So I'm having a little girl and want to know how to not make her racist. I'm super racist. I think all black people besides obummer should die. I call them niggers any chance possible. Don't want that for my daughter though.
So I'm having a little girl and want to know how to not make her racist. I'm super racist...
public school. That is all that is required. you'd have a way harder time actually making her racist.
pizzagate is real.
Wait, I'm only racist because I went to public schools in the St. Louis nigger area. So I don't think that'll work. They're full of niggers and stupid fucking spics.
Clearly a shitpost, but just in case, teaching her to not be "raysis" isn't the way to go. Teach her to understand that there are differences between races, and that black culture is absolute degeneracy, but that she shouldn't immediately jump to hate of all blacks for it.
So let her know us whiteys on top and the niggers on the bottom but don't tell them that?
>Don't want that for my daughter though.
so you want her to get blacked
>white girl
Yeah you couldnt make her racist if you tried. What a dumb thing to worry about lmao.
>how to not make her racist
But why? You want her to secure the existence of our people and a future for white children (and thus avoid niggers) don't you?
Act super racist around her all the time. Kids naturally rebel and she'll be drawn to liberalism when she's a teen just by virtue of it being the opposite of your ideology.
Is this a slide thread?
Public school made me racist. I fought it for so long, but being around so many black people all the time red pilled me.
I’d be careful lad. Uncle was full on BNP, cousin rebelled and dated, married and now had kids with a poo. Uncle is now bluepilled because he likes his grandson.
Tbf I like him as well but still not bluepilled
This. My dad being racist made me not racist and hate racists. I lived in a township with a lot of niggers, though, so I was red pilled before I graduated high school.
You don't have to raise her to be raisest but raise her to be aware of black people.
Why wouldn't you want her to be racist? Do you want her to be sucking nigger cocks at 14?
Why the fuck would you not want to redpill your child?
Are you going to wait for her to bring Tyrone home to fuck, then hear her say she was abused by him?
yeah, let jamal plant his seed in her.
you're so tollerant, user.
>Hurrr I really hate football u guyz
>I think it’s boring, dangerous, and I genuinely despise the players and anyone who supports it
>But I’ve decided I want my very real unborn daughter to love it!
>Can you guys on this anti football message board give me tips on how to make my daughter love the thing I hate and you do to?
>super racist
>likes Obama
>Why the fuck would you not want to redpill your child?
the more he teaches her to be racist the more likely she is to get gangbanged by niggers as a way to rebel
convert to judaism
>asking Sup Forums how to raise a child
She's already doomed.
>I'm super racist
>Black people
You really think we are that stupid? Also is not about hating races for no reason, retarded fuck. We get called racist just for recognizing we,humans, are not all one specie, but several different subspecies, due to genetic differences (genetic distances + haplogroups) and those differences cause less social cohesion, thus create problems on the long run.
racism is a social construct
just tell her to suck jamals dick
lol niggers look, smell, and act niggerish
But between niggers, they can not contrast their smell, so they would never notice, checkmate
Keep her away from niggers, because knowing niggers is the number one cause of white on black racism.
Eliminate the other races before she is born.
Then she cannot fall into the sin of hatred.
Raise her as a Christcuck in a red state far away from any other race. She'll love the fuckers.
you think i can do that before feburary? nuke africa and st louis and detroit?
The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
When your daughter is 10-14 take her through some badly nigger infested areas to plant the seed of inherent racism.
Shut the fuck up. Your daughter will be fucking shitskins by 11 no matter what you do. You already lost.
just trust me
>by 11
what did he mean by this
A thread died for this
public school makes men racist and women hate their own race
Jhst make her in love with her own people ,european culture and she will understand herself, talk abaut south afroca , sweden etc. Its touching topics for girls should be
some piece of shit white vet moved in next door to us. welfare king. dumb as fuck. dirty house. thinks everyone owes him something. acts like a pussy all the time. literally the only nigger on the street.....and hes white.
All these posts and not a single BRRRRAAAAP. I'm proud of you guys.
By 11-years-old their daughter will have a shitskin dick inside her.
>Doesn't think obabo should die
lmao at this guy
Cops. Yes the tv show cops. She'll learn to hate all types of human trash and see reality for what it is. It won't make her racist but it will make her a realist .
That sounds like your fetish rather than fact, to be honest.
Am i right?
Raise your kids woke, you selfish, emotional faggot.
If you don't make her racist she'll date, fuck niggers like a Kardashian.
She'll spawn a mud child and probably get raped several times by niggers during her life.
You want that for your little girl?
Racism is a defense. Then she'll get hooked on meth or heroin. She'll dump her nigger kid on you.
black dildo up her ass daily..
It takes like 200,000-500,000 dollars to raise a non-black child to adulthood.
You raise a white girl to 18, pay for her college and the she ends up banging a nigger, getting pregnant.
You just gifted niggers 500,000 dollars of your money and an insurmountable amount of time, blood, sweat, and tears.
If you die without heirs and accumulate wealth, your daughters nigger kid may get all your wealth.
All the wealth goes to the nigger community.
>having a little girl
Throw its mother down a flight of stairs. Thank us later.
Your daughter is your flesh and blood. She will be like you. You will be her primary source of information of how to conduct herself. If you don't want her to be racist, you must stop being racist yourself.