Post your plans to this thread to remove new Shia flag in France
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Hi Luke, I hope you get brain cancer and die.
Hard to find someone in France that won't give up on a plan
There's a forum named 18-25 in (
They might try something but don't count on us for doing anyshit
Won't the average Frenchman confuse it with their white battle flag?
step 1: live in france
step 2: don't have liberal views
We are fucked.
Incoming faggots who want to hang a Caliphate flag up there. Because flying your enemies flag is le epic prank. Very surprised the Japs on Okinawa island didn't raise an American flag as a cool prank too.
Nobody cares about HWNDU anymore.
Clone several Shias
Make a human cannon
Fire Shias at the flag until it’s knocked down
This keeps getting posted, its the best idea ive seen yet no one tries to do it?
nobody cares anymore. wake me up when the normies start wooing shias shit again
Drone with a spray can of black dye.
Like the Rolling Stones said, paint it black.
Thats because its difficult to build a reliable Release Mechanism i could do it i have a drone thats used for drop tests but i live in germany so i cant do it.
faguettes tried burning the flag with a drone. ze battle was lost, but not ze war. redeem yourselves faguettes!
Honestly if the flag's not even in the US its kinda a joke
>flag secured by metal clasps
>metal clasps secured to pole by string
>stairs at sidewalk lead right to base of the spire
>take stairs, use high powered laser to destroy the securing strings, flag falls to road or rooftop, capture
youre better than jason bourne
true, they voted in Macron, they're a lost cause, that's why shit-head took his stupid flag there.
Paint it White to Trigger the French
>Paint it White to Trigger the French
Bleach bomb.
If the flag is polyester you can cut it down with a soldering iron attached to a drone.
You lost Luke! Keep that flag in shitty France.. MAGA2020.
the only way you can catch this flag is if your a furry.
>he will not divide us
But he will drive undesirables out of the country
>He will not divide us.
Flees to a foreign country across an ocean to fly his flag.
Guess what, Shia. Better rethink that...
Hi Shia.
They're not gonna tell you how they plan on humiliating you further.
Please stop trying to gather information and gauge if people still give a fuck about you still or not.
They don't
You don't need a release mech. just a large hook and a wire cage for the bucket
i would try to get a giant magnifying glass and burn it from a safe distance
Very underated and hillarious post! Shia lacuck used a surrender flag for his hwndu protest! Hahahahahaha It would be perfect to remain there
then we will go to france
i would rather have a German in front of me than a Frenchman behind. WTF France. Take it down.
I saw Shia LaBeouf at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn't want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, "Oh, like you’re doing now?"
I was taken aback, and all I could say was "Huh?" but he kept cutting me off and going "huh? huh? huh?" and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like "Sir, you need to pay for those first." At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually "to prevent any electrical infetterence," and then turned around and winked at me. I don't even think that's a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
larping faggot
Fucking commies. Pay them no attention.
I like what you got. Good job.
that's the only way shit's going to get done
maybe we should just invade and form Kekistan there, the south is pretty nice apart from the people
it's probably protected by law there already
actually sounds legit tbf
did he smell as bad as it looks like he does?
I know how to take down the flag there one flaw in the system
Sauce? I see the burn marks
kekistani fag buying an internet fairy tale as fact.
Stawp poasting, ye autistic fuck-knuckle.
let's not use urine. that's antifa-level degenerate
we have to bribe one of the cleaner to get the flag
sorry Cletus
>we have to bribe one of the cleaner to get the flag
Yeah, maybe if it was any other country in EU.
Get in here. Concrete proof of pedophilia in Hollywood.
Dude that's disgusting, that pastas been around for years, throw that shit away..
If only it was England we could bribe a chimney sweep.
Like a thousand drones
i got it a drown with a flame thrower
youre so retarded, man. Like gay hah
HWNDU is full of cancerous new fags fuck off
Awesome! Thank you
Great one user
How good would u have to be with a drone to do this?
>underage mutt the post
Seems a bit improbable
That would be very difficult it has to be an Aluminium Pipe due to the weight restrictions of Drones so it might be that its too light to cover the flag.
And it would be a nightmare to pilot that thing from afar without a camera on it ,and beeing close makes you easy to find for cops.
