I don't know how to write characters so I'll just make shit up as I go along creating countless deus ex machinas...

>I don't know how to write characters so I'll just make shit up as I go along creating countless deus ex machinas, conviniences, and inconsistencies

-akira toriyama

>remember kids two robots made by a random scientist are stronger than the emperor of the universe.

Of course user
It'd make no sense otherwise!

>I'll just make shit up as I go along

Yeah, that's the general writing process.

>I don't know how to write a story so I'll just make shit up as I go along creating countless random stuffs right up from my lsd trip.

Eiichirō Oda

Not this bad tough.

>Oh yeah theres a room in Kamis lookout that lets you train for a year, I used it as a kid but Ive never said anything about it for some reason lol

There are people who actually defend this shit.

You mean
>every mangaka ever

This fucking retard actually FORGOT Saiyans are supposed to have tails.

I dont think this fucker EVER planned anything ahead. Even somehing small. Like at least in Naruto, Kishimoto referenced Madara way before we knew who the fuck he was.

You know, Toriyama straight up admitted he didn't plan a single thing in Dragon Ball out and wrote it week to week?

Read his comments about how he came up with Fusion or his creative process. It'll enlighten you. He's the biggest "I don't give a fuck" success in manga.

And yet hes one of the most successful mangaka ever, what have you ever written faggot?

Go read his other shit if you want some consistency

>Oh yeah theres a room in Kamis lookout that lets you train for a year, I used it as a kid but Ive never said anything about it for some reason lol
Didn't Goku say that he tried the time chamber when he was a kid but couldn't take it for more than a day?

So Im not watching DB super but I see that pink fag goku clone everywhere
Who did he turned out to be?

I'll give him Cell because of the potential of who he was ripping off but the other Androids were straight bullshit.

That sounds fun.

Goku Black.

But who is it? Goku from alternate dimension?

He probably just wanted to draw wacky comedy adventure with a bunch of beast men and round mechs, but his half assed laser show got more popular than he could ever imagine.

Dr, Slump was already a massive success by the time Dragon Ball started, though.

Frieza was only the emperor of the galaxy, and there were already many, many beings stronger than him both living and dead. I don't think its too much of a stretch that Gero, genius as he was, couldn't create robots that were super strong, especially since they drain energy.

Its Gokus body, but its not Goku. We dont know yet. Alternate universe(Not not to be confused with alternate timeline)

We don't know yet, but we're pretty sure it has something to do with a kaioshin in training in a different universe.

This is how 90% of modern manga ends up. First they come up with a premise. Then when things are unexpectedly popular they get pressured to make more shit up. Naturally this kills the pacing and storyline.

Well, basically he just wanted to make a jackie chan type series. a comedy martial arts manga inspired by the journey to the west.

things changed because basically he needed cash

>things changed because basically he needed cash
That's false.

But he is a hack when it comes to writing, he was never good. DB worked as a comedy
his fighting choreography is amazing, though and his old style was great, he drew muscles and body in general very well

Said creative process being "Sitting on my ass watching TV until two days before the deadline". His memory issues and laziness probably gave Dragon Ball a lot of its charm though.

>I made an entire series of samefaces
>My art is newspaper comic tier
>I let an autistic fanfic become the new entry

Isn't it darkly ironic?

how is it ironic