There's some serious shit going down. The media is focusing on drama about some phone call to next of kin while some big moves are being made. The swamp is shitting itself, lads.
more grandstanding accomplishing nothing
yeah. I'm sure he did nothing to help discredit Clinton in the minds of independents over the course of two investigations. House Oversight is NOT the DOJ.
our government has violated the laws with impunity for too long. the only way to drain the swamp is to fill it with blood. bring out the guillotines
Nothing will happen. All these memeleaks and pedogate threads about the deep state and corruption need to be permanently banned from Sup Forums
Bump for a comp'd kek
holy shit lol top notch shilling, if i knew your company i'd cap this and get you fire you wank
God bless Gowdy
literally go shit post in a australian shit board, don't talk about america like you have a say you fucking faggot
Oy Vey, we should just give up and play video games and snack on those tiny choclate chip cookies, yes.
Nigger please.
Enjoy this bump OP!
Provide a link you imbecile.
Trump drains the swamp, then refills the swamp
No wall
Can't even get rid of obamacare
Your education system is beyond fucked and overpriced
Your country has the reputation of the citizens shitting their pants in supermarkets
Several of your states are in 3rd world condition
Oh look, the CIA figured out how to proxy.
You need to cutoff your penis and suck it.
Checked and kek'd. Shilldo BTFO.
It's fake news mate.
Then don't come here?
>No wall
You are a faggot who doesn't read the news.
>Can't even get rid of obamacare
Not his job.
>Your education system is beyond fucked and overpriced
What the fuck are you even talking about?
>Your country has the reputation of the citizens shitting their pants in supermarkets
>Several of your states are in 3rd world condition
WOW everything you know about the US you learned from a taiwanese knitting forum.
Why are you so angry? Is it because I stated an opinion that contradicts with your beliefs?
>When one turns to anger and insults that is a strong indication they have lost the argument
Why the fuck would I ever step foot into your pathetic 56% white country?
i cant fucking wait to see where this goes.
CNN has a shiny red apple for you
Pay no attention
unironically this
i'm going to go lovingly caress my guns now while this
faggot gets shot by home made guns made my the gangs in his home cuntry
Blow it out your ass mufugga
America is a collapsing country, and it's beautiful.
What is this the 37th Bengazi investigation?
Yea this will be the day she is finally arrested. By Congress. Because the Constitution definitely grants Congress power of both arrest and sentencing.
niggers getting paid 3-5 thousand australian sheckels per 3 days for doing nothing
Cause you're bitching like a child about America, why do you care?
>being this retarded
Nope. It just seems like you love it up the ass.
Fiat justitia ruat caelum
I originally came in here to practically say that nothing will ever happen to the Clinton's and that wikileaks and pedogate is fake news.
Even if it's not fake news, Clinton still roams around freely, John Podesta walks around freely, all the other corruption in your government basically goes unnoticed and unpunished.
Everything else other than this is shitposting.
All Congress can do is make a recommendation.
To a DOJ who already found no wrong doing.
Sessions is recused from anything related to Hillary because he's recused from campaign related investigations and Trump was dumb enough to boast about prosecuting Hillary.
Rosenstein won't budge, and Sessions can't fire Rosenstein because - again, he's recused.
Plus! What new evidence will they find by questioning angry feds loyal to Comey and pissed off with how Trump treated him?
This is a waste of fucking time. And in two weeks you are all going to move on to something else.
Hillary is never going to prison. Trump is just going to promise it in order to keep winning elections, like Pat Robertson promised to ban abortion without accomplishing shit.
Enjoy your circle jerk.
Drain The Swamp
>Everything else other than this is shitposting.
surrree faggot
Can't say much more, or stay too long Sup Forums
but there are several big tick tocks in play at the moment
Thanks for baiting bumps, ya cunt.
found the shills
fucking done with inquiries, hearings, and committees.
i am ready to see some indictments, convictions, and hangings.
How do you know you're not a shill?
You're spamming politically charged content on the internet, yes?
Good job, newfag. We'd be lost without your efforts.
> implying Congress has the power to indictment
> implying Congress has the power to convict
> implying Congress has the power to sentence
Do you even US civics, bro?
Literally what can Trey Gowdy do other than scowl real hard?
He can't declassify intelligence or evidence.
He can't prosecute.
He works for a Congress that hasn't passed meaningful legislation since 2010.
Nunes was tossed off the committee so he's got even less power.
What do you think is gonna happen? Someone gonna get "told" ? Someone gonna get "blown the fuck out" ?
Nothing is going to happen.
This is a red pill. This is your Congress. Eat it.
Nothing wrong with more jewtubes of Gowdy ripping some new assholes. It boosts morale if nothing else.
Soros shill spotted
I can smell your fear, shill
Your lost, cuck. Even with his efforts.
Sadly he can't do much other than recommend charges. DOJ/Rosenstien are able to prosecute, but most likely won't. Until he steps down, justice won't be had.
Real talk.
How Rowdy Gowdy even convicted or incriminated a single fucking public official?
Anyone have the Gowdy video w/ that blonde dumbass from Fox, Martha MacCallum, saying that she was very perceptive and that something else was going on? I think that is related to this.
trey gowdy is my hero
Such perfect spacing. Where did you learn that skill?
It's like they don't even try to hide it anymore.
I thinks he's just blackpilled on actual justice happenings. My normie friend keeps saying the exact same thing. Kind of like me on election night when I kept saying Trump doesn't have a chance. This time it will happen, even if it's just Podesta taking a dive.
Holy kek
Have a (you) shillyou.
>le reddit spacing meme
I'm personally not from reddit but you spastics complaining about someones spacing in their posts are the worst type of human shit to walk the fucking planet
You ignore what one says just so you can make a smug comment like "REDDIT SPACING LOL" which is even an argument and generally shows your lack of maturity.
This. Flood us with HAPPENING threads when there's a fucking indictment. Absolutely nobody gives a damn if you can't put people behind bars for crime you LITERAL CU CKOLD FAGGOTS!
Why is Trey Gowdy always getting involved in the coolest shit? I feel like he is /ourguy/ if he knows it or not
oh he definitely is
He's called Rowdy Gowdy for a reason.
The establishment are flailing and scrambling to get rid of Trump, but they can't stump the Jew puppet.
Your time is coming alphabet soup
>Your country has the reputation of the citizens shitting their pants in supermarkets
Aussie shitposter isn't wrong about this one.
I agree. "Reddit spacing" posters are the most useless bunch of non-whites to ever post.
Fun times!!!