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>you don't like gays, that means you're gay

Why do fags love that argument so much?

Might delete later, just wore this today and thought it looked cute

Lmao blumpf btfo again

Because a deviant always thinks everybody else is a closet deviant, it's a coping mechanic

all joking aside when i see good-looking lesbians holding hands or whatever i am emboldened
like i think i can break them
i think they're faking it. this is kind of the inverse of this. but regardless, homosexuals should be allowed to live but should not be allowed to express their perverted lifestyle openly

>first president to enter office supporting gay rights
>is vilified by all gays

I don't understand.



Yes, the perverts just can't handle the fact that they are truly freaks.

We will teach them

Arachnophobe? You must secretly want to fuck spiders, huh?

cuz they don't like themselves either

If you wear blue spectacles, everything in your world will be blue.

The guilty have a loud mouth and an uneasy conscious.


They bring everything that's decent down to their deviant level.

Faggotry is illogical man. But you're asking the right questions.

I fucked a lesbian once. She was really butch, with a lot of piercings, tattoos, short hair, and wore nothing but flannel and denim. She acted like a hardass all the time and threatened me that if I ever told her girlfriend, she would kill me.

It was probably the best fuck of my life, I'm not gonna lie. I never came so hard. Something about putting her in her place, I don't know. It was really messy, too, she threw up a little when she was deepthroating my dick.

In defense of your thought, statistically, most gays would have to be faking it.

Because they hate themselves for being gay, too.
So they assume anyone that hates gays, must be like them, and also be gay.

I mean, if you're gay, no matter how much you would loathe to admit it, on some level, you hate yourself for being the faggot that you are. You know you've got mental issues and feel like you must project those issues on to others to feel accepted into the group.


Hey faggot, arrest and imprisonment is in your future if you go to an event featuring the God Emperor's majordomo and throw your flag of degeneracy at him

Is that an alt-right haircut?


They're hoping you'll say yes so they can't ask you out

>all joking aside when i see good-looking lesbians holding hands
I have never seen a good looking lesbian couple. Its always a bull dyke, and some passive, short haired Winona Ryder looking woman.

Get in here. Evidence of pedophilia in Hollywood.


Faganon here. Jesus, we the true gays, not the dykes, not the bent demi-gays, not the gender in a blender uber drama demonic drag queens, we the normal faggots that you straights all know and hate, need to assert control and require a drama license before lesser fagglings are permitted to use social media.

He apparently also hates black people because ???

> proudly resisting the release of CIA docs from 60 years ago
> They might show that CIA drugs caused half these gays to exist in the first place


i do bro. i live in connecticut and it's very liberal and trendy
i mean maybe it's just young women holding hands
but coming out the grocery store the other day i saw two well-manicured chicks holding hands. and it was after work so i was wearing my work clothes and had a lot of sweat and dirt on me plus i am jacked and tanned.
and they made a point to smooch eachother as they passed me which immediately made my dick move and i made it a point to look at them in the eyes as they walked by
it was like they were rubbing it in my face but either of them would fuck me on the spot if they didn't have their contrived hyper signalling homosexual relationship

So you fucks throw stuff at the POTUS now huh?

You antifa fucks need a gas chamber.


the best blowjob I ever had was with a bernie sanders voter. I redpilled her on race realism while she gave me the succ.

what part of the state are you referring to? west hartford/glastonbury/avon?

Love how liberals pretend to be okay with gay people and then call people closeted homosexuals as insults. He may as well have said "Pence, I know you're a filthy fucking faggot and you like sucking cock".

farmington valley

CT Bros, what up? When do we overthrow Malloy?

timestamps or GTFO

he's not going to run again