Should there be mandatory abortions for disabled fetuses? They are really a drain on society.
Should there be mandatory abortions for disabled fetuses? They are really a drain on society
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yes, we should have mandatory abortions for the disabled fetuses
We should also have mandatory abortions for leftists and muslims and children of parents that have voted hillary or participated in BLM
I am serious, not sarcastic
>Should there be mandatory abortions for disabled fetuses?
Science exist to help the disabled and diseased people, not to abort them.
I hope not. They show us our humanity all the while being honest and open.
OP..yo lookin' at life the wrong way.
I think so. At their BEST capacity, they can do the most mind numbingly boring, unskilled jobs available, that are probably going to be replaced by technology anyway. Once their parents or guardians die, they become a burden on society by becoming a burden to the state because they cannot support themselves. They can't reproduce ir advance society.
That being said, if we're going to abort a physically/mentally deficient fetus, which I'm OKAY with doing based on the argument above, we should also execute homeless individuals in our society who have utterly given up on themselves.
I honestly don't understand why anyone wouldn't abort a mentally disabled or terribly mutated fetus. I mean sure it sucks, but the quality of life would be poor, not only for the child but everyone involved. Pretty much 9/10 marriages fail when raising a mentally disabled child
They should certainly be encouraged
My girlfriend has FOUR disabled siblings. I'm scared to death our kids will be disabled because of her shit genes.
A) We aren't at the level yet to fix these issues in the womb yet without killing the fetus.
B) It's hard to justify your position of science, when more money goes to the state to care for these deficient in nursing homes than to "fix" them in the lab/womb.
It must suck having a nigger kid, poor family
family gatherings must be fun tho
And for pregnant women who are not married or planning on marrying the father. Single mothers are the worst cancer of civilization
God will take them when He deems so.
>le 55.8% face
Yes, you should have to get a license to breed and anyone under 100 IQ should be banned. We have a responsibility to avoid an actual idiocracy.
Okay fags...
I was a job coach for the intellectually and developmentally disabled. Also a STEM person. These 'burdens' wanted to work. They needed to be handled a little differently, but they were capable and wanted to do a good job. In fact, that is all they cared about. I had them at 90% capacity of the non-disabled population...pretty damn good considering I had some serious autism and Williams disease to deal with.
These are lovely people. They teach us our humanity. They live in the moment and all they care about is being as 'normal' as they can. Imagine going through life knowing you are different. They see and understand a hell of a lot more than society gives them credit for.
We need them.
well i'm not sure you actual have to kill them. kek before birth even.
They provide many entertainments.
No you degenerate, life is precious.
anybody got source on that retarded kid's mom's tits?
i feel as though retards should be genocided because they only hurt society and the only reason people dont do it is because they dont have the balls. autistic kids make everyone around them uncomfortable and if i ever have a kid that has downs or autism or any mental disability
This is rather out of topic, but the kid from pic related looks like le 56% amerimutt
Not if that life will never have the quality of life a normal human could live. If that thing is in pain but can't communicate, then mercy killing is the only option.
Darius, Steph, and Jimmy. Doxxing myself a bit here. How in the eff' can a board that pats themselves on the back for autism have a thread like this. Yeah, I am an effing normie for the most part.
I love Sup Forums for the most part. Lot of shitposting. This topic sucks. We need these people. They teach us more than we teach them. Hang around them for a while and learn what you never expected.
That and those tards are almost always had by the most stupid bleeding heart parents that use said child as a meal ticket so to speak.
Which one in the photo is the disabled foetus?
That would be racist user
it would help limit these types of posts.
I dont mind helping the helpless. I cant stand helping the fucking dindus.
Not an argument, meme flag poster.
In a capitalist society we will never get rid of the Mentally handicapped. There is SO much money to be made off these abominations.
Her genes are fucked for sure. Kick her to the curb or tell her you wanna adopt instead.
>A) We aren't at the level yet to fix these issues in the womb yet without killing the fetus.
Because the money goes elsewhere.
Not mandatory, but definitely encouraged. This is one of the few situations in which I support abortion.
user, i wouldn't chance it, even if your kids turn out ok they still have the gene
In other words
>B E A U T I F U L
It depends on the degree. I posted , but I know where you're coming from. My mother has worked with them for decades and I'm not unsympathetic. But some will never be able to work, and when their caregiver's (family) becomes too old to care for them, or they die, then they'll be stuck in a facility and face a lonely and depressing existence until they finally die too. Lighter autism is acceptable, but when you get the severe cases I honestly believe it's best for all involved if they're aborted
I get it. It's a soft spot for me. I believe we as a society need to take care of those who can not take care of themselves. Opposite of taking care of those who can but won't take care of themselves.
It's a tough one for me. I get that side of it. Same goes for babies, old people, etc. I dunno. Probably need to step off the thread..first time I have been triggered on Sup Forums Lol
Same expression and everything. I wonder if we can go lower.
Considering you would've been aborted then OP, maybe?
In a roundabout way, good old Orwellian UK already does. Mandatory testing for down syndrome at multiple stages, and extended termination dates lead to over 95% termination rates. A silent war. And don't forget, 1/5 pregnancies are aborted in any case.
Sort of madly utilitarian.
I take an mma class at my local uni, and there's a retarded Chinese midget in it.
We should keep them for the sake that they're funny as fuck to watch.
>reverse image search this picture
>best response : my wife's son cuck
>at family gathering
>little autistic nephew runs up
>"hey uncle ano-"
>"Shut the fuck up autist!"
>smack the little shit
>Hitler hates disables