How is a woman who embraces the red pill entirely not supposed to be miserable? No matter how you look at it...

How is a woman who embraces the red pill entirely not supposed to be miserable? No matter how you look at it, women are reduced to sexual objects and birth givers. According to the theory, they don’t have the personality, maturity, intellect, or talent that men have. Essentially, they’re lesser beings who don’t really contribute to the world but watch as their husbands do.
There are important aspects of the traditional feminine role and I understand that. I entirely respect motherhood and stay-at-home moms, for example. It just really haunts me that, if the theory is true, I’m second-class as a human being. That I have value to one future household and absolutely nothing else. That at worst, I’m a slut and at best I’m a good little wife. How am I supposed to accept this without feeling like shit?
Genuine question, not bait, I swear. Please help me out, Sup Forums

>Being a mother is "second class"

The meme needs to die. The entire reason the male is busting his nuts at work 8 hours a day is to give that money to you and the children.

There are many professions as well that women excel at. They are not second class citizens at all. But the responsibility of giving birth is very important.

Stop feeling sorry for yourself.

Also tits or gtfo

if you are confident so will she.

I said the opposite in my post. I respect motherhood

>second class

If you're white, that still puts you above seemingly infinite classes of other subspecies, basically Hercules to our Zeus.

Also this

But how do you accept being an overgrown child, in Sup Forums‘s usual terms?

99% of men are just cogs in some pointless machine, 99% of women just give birth and raise children
Then there are rare special people, of both genders.

We are not special, we would not be here if we were, and what gender we are is irrelevant to that. For normal people the family is what is supposed to be most meaningful, not just for the wife, for the father as well.

Not that I expect our society to go back to thinking that way.

Women are the very life of a nation. Theirs is a 'small world', but without that small world, there can be no domain for men. Nothing to live for, nothing to protect. Being a 'good little wife' is not desirable for anyone -- women have dreams, ambitions, passions, and interests as any other person does. These are invalidated by motherhood.

Nobody ever said that life is fair. Be the best woman you can be, and try not to dwell on stuff you can't change. Plenty of 5'2 guys out there that have the cards stacked against them as well. What are ya gunna do? Life goes on

Tits or gtfo cum dumpster.

Newfags should be saging this dumb tramp.

Consider embracing the role every one of your ancestors has embraced for 10,000 fucking years then stop posting.


How can you squander the gift of creation on some bullshit propagated and likely put in your head by the state. The most amazing experience for a woman to have, is to be mother with children she nutured and shaped beside her. Stop trying to be a man. Some men will live without any accomplishments beyond hobbies and family. Just like you.

A genuinely good post from a leaf, surprising. You will be raked last.

This, it seems only in (((modern))) history that women are starting to question gender roles, forgetting that's how the world operated for the last tens of thousands of years.

How can holding a woman up to a certain standard make her 2nd class? It's not hard just avoid being a slut and do not be obese. Also let's not divorce but work things out.
We aren't asking for the moon here, these things were a given in any woman just 30 years ago

Don't be one? Chances are you're going to be ostracized for your viewpoints if you come to Sup Forums in the real world. That's basically a given, regardless of how logical or diplomatic you might be about it. But that doesn't mean you have to sperg out, or be generally unpleasant around those that think different than you. Be who you want to be, and accept that who that is won't please everyone. My girlfriend is very much a leftist, while I'm more center right, but we respect eachothers opinions and understand how different parties and political beliefs represent different values, not all of which are inconceivable on either side.

men go out and conquer.

women create families, and therefore nations.

i think you're confusing muslim nations (which degrade women, and give them zero rights) with us in the west. the right woman will create a stronger family than you ever could.

there's literally nothing more important than raising well adjusted kids, you will die eventually but if your kids are productive members of society their accomplishments reflect on you

you guys really need to work on your sell, otherwise your "movement", such as it is, ends with you.

The simple fact is that 99.9% of women aren't going to go along with it, for the exact reasons OP is illustrating.

>Warping ideas so another alt-right mess is created


>don't be a mother, goyess

1) understand "women" is a generality. Not every woman has to or should be a mother or whatever. However, you should think long and hard about whether you actually would be happy with anything different.

2) Consider that you could make the same case for men being second class. We work to bring home resources FOR the family, men fill the most dangerous jobs and when the time comes, we're expected to go out and risk life and limb, Damn near half of men in history never even got the chance to procreate; they died cold and alone. The other side isn't necessarily greener.

>being a mom is not important

Oh fuck please just stop. You do realize there is nothing more important than our children right?

Our civilization ends in one generation if we fail to raise up the next in our own image. This is the linchpin of civilization.

Our civilization began it's decline primarily when mom's left the household and sent the kids off to school, which is my its inherent design and nature, communistic.

