Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier
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Everything we know about the Russian collusion with Trump, is a Hillary/DNC damnable lie.
Pretty funny, since it was her who sold out the country's uranium reserves to the Russians, and Mueller was the damned bag man! You can't make this shit up!
Nice slide thread you reddit fag
Sage goes in all fields as always
This thread is now a discussion on why Drumpf hasn't released his tax returns.
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
>when you're shilling but don't know how to stop the thread from being bumped
good job dipshit, lol
>clinton made up donny jr.s meeting with russians and manafort laundering their money
not quite friendo
>tfw that stupid frog did all this
>t. Actual shill from Trump's campaign, paid to be here and on r*ddit.
Russia did nothing, stop this madness.
Lol, Rod Rosenstein BTFO
Can't tell if shilling or larp shilling.
This is big.
The lawyer that bamboozled Trump Jr. into meeting with her was working for a Russian oligarch who had hired Fusion GPS to help with an anti-Magnitsky Act campaign. This means that Clinton and the DNC is connected to Russia through Fusion GPS.
The DNC was involved in setting Trump Jr. up! Both sides would benefit, the DNC would get dirt on Trump, while the Russian oligarch would get his lawyer in a meeting with Trump Jr.
Did you miss the part where is states that the research was originally being paid for by a GOP candidate during the primary?
Opposition research is part of every campaign.
The actual meat of this is whether or not the research was fabricated.
Which we still don't know.
Couple things really fast
- tucker said they spoke to a source interviewed by mueller, source used to work for podeata group AND PODESTA AND MANAFORT WERE TRADING CLINTONS INFLUENCE
- lou dobbs said the fbi informant gag order could be lifted by tomorrow
That storm is coming on fast
>Can't tell if shilling or larp shilling.
He's a retard from the netherlands recycling old stupid memes and bullshit.
Podesta tried to stop this from happening but failed
>The untold story is the Democrats’ unprecedented behavior. Mr. Rooney had barely started when committee staffers for Mr. Schiff interrupted, accused him of badgering witnesses, and suggested he was acting unethically. Jaws dropped. Staff do not interrupt congressmen. They do not accuse them of misbehavior. And they certainly do not act as defense attorneys for witnesses. No Democratic lawmakers had bothered to come to the hearing to police this circus, and Mr. Rooney told me that he “won’t be doing any more interviews without a member from the minority present.”
Blasphemer. You will be baptized in the swamp waters.
AND they could wiretap Trump tower.
No the meat is that it was then used in a FISA court to wiretap trump. That’s the big NoNo
Oh and bumperino
>pay for fraudulent opposition research
>use said fraud to justify wiretapping through FISA courts
Really idles my helicopter
Fuck, every newspaper and network is talking about this right now.
Never thought I'd see this much coverage about Fusion GPS.
I wouldn't be surprised if Bill Clinton actually did urinate on Russian hookers.
Funny part is nothing came of it, Trump literally runs such tight fucking ship that they just inadvertently exposed their own bullshit.
Mfw: the whole dossier was literally a time log of what Bill did in Moscow
This was all done with McCain. Don't forget the biggest traitor McCain
We wuz
Precisely. The big question now, since they are probably trowing Hillary under the bus, is what bigger monster are they trying to conceive.
This thing could have deep roots in the FBI / CIA / NSA / etc agencies, and some swampers in there might have concluded that Hillary is worth the cost so that they can stay safely hidden.
You forget the difference between name and subject eh bucko?
Jobless din-a-doos voting for the moar gibs party, such a shocker
I'd bet on Russia knowing more about our deep state than any country on earth.
so what?
you fucked up. I'm a hilldawg now
>Podesta the molesta actually paid good money to that Anonymous Source who made up the entire fake Trump Pee Dossier
shit, user, how much did you scam Soros for?
>people familiar with the matter said
Like all the other shit wapo posts with this "a person familiar with his thinking said" bullshit, I'm going to be a little skeptical on this one.
Ginormous if factual, though.
Accuse others of what you yourself are guilty of. Alinksy (Jew), Shillary studied in college and wrote a thesis on.
user made up that story on Sup Forums for free
She did that through the entire primary with Bernie.
I don't know why I'm even mildly surprised at this point that it's true with the Russian collusion story too.
Just read some replies on social media to this news.
>"it's what's inside that document that's important."
Do these people genuinely not see their hypocrisy?
>"we don't care who paid for it, it's what inside that's important"
also dems:
>"we don't care what's inside the wikileaks, it's who leaked it that's important"
>muh russia
They can't seem to grasp the fact that the DNC/Clintons paid for and helped publicize an unconfirmed/laughable report in order to kickstart the "muh russia" narrative in order to save their crashed and burning party by delegitimizing Trump.