>There are people here that think bogeymen get paid to troll them
There are people here that think bogeymen get paid to troll them
lurk more
..thats a little desperate, shill
and you retarded faggots dont have modicum of clout as the boogieman
dnot forget to sage
This is in no way proof of anything you fucking retard. Source me that shit
Ad hominems
>implying CIA niggers dont glow in the dark
>Everyone I disagree with is a shill! Reee!
t. autist
Wait, does Sup Forums believe that people get paid to shitpost here? I thought that was an injoke
being that obvious of a shill
If you work for Media Matters, I just wanna let you know. They're not gonna let you leave. They'll get their union lackeys to deal with you before you get to talk to anyone.
This. and Sage
I wish I got paid. My favorite tactic lately is to scare and redpill children watching cartoon streams in youtube live streams.
Where is my money George?
what did he mean by this
Russia does pay ppl to shitpost.
Worst shill post ever. Maybe even the worst post in the history of the internet. Just terrible, folks. I mean this guy's a real joker.
Kill yourself. Sage. Hide thread. Die.
triplets command me
It objectively happens
Witnessed and checked. The digits will it!
Except there actually are.
fucking kek
also checked
checked also
He looks very satisfied, post more please!
The shill sperg out when confronted by a more intelligent person is definitely one of Sup Forumss most faggot moves next to MUH REDDIT SPACING.
You hear "shill" or "Reddit spacing" you're dealing with the scum of this shithole.
>mfw killing a 10 point cuck
Fucking decked
And also specked.
Get fucking wrecked.
This place has become an embarrassment lately. Same shit EVERY DAY.
Kek, this.
1 post by this id.jpg
ok shill
>trying to rap
cringed out by this
There are enough contrarian trolls on Sup Forums that you don't need to pay anyone
Why is OP nearly always a faggot?
Did he died?
Probably was trying to juggle back and forth between the phone, not realizing connected to WiFi. Kek.
died and feasted upon. Human meat goes for a pretty penny in africa
>not a single reply proving me wrong
Everyone on this dumpster fire bastard child of Sup Forums and /x/ says those
Just call us rural and suburban retards and move on, impotent coward.
>admits to be shilling for free
>juggle back and forth
more likely didn't have ids turned on
>they don’t know it’s oldfags that have been here since 2004 trolling all the newfags
Are the patriots