That flaming drone may have failed but it gives me hope. It's possible.
New pasta:
Sorry, but I have to let off steam here.
Everyone seems to be bashing Canadian politicians for letting in refugees and not doing enough to stop terroristic attacks.
I've been living in Canada for all of my life, I moved to the USA for few months, years maybe. But I love my country Yes, there is inequality and crime and terrible things happening in Canada and in the rest of North America. Like everywhere else.
But if you are a bit familiar with Trudeau, you should know he is one of the best, if not the best policy makers in the world. Since his election, the Canadian economy, aid for those in need and pretty much everything else has improved a lot.
As to the refugees, of course they are an incredible burden for Canada and other European countries. But what do you want to do if not let them in? You can't close the borders (see Schengen and the most fundamental elements of multiculturalism). In my opinion, you can't send them back or just let them die on their own, because that's not only cruel but also selfish as f***. We have the capabilities of taking them in, the majority of these people are the most thankful and giving members in our whole society. And if other Asian countries, or the US, or just anybody would have agreed to at least take in a fraction of the number Canada took in, no country would have been in much trouble to give them a new home.
And what about the terrorists? First off, the majority of terrorists aren't refugees. Check that on Wikipedia or whereever you like. Most of them are radicalised at home or in the internet. And those who came as refugees would have found another way, no doubt. It's easy to get to Canada. This place is so open in any way, you just cannot give 100% security. As many of you might know, "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.".
So for god's sake let these people live here, don't blame an entire group that is 99.9% peaceful.
>New pasta
Pasta is ALWAYS old.
This is a ripe new pasta that came from this board today, neverbeforeseen pasta goodness, I assure you
How long until the mods delete this one?
Well, the wire should be longer, the controller was lost the entire time, he should put more lighs
RIP, drone
Macron is hiding his power level
I just hope whoever the absolute madman was he doesn't give up. That was very close to being effective.
I stand by my idea of just getting a kite tangled around the pole with a sign on it. Simple as hell. I'm annoyed at how few people have even gone to the flag in France. If it was within a France sized distance to me I couldn't stay away.
i already posted my idea but it got taken down and i was banned for 2 fucking days
>If the flag is polyester you can cut it down with a soldering iron attached to a drone.
soldering iron needs a significant power supply. Too heavy for most commercially available UAVs. Possible, but difficult. I agree that a drone is probably the best course of action considering that this flag seems to be unreachable by climbing to all but the most skilled of mountaineers.
Go ahead. This isn't a raid thread, it's a hypothetical engineering thread.
You're safe.
the plan was simple. just use a drone to carry birdseed into the area so a shitheap of pigeons arrive and cover the whole area in shit. if enough come then they could even cover the camera and make it impossible to see the damn flag
thanks, here are the schematics for u guys
A drone with some sort of compact spring-loaded scissors to cut the line, a battery, radio chip etc.
Yes, France!
Introduce truck of peace to flag building
Uhhh that wasn't me but here I am. Was browsing and I see this? I don't know Shia I just said leave him alone??? Sup Forums bullied him?? What's up my ninja? Why you think that was me? Why you hate bro?
The Frenchies are too cucked to take down that flag. Hell they might even like it more than their own national flag because it's a WHITE FLAG!
whoa - Sup Forums's honor has been satisfied, that someone even tried that hard.
could we pour a cup of molasses on the camera first, second drone comes in with bird seed, birds will go ape shit on the camera and be attracted to it like flies on shit
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Trudeau. His humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of his policies will go over a typical listener’s head. There’s also Justin’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The Canadians understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Trudeau truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Justin’s existential catchphrase “Shariah Law Must Be Respected,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Justin’s genius wit unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
Drone fly a maga hat on top of the pole with a super sticky substance on the inside. Flex seal or hot glue mayBe? Apply the stickiness on site to ensure the hat successfully eats the flag or top of pole
Looks good. Gadsden flag, though.
Wtf??? To crazy bro
You need to have the flame on a rod projecting out horizontally
Kel, Hi Luke. You may have just inadvertently altered the course of your life for the worst.
Hey dumb ass, I voted Trump and I will again??? Who gives a fuck about Shia personal beliefs?
Why is the stream offline?
Cam offline.
Maybe they gonna close the project for security reason(again)