Antifa literally appears in wolfenstein 2

>y-you guys are over-reacting
>t-this isnt communist propaganda

Ooops Sup Forums was right again

Fuck off, no one cares. You lied anyway.

holy shit they chose some awful music


i'm banned from Sup Forums for pointing this out.

?? i watched it and unless i missed something in the credits themselves the closest thing to a literal antifa reference i saw was the "Black revolutionary Army" thing.

Shitty music but I don't see the issue.

Of course. You weren't toeing the leftist line they're trying to establish.

>Dis imadge of peepol roiting against nadsees meen dat dis gaem promote antifa

the best marketing campaign ever.

Whoever came up with this shit about pretending that people care that a video game has nazis deserves a double increase in their salary.

The game could literally be called "Fuck Trump and Fuck white people" and people here would still act like it's not propaganda. This site is lost.

your mom deserves a double dick in her cunthole

It's the credits for a videogame, probably some intern was given $0 and told to go nuts.

Really because I was a fan up until this game and i'm not going to buy it.

How's the manufactured outrage campaign going, Todd? Pretty good, it looks like.

ya the last 2 games were pretty dope but its pretty obvious the bugman developers got excited when trump was running for office


Can someone do a mod to make rainbow armbands for Nazis and replace all the voiced PC companions with Ecelebs yet
I want to team up with milo to shoot retarded sawkjabs


>heres this dildo and a blacked subscription
>go nuts

>people rioting against nazis are antifa
this place is worse than i thought.

Old Bloods pretty good. I'd recommend that to anyone who wants to play one of the new games. I don't recall any political crap in it.

Old Blood is second only to RtCW/ET for the best Wolf game.

>I want to team up with milo to shoot retarded sawkjabs

>black nationalists and communists rioting against nazis are antifa
you're right

>developers use literal stock photographs of antifa in their ending credits scene


So the old nazi woman still remains the only villain in the game? What a letdown
How come the japs are much better at giving us twisted and memorable nazi villains?

Look up a list of video games with nazis in them, wolfenstein will be listed as more than half of those video games.

No one cares that yet another video game has been released with nazis as the main antagonist. This is marketers pretending there is a controversy to get people to talk about it, and you are playing right into their hands.

You are literally advertising their game for them. You are getting angry about a marketing campaign.

Stop the presses, the Nazis are also fascists!?

>Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus is an action-adventure first-person shooter video game developed by MachineGames
>MachineGames Sweden AB is a Swedish video game developer based in Uppsala, Sweden.

Does the game support mods? Someone should make a total conversion that is basically a holocaust simulator.

Technically they have been around since 1933 (or at least their precursor movement).

Funny though, how they did jack shit to stop hitler's rise to power and only got themselves a one-way ticket to Auschwitz.

no no no no no NO NO NO NO NO!!

Fellow magapedes, we can't let this slide. Not this one. Not anymore.

The kekistani flag has been trampled on enough. The spineless left must fear us again.

We are currently the laughing stock of the internet and I'm afraid I can't take it anymore. Let's show them what we 4channers are capable of.


Probably because they were sympathetic to Hitler. There is some famous commentary on antifa being just like nazis, going to the same stores, switching allegiances if its nothing.




I'm sorry, did we just lapse into a parallel dimension or something?

After the war, the Communists in the soviet occupation zone (proto DDR) openly called to the NSDAP members to join their communist party. And many did.

Even though Sup Forums hates this game, if sjws like it then it keeps video games atleast able to keep on being uncensored in violence,gore,etc.

You arent going to ever see any video games support the far-right unless it's an indie dev; It would be death for that game company.

Perfectly fine to hate the game, however i believe it's a good thing to have something like this to keep the sjws at bay so they dont start censoring violence and other shit in games like Germany.

"Mmmm, nummy nummy, good in my tummy" says local bugman.

stop him?
Hitler only came into power BECAUSE of them. He only won votes each time they went out and did something violent. It drove the population of Germany to become reactionary.

also, they are trying to rewrite history

lmao, thats something we say when we messed up in germany

Do they at least show an American flag in the credits?

>Antifa literally appears in wolfenstein 2

>thinking this will appease SJWs

>How come the japs are much better at making video games?
Fixed that for you.

What the fuck do they mean "Rise" - They've always been "risen". Big banks and big media all back them.

The National Socialists were not reactionary. They were anti christian, anti monarchy and pro social state.
They were not even reactionary in the cultural or linguistic sense. They wanted to forge a new german man, destroying the tribal differences of the german states with a centrally controlled, monolithic culture. They even took Austrias name after the Anschluss, calling it Ostmark, while it was not named like that for a thousand years.
Don't make a mistake, they wanted similar things to the communists, just on the national, not the international.

DICE who are responsible for niggers in a WWI videogame are also Swede's. Figures.

Yep they are the same fats. There's been modern evidence of nazis turning up at antifa rallies and the antifa don't even care.

Nah, I love Wolfenstein.

