Other urls found in this thread:
Shippers are mentally ill.
If you want romance just watch a romance show.
This is on a whole new level of retarded and this is coming from an Ichirukifag.
Is the part 1 the Narusaku meltdown?
Glorious OP, thanks.
The NaruSaku one was more satisfying but that's still beautiful
>load 549 more images
holy shit
Yes, and also this wasn't done by me but by a russian user, so all thanks to him.
All this salt is so fucking tasty
>load 549 more images
Time to listen to some fucking music, this is going to be a long glorious ride.
Pretty impressive as the original has 534.
Wow epic, somebody dredged through tumblr for screencaps of morons complaining on their personal blogs
This is the best, I can't wait to spend my entire evening sifting through images of strangers complaining into the void since they're clearly wasting their time and/or are pathetic
Make sure to get me in the screencap for this one boys, it's sure to be a legendary thread
>fucking shippers, why did they ruin the Iliad?
Romance is part of most action stories
Yes yes. We get it. You gotta be "That Guy". You're such an individual who goes against the flow.
Fuck your (You), sanctimonious hipster cunt. You don't deserve it.
Says the guy browsing Sup Forums
Bleach isn't an epic, it barely has a plot.
The only place shippers exist is in the void left by bad writing.
Is not being able to recognize obvious sarcasm a sign of autism
Jesus, how deep does this rabbit hole go?
Oh, I got the sarcasm. Did you?
You know it's funny because the English voice actor for Hinata and Orihime are the freaking same.
I should have known. I should have seen it coming.
It's been over two weeks and not only are they still going, they can't see how much they've turned into a parody of themselves.
Should have added reddit to this post. They've been going nuts too. reddit.com
Make sure to keep posting.
Careful, mods like to ban leddit links.
So, did we find out what was the deal with this pic?
I'm fine with Orihime winning since Rukia and her relationship with Ichigo were literally irrelevant since the end of the Fullbring arc at best, but good God Renji actually winning ticks me off immensely.
Anyway, thus ends my first contribution to a Bleach thread in about four years. Ciao.
Holy fucking shit. You did good work. I'm laughing and I haven't even gotten through half of this.
What? Rukia and Renji have had a great relationship this arc. You're probably leaving because you can't defend your viewpoint.
This is great, thanks user. Can't wait for the next one when One Piece ends in 20 years.
Holy shit I love fucking shippers. So delusional.
God dammit I forgot I had alerts setup for when I get a reply. Alright, disabled them for this thread now so I won't be coming back again, but I'll humour you first.
I don't really care how good you think they were in the last arc. Renji's a shitty character with an ugly as fuck design, and as much development as they got nothing will change that.
Yes, it's petty. Yes, most Bleach characters were fucking dogshit by the end. But still, I didn't want him to win. That's all.
>sasuke HAS apologized
>my OTP is Grimmruki anyways
Holy shit, how can people type that with a straight face
>Renji's a shitty character
No. He has had one of the best character arcs in Bleach.
>ugly as fuck design
That's wrong.
>as much development as they got nothing will change that.
So, you're ignoring evidence to fit your tightly woven narrative?
Agreed desu.
People try to argue he had some of the best development in the manga but Bleach as a whole was written like shit and that's not a high bar to reach. He's slightly less smelly shit in a pile of slightly smellier shit.
Still, anal devestated IchiRuki fans give me strength, so I'm thankful he won best girl even if he didn't deserve her.
I don't know which is more sad to see, the anal devastation itself or OP going through all those tumblrs and forums to collect the stinking shit. Of course, anyone who doesn't find this funny will be called an analblasted Ichirukifag so I'll post with a laughing K-On reaction pic
I'll always laugh at the fact that people spent days talking about how Japan will burn because of the ending and instead the nips talked about how retarded the West was.
Why do people ship nami and luffy. Neither of them have shown romantic feelings towards each other or anyone their only love is adventure/money
Literal salt overdose.
>tfw the pic was fake but the Ichiruki crowd was wrong anyway
The best part is that IchiRuki is really popular in Japan. It's very possible a lot of them were sad about Ichigo and Rukia not ending up together, but even they thought the IchiRuki Extremists were fucking asinine.
I hope all the shit they are destroying wasn't paid for by their parents. How petty can you get? Though I doubt the person in this picture actually burned their books, there are other ones with broken Bleach merchandise.
Like this for example.
If the authors saying that there will be no romance between the crewmembers wasn’t enough to make people stop shipping them do you think the actual manga will be
ahh the memories
>tfw ichigo never faced the rukia
Too fucking funny.
Nobody gives a shit falseflagger
>IchiHime and RenRuki are like Donald Trump becoming president. No one took them seriously but they ended up winning in the end because of some stupid people/person
Are the shippers so mad they're using time machines?
>I doubt the person in this picture actually burned their books
This one did.
I don't understand what they are trying to argue. Is Kubo the stupid person?
