real kids are fucking ugly and there are laws against false advertising. It would be the same as squinting real hard at bark to make it look fuckable.
But is is drawings? I thought you Americans were free?
because americans are morally superior, they don't hate freedom of speech, the hate degenerate subhumans who destroy our society
because bullshit psychologists believe that it will work as a gateway into attacking actual children
then the very same people say that consumption of regular pornography makes men not want to have real sex with women
gas yourself engrish teacher
same reason the loli dolls are getting banned
>muh gateway drugs
but it's not banned in the US and even less so than in Japland
you have to literally censor normal porn and we don't.
ban video games and books then too faggot
Which US states? We have obscenity laws but as far as I know there is no ban on drawn lolis.
>the hate degenerate subhumans who destroy our society
So you hate more than half of your population?
That's Illegal, delet immediately.
>Why is lolicon banned in a lot of western countries and US states?
It's not, it's called the CONSTITUTION, maybe you should try reading it some time.
Fuck off, you feminist bitch.
Shut your whore mouth, little girls are the best.
its illegal in almost every state champ
show me a case of this that doesnt also involve actual cp
this. is it really necessary to make her a child even? just why... the face is the same as any adult anime its just the boobs and the idea of her being a child. u just get off on being degenerate
theyre children
pots illegal but cops dont arrest for it, doesnt mean its not still illegal and something they could come after you for if they wanted to
Little girls are the only attractive females, they're small and cute and nice and they smell good.
>A U.S. comic book collector is being sentenced to six months in prison after pleading guilty to importing and possessing Japanese manga books depicting illustrations of child sex and bestiality.
You left out the most important bit.
>without any evidence that he also collected or viewed genuine child pornography
there's weird laws for bringing stuff over state borders, what might be legal to possess in a state might not be legal to bring over the states borders
I would've thought all 9faggers were extinct by now
>theyre children
So? Young girls are naturally more desirable than older women. It's simple biology. Men who disagree do so simply to comply with societal norms. It's sad, really.
To explain, let me list some of the traits that men typically look for in the perfect girl.
The perfect girl
>is small
>is cute
>is pure
>is impressionable
>is soft
>is naive
>is innocent but has a natural curiosity for lewd things
>smells good (faint milk/crayon/fruit smell)
>will always look up to you
>will listen to you
>will trust you
>is interested in your hobbies
>doesn't care only about money
>likes to watch you play video games
>will let you teach her all kinds of things
>likes to cuddle with you
>has perfect skin without blemishes
As you can see, all of those exclusively apply to younger girls. Also, they tend to have a slightly higher body temperature, which feels great when cuddling.
kys immediately
ive been here since before your balls dropped sport
>lolicon illegal
>big mouth legal
So you agree that America bans art.
sounds like your perfect girl is a twink, fag
You need some jesus and an iron wooling on your balls.
I knew you Nazis larpers were a bunch of pedophiles.
>this pasta again.
>Comic Books will cause Children to become Criminals!
>Violent Movies will cause people to become Violent Criminals!
>Violent Video Games will cause people to become Murderers!
It's almost like all this shit about x leading to o has always been bullshit where people who are too prideful to admit they fucked up blame their failures on something else.
no they are drawings
last time i checked you don't feed hentai
as this user said its kind of a legal grey area. Some states will get you on obscenity but those are few and in between at best. desu as long as you are not flaunting it around then you are fine
congress tried to pass a law banning it, but it was destroyed by the supreme court when it was actually used.
If you really must know, it's not entirely banned in all US states.
like any thread on Sup Forums it's going to devolve into
>trying to explain facts/be the devil advocate
>doesnt want to listen, similar to the sjw they hate, is governed by fear and emotion
>big mouth=bad
>shadman who literally draws little girls=good
really makes me think
just because the government says something is okay doesnt mean its okay you wine sipping communist dick suck
i dont think this is accurate seeing as canada regularly and harshly prosecutes loli
okay why
yeah but why
Production and consumption of lolicon should get the death penalty.
Production and consumption of rage faces should get the death penalty.
>faint milk/crayon
how fucking young are you going?
New York boys
Christians and conservashits.
The election was a mistake. Also Checked.
Never had any problem with it for like 15+ years even though I'm in a red state, it's not enforced then
i never said it was ok. I just do not think it should be considered child pornography
at the end of the day no one is hurt, so who gives a fuck. these people should still be shunned, because they are obviously ill, but not thrown in prison with actual criminals
I find it funny how much Sup Forums complains about the prison state we live in, but always wants more laws throwing more people in prison.
It shouldn't be, they're just drawings. What if I draw 2 identical naked stick figures and say one is 10 and the other is 20?
wtf is a rage face?
How about you kill yourself, you faggot.
I'll keep posting it until I stop liking it.
You talking shit about Shad?
Having pictures is okay no matter what the law says about it. Fuck the police. There is no justification for any pictures being outlawed.
Because loli challenge the oppressive regime of 3DPD. Make loli = make freedom. Japan right again no wonder.
You just described Asian girls. Asian girls are great, it's what we could have had if we didn't let likes destroy our culture
youre still conditioning a dopamine fix that could one day end in a real child getting hurt, i dont complain about the prision state other than repeat offenders should be summarily executed
no its not
neck yourself, degenerate
>implying shitman drawings aren't just as much commentary as bigmouth
DUDE PUBERTY FAIRIES *burp* wuba luba dub dub
This artist draws some cucked stuff
>youre still conditioning a dopamine fix that could one day end in a real child getting hurt, i dont complain about the prision state other than repeat offenders should be summarily executed
do you have like, you know, any proof for that besides theory crafting? i believe that this statement has been debunked like a thousand times
not to even mention the fact that, by you logic, we should not let people play GTA V because maybe one day they will have the impulse to fucking shoot someone.