>same fags

The very belief of a nation-state is reactionary.
Which is why the war started in the first place.

Ever since assassins creed came out video games have just been carbon copies of that same shit with different textures.

But nation states existed before Communists could call them reactionary. So communists reacted to the nation states.
Nice flag commie.

>Nice flag commie.
excuuuuuuuuuuse me?

Assass Creed also literally portrayed Karl Marx as a good guy.

And a lot of Nigurs

Oh i'm sorry not-a-commie

It truly was NOT reactionary in that time period. It is today. EVERYONE in WW2 was nationalistic and heavily instrumentalized Nationalism. The Brits did, the French did, the Yanks did. The Soviets did it very very heavily. It is not called the "great war for the fatherland" for nothing. They looked for inspiration to their old national military leaders like Kutusov, and this was heavily used in soviet propaganda.
Globalism is a product of the post-war period.

>if sjws like it
there's the problem. they will like it and won't buy it

you're a faggot

He's correct though. A shitload of the OG Antifascista went NatSoc.

Hitler's rise wasn't quick-cut-and-dry. There were massive internal struggles as to what National Socialism will become in actual practice.

Antifascista's split into many camps such as actual anarchists, Marxists, worker unions, etc. The latter, became Strasserists, many of which converted to brownshirts.

eh? commies rose up and then nazi's rose to fight them. pretty basic

there's nothing wrong with being reactionary

Kill yourself. Heil Hitler.

I don't disagree.

>Antifa precursors throw such a cringeworthy hissy-fit in the 1930's that they unironically triggered the rise of the very exact Fascist Regime that they tried to prevent.

You very quite literally cannot make this shit up. Like, seriously. Hopefully history will repeat itself come November, 4th...

>the nazis didn't beleive in private property.

Uh.... Exactly what gaming industry are YOU following?

SJWs don't buy things

>Black people will claim this isn't racist

>playing video games made after 2004
If you do this you should honestly kys

Their game was a mistake desu

Interesting stuff. Makes you wonder if they helped his rise to power the same way they're helping society turn against the crazy left today

we should just mass raid Sup Forums at this point tbqh. bunch of faggots in there, even the literal faggot board is probably more rightwing.

Why aren't you complaining about Doom's anti-Satanist propaganda?

>Nazi supporting ancap posting Steven Universe

You can't make this shit up. Fucking Sup Forumsacks

Jesus the speech isn't even in an inspiring tone. This white boy seems like a beta bitch faggot. He doesn't even have a commanding voice (doesn't even seems like he's trying) that the gravitas of his speech requires.

That being said if you replace the word Nazis with the word Jews here it's kinda accurate

>It would be death for that game company.
It wouldn't. It would be wildly successful. They won't do it because they're obviously either down with the genocidal cause or they're being threatened into compliance.


This game's plot makes no sense, they storm a TV studio to assassinate a Nazi leader (who is apparently completed unguarded?) in the hopes of sparking off insurrection. If I remember correctly, didn't the nazi's get the US to surrender by dropping a few nukes? They could just do that again, indefinitely, until the resistance stops or there's nothing left worth to control.

This is so far from the truth. Sjw games, movies, left wing anything really does not sell.

Things that sell? Things made by far right nationalist nation japan that make the left rage because boobs and ass

purposeful misinterpretation to make a point : the thread

neck yourselves LARPers, this is why nobody takes us seriously

I noticed this strange thing about Swedish game devs is they seem to be given the best game engines and software and ip to make their games. Both machineheads and Dice.
If you know anything about game design it's not really a case that they are just good at making visuals. No they are being given the software and assets from freelancers and slapping it together.
The question is who is funding it and why Swedes?

As an artist the characters in that show are so ugly and aesthetically displeasing that I can't even bring myself to watch it and have better ammunition to insult the fans more accurately.


These games are fucking boring as shit I feel sorry for whoever plays this trash

How did the initial sales go? Tanked hard?


They'll sell copies when it's on sale in six months. Sappy jew bullshit these games are.

I was curious about the mod source for it, if it was going to a moddable game. Typically bethesda is big on player creativity.

if the Nazi's conquered the USA would they set up a separate black ethnostate? I doubt they would try to rule over a multi-cultural hell hole

>Wolfenstein 2’s Opening Wheelchair Combat Mission Is Bold And Empowering
actual gaming site headline


"Wolfenstein 2’s Opening Wheelchair Combat Mission Is Bold And Empowering"

HAHAHAH WTF I was in a wheelchair for two years after a car accident and this sounds so stupid

>actual comment in reply

Why did nobody care about this shit when it was talked about and mentioned in TNO

It's the same shit with Mankind Divided, current year politics are so retarded that even shitty video game writers can parallel it years before it even happens

He wouldn't have even done that due to the amount of Americans who would resist in terms of the constitution and the financial burden of assaulting a continent as big as the US.

He would have made a truce with the US to save lives like he tried to do with England.

But if he did, I am sure he would have segregation.

TNO didn't have this shit to this level.