Oh, he faced the Rukia alright. It's just that it was in an argument over their respective parenting methods, which put yet another redundant nail in IchiRuki's coffin.
I don't understand why so many people hate Orihime when Hinamori is obviously worst girl.
I was a big ichiruki fan back when bleach was just starting to get popular. I was really put off when those crazy fuckers like ileenka, debbiechan and their ilk started taking over the fandom.
I still like the pairing but Jesus Christ these people are intolerable.
I honestly don't understand how people can get so upset about a fictional couple not ending up together. You must have to have a really empty life to get this distraught.
Does anyone find that this shitstorm was a little lame compared to Nardo? Maybe it's because there were a lot more people on Sup Forums itself who liked IchiRuki. Or Bleach being a lot less popular at the time. Hell, I think there was a bigger shitstorm for Ash losing the league again (like he always does).
Because she "stole" their huzbando.
Kubo has always been biased with Inoue. It wasn't too surprising
I love how smug these people are. I'm so glad they were blown the fuck out.
Male Lead / Female Lead. That's all the justification some people need to start shouting that their ship is guaranteed going to be canon.
The fact that ichiruki was very popular on here once means the shit storm was never going to reach the heights of narusaku, a universally hated pairing on Sup Forums.
Also, by the end, most people seemed to be reading bleach out of habit rather than actually giving a fuck.
I love it. Too good.
Also, what is this tumblr faggot talking about? Anyone know?
Hitsugaya really needs to get over her and date one of the tittymonsters he seems to be a magnet for.
This is pure, unadulterated autism.
How is Karin not collapsing from their reiatsu?
Because their powers get restricted whenever they visit the human world to prevent that?
Why do you guys still have threads?
Though it was filler, I found this adorable.
>Karin became a busty onee-san while Hitsugaya is probably still a manlet shota.
I love these people so fucking much. They even have conspiracies.
Since when does shippers care? Even after Oda had outright said One Piece won't be featuring romance and mostly focusing on ADVENTURE!, they still kept on shipping.
Karin grew up with Ichigo. She's spent years exposed to his reiatsu before he figured out how to control it.
Orihime false flaggers still trying to stir shit even though nobody cares about bleach anymore
>posting screen caps from tumbler
Her breasts have been secretly absorbing their reiatsu.
I hope you still come here user.
I'm sorry your ship lost. Feel free to keep posting about Bleach.
Who's worse Japanese otakus or Western otakus?
I think Western fans
Japanese people will stab idols when they find out they have a boyfriend but at least they aren't shippers who burn down their house when they lose.
Western shippers are the fucking worst. IchiRuki is possibly one of the worst fanbases.
I remember Lon continuously posting how Orihime was going to die and Rukia would be the one to fight with Ichigo. Looking back it's fucking hilarious.
>but MUH development
You fags say this as if most shounen battle manga ever developed romance. That hardly ever happens. Bleach wasn't the difference, and there was no romantic development be with the Orihime or with Rukia. Any "development", as far as romance goes, existed only in your mind and in your shipper echo chambers.
Hell, most of you retards jumped in joy when Naruto ended up with Hinata, even though there's was no development there either. Sure, Hinata always liked Nardo, and Nardo respected her. But romantic development? Zero. Nada. Nashi.
So, no fags, don't try to pass off your anal devastation as an attempt of criticism. You aren't complaining here due to bad writing (Bleach's writing was always bad and so was Naruto's, yet plenty of you seem to have eaten both pieces of shit to the very end), but simply because you're angry that your ship was sunk and hard, plain and simple.
The sooner you come to terms with yourself that you're just salty, the sooner your ass will stop hurting and you'll be able to move on.
>With Lisanna
Are shipperfags such big idiots?
Pierrot's finest.
>People still can't tell the difference between a Deuteragonist and a Heroine
>shounen manga
You lot deserve to suffer.
Oh oh oh it's cooking time!
This the the hall 1.0
Never imagined IRs would have an even bigger melt down
Because 1.0 lack of Sup Forums rage.
>yfw we get twice the tears when One Piece ends because Oda won't canonize any pairing
some autist is obsessed with saying that main guy/main girl never happens, to the point of denying Natsu/Lucy.
>except not really because nobody cares about shipping in One Piece
i haven't read Fairy Tail in 3 years and yet i know how obvious Natsu x Lucy that is way more obvious then any of the ships in the big 3.
There are some people who care, and not all of them have taken Oda's "no romance" policy to heart.
Honestly I don't see what everyone's problem is with this outcome.
I always felt that Ichigo's potential romance with Rukia or Orihime could go either way and that whoever he'd end up with I'd be cool with it.
Regardless, it's a fucking shonen battle manga. Romance shouldn't be what you're reading it for.
Kubo himself stated that romance was never a primary focus in Bleach.
Fucking hell this level of autism is astounding from shippers on all sides.