Women are NOT lesser than men, but they are also NOT equal to men, they are completely different and have different roles.

And when women try to be men we start to have serious problems, because there is not one left to be women.

It takes two to have a family, a man and a woman, and both are important and have different roles. And families are the building blocks of nations. Remove men and the nation is destroyed, remove women and the nation is destroyed, because it's vulnerable children are left unprotected and are demoralized.

Repeat after me:


you realize no one wants to slave away for the government all day? Most men aren't Caesar. If you were a man you wouldn't be Caesar. Men want your position

I see nothing wrong with that, i would break your face for saying sonething different.

These feminists need to be beaten and oppressed and see if mothers are oppressed conpared to feminists.

what kind of ket is russian smug ket?

What's the logic here? Assuming OP isn't full of shit and is a woman, she's one out of a thousand that actually subscribes to a similar way of thinking that you do. But your first instinct is to ask to see her tits and call her a cum dumpster? I mean, that's basically muslim/african tier behavior. Aren't you supposed to be for traditional values and shit? You think a 1950's american man would do that?

I'm not white knighting, I don't have a dog in this fight, I'm not a traditionalist nor a feminist. I'm just saying it seems counterproductive to me if you are actually trying to get women to see things from your point of view.

Clearly you don't, or you believe that no one else does (essentially the same thing) otherwise you wouldn't be here. The redpill that you'll eventually reach by lurking here is that being married with children is top tier lifestyle for a woman and is is the only shot most women have at achieving self actualization.

My point of view is submit or be beaten.

men and women compliment each other

two halves of the whole human race. yes men tend to be the inventors, movers, and leaders, but I'd say a womans true role is just as important. Part of the reason we are in the trouble we are is that women have been convinced by (((them))) to abandon femininity

White knighting had made life worse for men.

Are you muslim? because that would be my guess.

Sup Forums attempts to point at the truth, that doesn't mean that Sup Forumsacks themselves live it out. Basement wizards may comprehend a great deal, but they are not necessarily virtuous.

Submit or be beaten, I am Pagan.

You have the ability to create life. No matter what men achieve in their life, it will never be as magnificent as creating another fucking life.

Just get married and have some kids. Once you are responsible for things people/things that actually matter you won't spend your time contemplating your 'place in the world' and other stupid shit, you frivolous bitch.

manipulate men for good

White knights need to be beaten as well, the role of a woman is solely as a mother every single feminist needs to ne beaten and oppressed.

"Do as I say, not as I do" eh?

Guess that makes sense.

Buddy you couldn't beat Stephen Hawking in a foot race.

>If the man's world is said to be the State, his struggle, his readiness to devote his powers to the service of the community, then it may perhaps be said that the woman's is a smaller world. For her world is her husband, her family, her children, and her home. But what would become of the greater world if there were no one to tend and care for the smaller one? How could the greater world survive if there were no one to make the cares of the smaller world the content of their lives? No, the greater world is built on the foundation of this smaller world. This great world cannot survive if the smaller world is not stable. Providence has entrusted to the woman the cares of that world which is her very own, and only on the basis of this smaller world can the man's world be formed and built up. The two worlds are not antagonistic. They complement each other, they belong together just as man and woman belong together.
Being a mother is an incredibly important role. We have control over how the next generation grows up, and can shape the world.

Women also create community
Make friends with other red pilled women
Most are married or on the path to it

>reduced to
women are the only ones with the privilege of being sex objects and birth givers, men are reduced to being walking wallets and free security detail

Being a birthgiver and mother is a very significant job. It isn't a lesser job. It isn't an equal job.
Women are more valuable because they can only be responsible for one pregnancy at a time. A man can be responsible for many pregnancies simultaneously.
To be honest men are more walking dildos than women are walking cum dumpsters.

You'll become a mother to children, care for them and raise them so they too can make the world better. You'll take care of your man so he can be strong in his deeds, without you he will be weaker. They will take care of you too, as you will be family.

You're not competing with your man, your family is competing with other families. You will serve a role no man can, an invalueable role, and according to studies this is what will make you happy

>being a mother is somehow worse than wage slaving in a job?
These are ememies who want oyr desteuction not equal narrative, you beat your enemies to submission, their true purpose is opposing you.

We both have value, just in different aspects.
Uniting with your husband in mutual respect of each other's strengths and weaknesses is bliss.
Don't let anyone but your husband affect how you feel about yourself, and if he's a truly good man, you will feel nothing but love and respect for you both.
If you don't currently have a husband, just follow your gut and find him.

In a proper, functional household, the mother rules. mom decides what's going on in the house. Sure dad goes out to work and makes bank, but you shape an entire household and build the minds of strong children.