I'd go as young as 3yo
>no its not
What isn't what? And learn to capitalize, fuck.
Wow, again antis have nothing to say but "lele kys". What else should be expected?
Freedom doesn't exist, anywhere but death.
I will bite
> You can have all this things in the anime world without it having to be a Loli.
You just like Children you dirty Pedo
Case closed where is my futa ?
Babytard is so hot, I want to lick her sexy little gap teeth
>Be me
>Be smoking a cigar on front porch one evening
>Some lg's walk by
>Try not to make eye contact
>One of them holds her nose, I guess from the cigar smoke
>Other says: "Stinky!"
Was an awkward night.
nearly all mass shooters played fps, raping a child is always illegal as where shooting someone is only sometimes illegal
capitalization is for cucks and redditors
>That feel when no dark elf futa gf
>There are people in this thread who defend this shit
>replying to your own post in order to prove how thirsty of a pedo you are.
nice going imbicile.
Literally what the fuck
This is just disgusting
I know I will be banned but here , search for Ubanis.
Are you disgusted by the ones who want it banned or the loli's?
Yep, already know him. Good stuff.
Are they drawings? Can drawings have hurt feelings? Can drawings be taken advantage of? Are drawings real? The answer to all of these and more is a no.
I think that, thanks to you, they're going to try it out later on and get addicted.
>>Be smoking a cigar
You should kill yourself, you filthy faggot piece of shit.
>there are feminists on Sup Forums who don't like loli
I just don't like making a post that doesn't link to any other post. Do you have some kind of problem with continuing the subject of a post in another one?
>nearly all mass shooters played fps
>what is correlation
we should ban shitting because all mass shooters shit.
this is how fucking stupid you sound
>youre still conditioning a dopamine fix that could one day end in a real child getting hurt,
>Playing violent video games condition a dopamine fix that could one day end in a real person being shot.
Nice logic, brainlet
Aye glad to see more guys like you around.
thanks japan for the lolis
one of the best creations of humanity
The fucking lolis of course, i dont care about drawings, its just this faggot herewho thinks that finding rl kids hot is a normal thing
>slippy slope
accept that happens, the military found that only 20% of soldiers will shoot to kill the enemy, where as 95% of fps playing soldiers will
Drawn characters are not people
A large percentage of men play video games
a large percentage of them play fps games
I think someone recently uncovered that a lot of people breathe air too, there may be some connection to mass shootings.
>thinks that finding rl kids hot is a normal thing
It is. All normal men are attracted to little girls.
Just, just look at these gap teeth.
No, they'll stay away from filth like him like good girls do.
>telling someone to kill themselves for smoking
>while you're yearning to fuck IRL kids.
I see now. This was all but a b8.
>slippy slope
you all are out of arguments arent you?
Lolicon is banned? That's dumb, it's just a drawing.
You need a real relationship instead of your waifu shit. I know, I was just as much of a fucking loser as you guys were, jacking off on sad panda everyday of the week. But getting a boyfriend who loves me changed all that and I have no desire for any hentai garbage in any form.
You idiots think its great to pretend but nothing beats a genuine hug.
Actually lolicon is not illegal in the US. There was a recent court case where the whole thing was tossed as a drawing is considered protected speech.
Smokers are vermin, especially the ones that hate girls and smoke around little girls, they need to be killed like the vermin they are.
why would anyone care if the porn they like is illegal? i'm talking drawn shit here
nobody cares user you could save a doujin of a loli being fucked by a pack of dogs behind her boyfriend and daddy's backs in public and you won't go to jail
the moment drawn shit seriously lands people in jail like drugs or murder crimes then that's the era where big brother grabbed your wrist and told mom you jerk off to jelly lolis
save as much as you can now user and keep it in F A T external hard drives for the future because i'm telling you.... porn won't last forever, some libcucks can't sleep at night knowing you cum to lolis and shit and they won't stop until they made you do as they say because you know what user? you are inferior to them, you are morally inferior to those libcuck saints and your dick cumming to lolis should be punished
just wait until we merge with machines. the moment you think of loli you will be T E R M I N A T E D user you will be deleted and your husk body will be replaced by a good obedient and lawful cuck mind
all naughty people who think of naughty things will be deleted in the future except black people because the cucks need blacks for their HOLY FETISH
It is you who is proposing a slippery slope, that just because someone plays fps games, they will become a mass shooter. This is a slippery slope and false, there's no basis at all.
You'll have to explain to me why and how I am wrong if you wish for me to see it from your perspective, as it stands you've got nothing.
no bud, thats not my argument at all
>become a faggot and embrace degeneracy, because its 100% better than fapping to hentai
Being gay is literally fucking worse than fapping to art
I asked you to explain yourself and you chose not to clarify. I remain unconvinced that there's any connection.
>Smokers are vermin, especially the ones that hate girls and smoke around little girls
Well I called the smoker out on that, but the other pedo I also replied to mentioned none of it.
His only beef was that he was a smoker, not that he smoked around kids specifically.
Besides, the man is free to smoke if he wants to just as much as you are to jack off to cartoons. It's a matter of pleasure.
>consuming (((pornography)))
ive explained it here here here
wont you get stone for doing that in your shithole of a country?
I never said you shouod become gay ahmed. You need a real relationship. If your gay your gay, if your straight your straight.
If your tranny you need a doctor.
>loli should be banned because wrongthink will become rape
>just like how violent games make people violent
That's what you've been saying.
It was me. Yeah, if people want to be disgusting filth they can do it, alone in their home by themself, not around other people. They do it out where people are they should be summarily executed.
>It's a matter of pleasure.
Finding pleasure in self-harm is a sign of severe mental instability.