Sup Forums BTFO!
Sup Forums BTFO!
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gimme a link
will donate
Me too. Can we get this man a kickstarter going??
Is this like when Hillary voters claimed they would move to Canada?
Go go Zimbabwe. I'll pitch in. Reparations and all that jazz.
lets fund it
Okay, let's just reroute the wellfare funds.
All the nigs who say that refuse to give up their passport so they can't come back
No problem. I'm not giving him the money directly, but I'll buy the ticket. Hell I'll even pay his uber fare to the airport.
>Gibs me dat!
>"Dude wouldn't it be great if we did?"
>Trump will never push for half the welfare budget to go instead toward a Back-to-Africa initiative
While your busy gathering neetbux to make this 1 nig leave, 400 little nigglets will take his place.
This shit's old. Did the nigger go back though?
Feed your children.
>nigga asking for gibs
imagine my shock
Gladly donate but they'd want gibs for years not a one time ticket you know it.
Why does every flight to Niger have a return date? Does no one stay?
Typical nigger, asking others to help him get somewhere in life.
Tickets to Africa aren't that expensive. How can we be sure he won't just come back after he gets super AIDS for treatment?
Sadly this
Only when they die
This is a good idea, but we should do this in addition to paying niggers to get sterilized. Even if you pay them $10,000 to get sterilized, the amount of money we would save paying for their nigglets makes it THE best investment we could ever make.
>even wants gibsmedats on his way out the door
Quick question -
How do you pronounce "Sup Forums"?
Do you say it like "Pole" or like "Paul"?
Gtfo CIA nigger
Only if he renounced his citizenship. Then I’ll donate.
Surely his welfare could cover a plane ticket.
Done as long as he'll actually go to Africa and not buy a new set of rims. Hopefully he can come to terms with the fact that it would be the last time the white man gives him free gibs
What? The handouts he's been receiving his entire life are't enough?
At ~$700 per ticket per black person (would likely be cheaper, actually) we could send all 40 million blacks back to Africa for the cost of only $28 billion. The amount we'd save in gibsmedats would pay for itself in only about two weeks. There's no logical reason for either side to say no to this if America is such a horrible racist country.
You are on to something. There is a woman who does this now.
Give me link I want to donate
One last gib for the road?
Shieeeet, gots dumb white pipo to gibs money.
Slide thread faggots
He has to renounce citizenship and it's a deal
I'll donate .00001 cents for each black person to be relocated to Africa. By my rough guesstimations it should be about 360 dollars total. Come on everyone, lets pool our resources.
Like "Fuck off, we're full"
same 'o' sound as in 'women'
Shit she only pays $300.
This, and also going to a US Embassy and formally renouncing his citizenship is another stipulation that should be put in place.
That's enough to buy a ticket to Lagos all right
I 100% unironically would.
Whatever it cost, it's worth it.
Campaign is complete! He's going. This is good news.
I think anyone who wants to renounce their citizenship should get money to leave.
Then all that dont want to be here will be gone.
they will take the cash too.
getting my wallet
By "pay his way" does he mean just a one way ticket or pay his rent and cost of living. If he wants a one way ticket with not option to return I say thats a great deal.
American niggers will get raped ASAP in Africa. American niggers will go from living in the ghettos in America to keep them from bother whites to living in a compound in Africa to protect them from the wild niggers of Africa.
Seriously, I do not think American niggers fully understand what life in most of Africa is really like.
Get him a boat ticket
if he doesn't take it call him a faggot
I will cut you a fucking check right now Tombunge.
Must renounce US citizenship
you guys are talkers. talkers make me thirsty.
Why when a 5 cent bullet will work, or a rope.
Does he take paypal?
you realize the net value of the investment is overwhelmingly positive? That's a few months of welfare per nig. Profit starts coming less than a year in and stays forever
where the gofundme at?
I'l go back to Mexico no joke, if you pay my plane ticket back and some money to find a place whie I find work
Like politics?
Optics man
I can't seem to post this link without it being flagged as spam
I think I'll eat TWO chickens.
I'd donate, but he would probably just steal it
just head over to the migra and ask them for a lift
this, give up the passport and if they return death penalty at the airport, hang em in the plane id be willing to send each nig of with 50grand if they agree to these conditions
The nigger is full of shit. He kept the cash and stayed
Pay his way. Gtfo nigger YOU PAY YOUR OWN WAY TOBY
>I will go back to a shithole full of my own people if you pay my way and help me find a job.
Really makes you think.
With pleasure. I hope he doesn't mind traveling in the cargo hold.
I'll chip in $50 right now if he actually goes back
We need to make abortions free for niggers. I don't care if one bitch gets 10 abortions, it would be cheaper than paying a niggers welfare, foodstamps, phone bill, and housing for 20 years until they go to prison which we would have to pay for them another 50 years
Ideally, due to rules #1 and #2, you don't pronounce it at all.
But Sup Forums stands for 'politically' so it should be Paul/poll.
You put your hands beside your mouth like: / /
And then you say pol.
Holy shit... this needs to be a thing.
I 100% support reparations for every single nigger that will go back to Africa, on the condition that they renounce their US citizenship and get put on the No-fly list so they can't come back.
thats autistic as hell
funnily enough, madison and jefferson both advocated for the abolition of slavery on the condition that it was followed by the immediate expatriation of all slaves in the US
The $5,000 dollar investment solves future poverty and that money will multiply through pawn shops and police seizures.
kek. you win the day.
But it has to be a one way ticket and he has to renounce his US citizenship.
you mean nowhere in life
>send unhappy blacks back to Africa?
Way ahead of ya -
Someone tweet this guy that jews should pay his way since they took his ancestors.
Giving a black man enough money to send him back to Africa costs much less than supporting him for life on welfare.
spam his ass with these so we gets woke that its Jews who are the race thats the problem not whites.
Jew York Times printed it as race baiting to distract blacks by making them hate whites instead of Jews who are their mortal enemy.
"forward slash pole forward slash"
Let's send this man to Somalia.
how about south sudan so he dies
how exactly is this pol btfo
or make it crazy expensive so they all starve.
Abortions should be free and the gov should pay money for sterilization procedures.
That would be "pell"