It's a humble life, but nothing to be ashamed of.

Hell if you'd like you could get a part time job when the kids are older and going to school. Just make sure to give full attention to the children in their formative years, up until about 6.

Ruling is for men, women do not rule you low test vermin.

A womans role is to have children.

Ya some things in life aren't fair OP. I'm never gonna have a 9 inch dick but I don't complain about it.

You can't change the fact that women are second class. It just doesn't work. I've seen huge SJW libtard women melt at the hands of a PUA. You're easily manipulated there's no fighting nature. You can't rebel against nature it doesn't work.

Just accept it and enjoy the orgasms. Women can orgasm more than men. Have fun squirting and shit.

Woman here. I was redpilled by Bernie Sanders last year. I want to tell you your feelings are wrong. You should be upset with liberals for tricking you your entire life and telling you to be a feminist, not feeling sad you aren't as "good" as a man.

please post a picture of yourself

I'm willing to bet multiple BTC you are either 6 inches below average height or 100 pounds over average weight

Ooh, or two inches below average penis size

Have you ever lived with a woman? The man is charge of big decisions, the woman is in charge of the smaller ones.

Really? Seems like kind of a big jump to make. I could see someone starting to doubt the whole progressive thing after bernie, but going from that to this is a major leap. Can you go into some more detail? I'm interested.

I'm gonna go ahead and answer that question for him: no.

I would beat you if I saw you irl.

my fucking sides

Not all women should be housewives in the ideal society, it just means that women shouldn't be pressured into stressful careers they have neither the drive nor talent for. Modern feminism is largely a scheme by corporations to broaden the labor pool desu.

If there's a career path you're both passionate about and talented in, you should go do that. Otherwise there's absolutely nothing wrong with being a full-time wife and mother.

No, you wouldn't. You'd skulk away like the over compensating pansy you are. You talk like this on an anonymous image board because you know if you said anything like this to anyone in real life you'd have your brains dashed out on the sidewalk. Grow up.

Don't accept or reject an idea based on how it makes you feel, but how accurate it is. If you disagree with the idea that women are "less", and have evidence, the problem is resolved. If you generally agree, but feel you are an exception and have reasons for it, the problem is resolved. If you agree wholeheartedly, do better or accept your station, and the problem is resolved.

I also agree with the above posters that being a loving and nurturing parent is the most important task out there, though I think that regardless of the gender of the parent filling that role. Women do not need to be denigrated for raising the next generation, nor do men. We do everyone (men, women, and children) a disservice when we are dismissive toward the importance of rearing a functional future generation.

Praise mothers, praise fathers. Find your partner in the person who has strengths where you are weak, and whose weaknesses you can help repair. Build each other up. Respect each other, and be respectable in turn. Raise children you will be proud of, be they boys or girls. If there's a flaw in you that you are self conscious of, work on it!

Low test vermin.

Are you a girl?

Find your happiness in having children. Men can't do it. You're first-class in that. You're only second-class in man stuff.

No, you quarter wit

Because they are weak. They believe the strong woman are red pilled but that's for hoes who gave up.

>tmw red pilled "men" think they have the best women when in reality, it's the weakest.

You're not strong if you let others decide what you are, being a female doesn't change this.

Then fuck off you filthy kike.

"Red-pillers" are also a genocidal bunch, but this is your top priority grievance?

All that 'test' you've got hasn't gotten you anywhere with women, I'd bet.

I wouldn’t be allowed to participate in the genocide to be fair

>I'd rather make PowerPoint presentations for a faceless international corporation than raise my children
Don't let me catch you in the Northwest.

Because there are no women on the internet. If you identify yourself as a female on the internet then you are openly inviting people to judge you based on your sex. Whereas irl women get all kinds of special treatment because they have tits, they are not afforded the same treatment online and should not be. The point of being anonymous is to be taken by the content of what you're saying not "WAAAH I'm a woman feel bad for me!" No one is actually asking for her tits. It's a meme. I'm a two year newfag but fucking lurk more

Not second class
You've been sold a lie that you must compete with men
So you react to not being able to "meet those standards"
In reality you just need a strong man in your life to compliment it
then these types of insecurities disappear as you feel, not know, your place

How is a man who embraces the red pill entirely not supposed to be miserable? No matter how you look at it, men are reduced to financial objects and cash givers. According to the theory, they don’t have the intuition, maturity, kindness, or talent that women have. Essentially, they’re lesser beings who don’t really contribute to the world but watch as their wives do.
There are important aspects of the traditional masculine role and I understand that. I entirely respect fatherhood and go-at-work dads, for example. It just really haunts me that, if the theory is true, I’m second-class as a human being. That I have value to one future wife and absolutely nothing else. That at worst, I’m a slave and at best I’m a good little employee. How am I supposed to accept this without feeling like shit?
Genuine question, not bait, I swear. Please help me out, Sup Forums

First things first:

>Sexual objects

idiotic terminology. Even if a woman puts a paper bag over her head and writes "fuck me" on her body, she's not an "object". People are fully aware that she's a human being - they consider her a rather slutty human being they might or might not want to fuck - but not an object like a chair or a desk. They are completely aware that she needs to eat and drink as non-obejct persons do, has thoughts and perceptions etc. They might not care a lot about them, but they might not care a lot about other random people either.

