Can we ban nazis from this website? Thanks
Can we ban nazis from this website? Thanks
Yeah, we should really be more politically correct.
Can you fuck off back to Sup Forums? Thanks
I agree fuck whity
I agree comrade
I agree nazis are not ok
Get the hell back to tumbler ya feminist we took you out once we will do it again
Jesus fucking christ. We can see your ID you literal nigger.
Nazis are cute, pic related!
And who the fuck are you, exactly?
>samefagging this hard
What's a nazi?
>Can we ban people with even remotely right-leaning opinions from this website? Thanks
Nazi thread?
Nazi Thread
Rather ban Nazi-phobes...
how are you gunna try to samefag on a board with IDs? what a retard.
Hahahahaha fuckin' shill. Can't wait for you liberal/Jewish/Commie faggots to get BTFO'd
Why they aren't hurting any one. At worst a nazi will scream kill everyone but the arians and ride off into the sunset. Free speach means that as longneck as you don't have any notable physical harm from someone you can't shut them up. The worst is you will be dehydrated from crying.
whatcha doin rabbi
Can you stop being a faggot, OP? No? Then try harder you faggot. Sage
Can we ban kikes from this website?
No op is prolly Self hating white.
Day of the rope is mostly for white traitors
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>Can we ban 99% of the user base
This and a few other very obvious threads are a raid / bait. /qa/ was a mistake. If you go there you'll see the mods and Sup Forums and Sup Forums are having some sort of pseudo-war mostly coordinated on irc.
>this entire thread
Post moar plox