Pi is white nationalism
Pythagoras BTFO
Pi is white nationalism
Pythagoras BTFO
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Anything that takes a human level IQ is white nationalism.
At least this one admits it.
You mean Greeks really are white?
Well if it's racist because it's something only non-niggers can do, she's right
>another leftist trying to lower the bar
If this thought process wasn’t so warped and disgusting - it would be funny
finally the mongrels are admitting that they are inferior to whites
>Math also helps actively perpetuate white privilege too, since the way our economy places a premium on math skills gives math a form of “unearned privilege” for math professors, who are disproportionately white.
I can't wait to enjoy the backlash.
only if dagos are
>“Are we really that smart just because we do mathematics?” she asks, further wondering why math professors get more research grants than “social studies or English” professors.
This one takes the cake.
go figure it's a fucking stupid broad. When will they ever learn to take math and science seriously?
she is not really a mathematician, isn't she?
she is a teacher of pedagogy specialized in math teaching or so, right?
So they're admitting blacks are bad at math basically?
Please my country love everything that is progressive destroyed one of the most Christian country then destroyed one of the most patriotic country troughs franc maçon , learn to hate our history but never at this level please . O my god she is currently saying that no white are worse than white in math then we should ban math
They're literally called Arabic numerals, and "algebra" is a derivation of an Arabic word. How retarded is this stupid cunt?
Sup Forums really delivers today
Wow, so if I teach calculus am I literally Hitler?
>where people are judged wether they can reason abstractly
Wow is this really happening in math classes who'd a thunk
They're called arabic because they came to europe via arabia, but they're originally Indian.
>blacks are bad at math basically?
But they're good at log rhythms.
modern mathematics doesn't use ANYTHING invented by the greeks
this woman is completely retarded
It's true. But it's more sexist than racist.
We can't go around banning things that are sexist and racist. Think of the consequences.
Mississippi reporting in.
Over the past several years there's been a debate in our state's public education establishment about how much math high schoolers need to graduate. When I was in high school we were required to pass a minimum of Algebra I, II, and Geometry. In recent years many people are trying to lower the requirement to only Algebra I. When I remembered that my home state is the blackest state in America, it all suddenly made sense!
Why are you saying this?
>Logic in its purest form is problematic according to a leftist scholar
No shit, the left HATES logic
He's actually right but modern math is a frankensteinian monster of Greek, Indian, ancient Sumerian, Egyptian, and Middle Eastern basic mathematical concepts, so considering the fact that Sup Forums doesn't believe Greeks to be white, this lady is completely wrong. What Europe added to the mathematical docket was expansions on earlier concepts and of course calculus.
>if one is not viewed as mathematical
>judged by whether they can reason abstractly
bomb time
I've got some racist homework to do lads, wish me luck
make this a meme
She is implying that non-whites can't do math. The left doesn't even try to hide their racism now.