>That at worst, I’m a slut

Why even include this as an option? Either you're a slut or you aren't, and if you aren't, why speculate about the possibility as if it's real?

As for the encouragement:

Nobody says the only role you can fulfil is as a wife and eventually mother. As long as you fulfil that role, you can do anything else at the same time.

Look at Melania Trump. She's a wife and a mother, and does other things as well. Of course, when you don't have people to take care of your children, you might not have a lot of hours free in the day, but working men also don't have a lot of hours free in the day to do whatever they fancy. You would still have some completely free time even with kids.

Why should you take care of kids and be wife and mother before anything else? Because if you don't, you're just another parasite helping to destroy civilization, and you might as well just take an overdose of MDMA or whatever and get it over with.

Is that the ONLY thing you can do? No, not at all.

Gender is real but don't take it as far as these idiots. Individuals vary and a minority of women have contributed in many ways outside of the traditional roles. Feminism used to mean that. If you're one of those minority of women who are naturally predisposed to contribute to society another way, then do that. But don't think of it as giving credence to the idea that gender isn't real and a statistical fact.

Act as if and shit post your way through it. There is a saying behind a great man there is an even greater women. Most of the time women are the rock for their man and that's what gives us the ability to continue to keep pressing forward through this world we live in.

Fenlminists need to be beaten and oppressed and laid out in a corner, only faggots will oppose this.

Every woman must be for marriage and mothers only, same thing for whores.

So you think threatening to beat someone who has no ability to fight back is fine, but then, when confronted by someone who would happily take you on, the best you can manage is "F-fuck off"

You're one of the saddest examples of humanity I've seen on this site. And I've been here for over a decade.

Well that's the point. He thinks he doesn't need women right now because after his imagined "day of the rope" equivalent he'll just use his test to drag some poor woman off by the hair and miserably try to fuck her, get frustrated when he cant get it up, then kill her when she laughs at his attempt and reminds him of how impotent he is.


Agreed but what of those who feel the need to take on, what's considered, a manly role? Just curious.

Do not despair, m'lady. This is just a narrow interpretation of gender difference. Brilliant women always can make worthwhile contributions. And in the future, as science starts to merge back into the irrational substratum of the imminent divine, womanly intuitiveness will grow increasingly important to western thought. Value yourself and the many possible manifestations of your feminine nature.

>Don't accept or reject an idea based on how it makes you feel, but how accurate it is.
Paradoxically, this is a masculine thing to do.

Except we aren't. I've been a national feminist for 7 years and the only place I belong is in a lab. Being a mother is important but not life defining (it's just a basic necessity to continuing your genes), so go out and do what career you enjoy.

Women are still perfectly capable of being smart and talented. I don't know what the fuck you're so depressed about. You can do whatever you want. Get a job and build your career or raise kids. It's hard to do both but people do that too.

>birth giver
Kill yourself Shareblue

>"Do what I want you to do or so help me I'm gonna bitch ALL night on Sup Forums!"

> Sup Forums is one person
> Sup Forumsacks are incapable of being vindictive, malevolent or petty because the wisdom of the hivemind cuts through a large portion of institutionalized bullshit


no we are actually asking for tits

sometimes they debase themselves and deliver, proving to everyone they're just in it for attention

I leapt all the way from progressive loving socialism to white nationalist. I almost got tricked not to have children. When I saw Bernie not stand up to Hillary at the dnc convention where she was crowned I felt betrayed. What kind of shit monster would just sit there and let a criminal walk all over him, then support her for it. Then I saw how protesters were screaming at the dnc convention while the democrats tried to cover it up intentionally. This was my first introduction to fake news. Then more research opened Pandoras box.

Whores need to be beaten and oppressed.

wew these numbers tho

>raising the next generation
>instilling values and virtue into our youth
>second class person

which one of these doesnt belong?

I dont have the time to fight white knights, just putting women in their place

Depends on what you mean by 'a manly role'

>No matter how you look at it, men are reduced to financial objects and cash givers.

Oh worse than that. Only 20% of men qualify as 'above average'. To be male is to be a disposable object used and discarded by society as the needs warrant.