Did Sup Forums make you racist because you forgot this was all for laughs?
Did Sup Forums make you racist because you forgot this was all for laughs?
Other urls found in this thread:
No, it made me racist because it showed me data and facts on race.
No I hated niggers long before I came here. So did most of my friends growing up. When I found this place I already made nigger jokes all the time and hated them with a passion. Coming here made me realize that Jews are behind a lot of bullshit but I didn't go full blown "they gotta get exterminated" until I knew a Jewish fraternity at a liberal college. Oh and I lived in Arizona with a bunch of illegal beaners so that made me hate them too. Really it's just real world experiences that made me a racist, coming here and posting about it is just venting since it's so demonized now.
Of course I'll still go to friends places and we'll rip on niggers but it's way funnier here.
Sup Forums made us racist because we were punched in the balls by societies lies we were taught growing up.
Living in SoCal made me racist. Fuck beaners.
no, working in DC made me racist. i come here for catharsis
I guess it's because the jokes are centered around harsh truth. Like:
>What prize did a man get after eating 200 Big Macs from McDonalds?
>A stroke.
White nationalism is a meme, but those stereotypes exist for a good reason.
The truth is you project all your shortcomings and insecurities onto minorities.
It's easy to blame the niggers and the chinks for all your problems.
Grow up or stay as a lonely virgin.
>It's easy to blame the niggers and the chinks for all your problems.
Is that really who is blamed, though?
>White nationalism is a meme
Sure kid.
What problems? I'm curious to see what you think I'm "projecting" since I don't have any shortcomings when it comes to robbing people and I'm not very insecure about murdering others.
> The truth is you project all your shortcomings and insecurities onto minorities.
What does that even mean?
it is a statistically that blacks rape and kill many times more than anyone else
you are insane
Sup Forums makes people pliable. they'll actually look at data and consider viewpoints that they would actively block out before. I don't think it makes people race realists, it just brings people to the point where they can be converted. we're breaking the conditioning, in a manner of speaking.
>all that bad punctuation
Is this, this guy- a fucking faggot, like- a fucking faggot that- that types, types all fucking, fucking- fucking gay, and shit
* statistically proven fact
Please nigger. First hand experience made me racist.
I really have to assume that it is you who is projecting your own insanity onto right-wingers
You are projecting your own insane projection while ignoring actual hard data
>t. Schlomo Freudenstein
I believed for a very long time that racists must be as dumb as everyone says they are.
But I noticed more and more that in every single argument between racists and anti-racists, the former have a bunch of data and experiments and theories, and the latter...yell at them and get them fired. THey often say 'we just shouldn't study this'.
I can't understand what possible motive they would have for this unless they know on some level that they are actually wrong.
And then you look at history and literally everybody before like 1920, no matter how smart they were, they were all racist.
So I can't say I'm 100% convinced because we havent actually mapped the genome wrt intelligence or properly understood the brain in general, but it gets a little hard to deny..
Especially when the anti-racists don't say 'we don't know", they say 'of course we know and how fucking dare you ask for evidence"
If you're getting brainwashed by, and are accepting the views of an anonymous internet message board you were weak to begin with.
was a racist before i came here
Sup Forums just makes me realize that i am right in being a racist
Meaningless nonsense.
It's like saying "BLM are insecure people and making up for their shortcomings by blaming police".
Or "modern day Jews are insecure people blaming their shortcomings on their treatment in ww2."
Any historical grievance can be refined to an "insecurity" or "shortcoming".
Racism doesn't exist. Is perfectly rational and natural to have a strong in-group preference for the people you share an ethnic makeup with.
The concept was invented by communists to persecute those who resisted the Bolshevist power-creep.
Its pretty clear once you think about it, that only a culture destined to die sees "giving up privilege" as a virtue.
Well put
Successful people are too focused on themselves to dwell on the opinions and the actions of their inferiors.
Never compare yourself to people who are below you. Sure, it makes you feel better
> at least my IQ is higher than a niggers!
> at least I'm not as violent as those niglets!
But at the end of day, you gain nothing. Instead, you get complacent.
> Ha, at least im not as ugly as those niggers!
That's when you stop evolving.
I don't scourge the internet for examples of black people doing stupid, violent shit. I find examples of incredibly brilliant people (of all races) and wonder how the hell they did it. Can i replicate what they did? What can i work on to better improve myself?
>Posting a reddit
Get the fuck off here you nigger
That's quite different.
Being racist:
> Calling people monkeys and niglets
> Yo dawg im a negromancer
> Spics eat shit
> Pajeet u shitted on the street again?
> Chinks have no souls!
Broad, baseless statements founded on hate and bigotry.
BLM sought to bring attention to unregulated police brutality.
>don't notice trends or political-social problems, goy, don't concern yourself with the future of your people, just try to work in a office as much as you can to get currency
What an absurd answer
You considering yourself smarter or not than some street nigger does not change the fact that a random street nigger is significantly more likely to harm you or kill you than any person of any other race
And that is the core of what you are projecting: You wanna feel superior so you claim that others wanna feel superior to feel superior about yourself, when all we are doing is discussing the actual statistical reality that the more niggers a town gets the faster it goes to hell
Once you focus more and more on the actions and behaviors of those better than you and less time denigrating those who are obviously inferior than you, you'll become much more satisfied with your life.
It's up to you to heed my advice. Take it or leave it.
>BLM sought to bring attention to unregulated police brutality.
BLM sought to bring attention to something that does not exist at all, they are as insane as you are
the VAST majority of blacks are killed by other blacks, not by police men
I am QUITE satisfied with my life, Mr. Freud
Do you know what would make me quite unhappy? The Government randomly dumping 900 somalians into my town
>Successful people are too focused on themselves to dwell on the opinions and the actions of their inferiors.
t. Never met a successful person in your life
>Never compare yourself to people who are below you. Sure, it makes you feel better
It's not about "feelings", it's about facts. This is a political board. We have to deal with generalizations, patterns of behaviour, etc.
>But at the end of day, you gain nothing. Instead, you get complacent.
I gain knowledge about the world, and a valid, fact-based worldview.
>that's when you stop evolving
"Knowledge will stop you from evolving, goyim!"
>I find examples of incredibly brilliant people (of all races) and wonder how the hell they did it. Can i replicate what they did? What can i work on to better improve myself?
I keep reading this line of reasoning from every Self help 101 book by Schlomo Shekelberg. You're not intelligent in the slightest, and I honestly hope that you're trolling for the sake of humanity.
no. being force fed propoganda by my university 24/7 made me racist.
>Pic related
apparently it doesnt matter whether or not I am racist because I am racist no matter what.
Which level of irony is making me type "nigger" today I wonder?
I know for a fact you're a nigger who's never had a job. Successful people are always focused on other peoples, it's the way to be successful.
Why would I be comparing myself to niggers? I really don't, I just hate them.
>stop evolving
Nigger what.
>the VAST majority of blacks are killed by other blacks, not by police men
Yes, I agree. But there is also evidence showing some police officers using unwarranted force against not just black people, but other Americans. And that's what BLM is about, at least that what is was originally about.
>whining about propaganda on Sup Forums
Me personally? No, Sup Forums didn't make me racist, living in this world made me racist , Sup Forums just gives me a space to talk about it
Nobody on pol is racist. Maybe the jidf shills, and there are a few on here every now and then. But those guys are only racist for defensive reasons, "never again" and fear of non-jews.
> And that's what BLM is about, at least that what is was originally about.
Zimmerman was not a police officer
Ah yes, my shortcoming of mass third world immigration into America
Op asked what made me racist. I answered.
And as usual a fucking leaf comes in and wastes electrons posting garbage.
Every time a redditor hyphenates unnecessarily I hit my girlfriend
Haha YES thanks for making this thread op.
As a non racist, everything I post here is a joke/fiction/a work of satire. NZSIS and fellow five eyes members, you have NOTHING to worry about with me.
Also fuck niggers, chinks, jews, mudslimes etc haha xd I'M JUST JOKING LOL MEMES
Yes racists don't exist on Sup Forums it's all a big joke
The same goes for Jews and muh 6 gorillion.
>This is a political board. We have to deal with generalizations, patterns of behaviour, etc.
You come to /pol as a source for knowledge. Nice.
Anyways, continue on with your bigotry. Hope ya'll stay satisfied. I'm done.
>Jew gets called out for bullshit he has done
>Oy vey, you're projecting, go get some sleep, dumb goy
>You come to /pol as a source for knowledge. Nice.
this is actually one of the fastest sources of news in a huge variety of subjects
t. /syrian general/ lurker
The vast majority of the shootings that the blm gorillas make a big deal of turn out to be good shootings when the tapes come out, also you're clueless as to where/when they came from.
>t.redditors afraid to admit their racist, which means they're still liberals but on their way to conservatives
FPBP, also digits.
Fuck off shareblue.
> I find examples of incredibly brilliant people (of all races)
except black
Hillary has high IQ cities Suburban has rurual Dumpf people retarted low IQ
>When the black areas have these installed at pizza restaurants but my local bank in white land has nothing
Don't be Racists!
(goto 47m51s) listen for 3 minutes
This has happened over 7000 times. Can we please stop the racism ?!
Thank You
>$10 for a large pizza
Godspeed Tyrone
Sup Forums is satire of itself.
Get in here. Evidence of pedophilia in Hollywood.
Another thread about pedophilia in hollywood?
You don't say. Never seen that before.
I wasnt racist until some idiots started.to generelise "white people"
Have you literally never met a nigger in real life? Just ignored their niggardly behavior didn't you? People become racist, because they are realists and don't mince fucking words. You can ignore the behavior and trends, and statistics, but you know they are fucking real, an it is extremely evident, but you choose to ignore it, because you are a fucking weak person. If you can't even acknowledge a problem exists, then how the fuck do you propose it be fixed ?
Yes, niggers killing coal burners, rapefugees raping, and kikes subverting western culture is one big fucking joke.
Non-whites made me racist by invading my homeland and fucking up everything.
>The truth is you project all your shortcomings and insecurities onto minorities.
Yeah, sure, it's all just projection.
Experiencing life with niggers made me a racist.
Yep it’s exactly what most Reddit users do.
Yes. It's all just projection.
Ignore this graph I posted, it's just more projection.
No problem here!
It's just all psychological issues on our part, there are no racial problems, all people are the same or some shit.
yes and i don't regret it
No, living in the South made me """racist""". Sup Forums just validated my beliefs with hard data
This, 1488 go fuck yourself plebbit faggots.
Took them 7 years to do it, but facts have a way of forcing you to accept them eventually.
We're just insecure.
We have some pretty strong evidence.
>BLM sought to bring attention to unregulated police brutality.
You're either lying, or totally ignorant. I guess only you know which.
Heil the truth
i am not a racist, i hate niggers, spics, and kikes, so i hate everyone. i am a misanthrope.
That's all you need.
thats a funny screencap lad
Sup Forums overlooking the important questions.
>Are traps gay?
People only react to racism with outrage because they have been trained that way. Coming to Sup Forums simply trains them again. They are vacant vessels.
all for (((laughs))):
Haha that’s why I just blame whitey
>Roleplaying a racist on Sup Forums so much that you convert yourself to a racist
White nationalism seeks to bring attention to European and American white displacement
On the contrary it's allowed me to see how claiming to be against racism can actually be racist. I've gotten to a point of reasoning pretty much where I can call out anything and anyone as racist, especially in SJW culture, I could even defend and argue my own racism as not racist if i really wanted to, because ive heavily analyzed racism masked under the SJW agenda and other tactics.
Sup Forums was essential in gaining this ultimate realization and power in defining any reality through language and argumentation
>implying sjw's wont say "minorities can't be rascist systematic racism"
E I G H T S ? ? ?
I was honestly always racist to begin with, but the people I knew who were racist were mostly dumb rednecks who liked listening to johnny rebel. It was pretty clear to me that there was a racial difference in IQ, and even as a normie I thought eugenics was a good idea. Ultimately I thought since whites were the most attractive race, that people would end up looking like them if we used eugenics long enough on all races. Sup Forums just gave me more consensus on my thoughts, and also some new data and ideas to go off of.
>implying you cant counter it with logic
all that matters is that fence sitters come away from it thinking the other side are the extremist nuts ;)
funny as fuck when uncle soros puts up 18 gorillion dollars to shill us harder & doesn't even know we all became racist way before we came here
I'm a real racist. I hate niggers, shitskins, and others alike.
Shills are constantly trying to say what Sup Forums is and isn't.
They have pathetic beta leftists on Sup Forums every day trying to convince people they aren't really racist. Haha ok.
Same, but NorCal. I was more racist before/pol/, this place is full of shitskins talking about how being 85% European counts as white