At what point did you realize you were conned?
At what point did you realize you were conned?
Other urls found in this thread:
I was born white and I was a leftist liberal all my life
I was in a leftist college in LA (csun)
There were a bunch of BLM thug niggers and white apologists marching around and hating on whites and cops
I realised that they hate me because of my skin color
I was redpilled by BLM niggers.
Thanks I guess... so I voted Trump
Joke is on BLM
Prove that trump has changed since being elected.
we got exactly what we voted for. thank god.
when Bill Nye told me the truth about sex and gender
As a Democrat I figured it out today when all the news broke that we were the ones that colluded with RUSSIA :(
when I realized he's a Chabad Lubavitcher tying his dynasty into that of the Jews
No you weren’t. Nobody believes you.
When he became just another slave to the Israel Lobby:
Jan 20th 2025
Almost immediately after he was elected, when he couldn't get his government staffed and hasn't gotten anything done.
He's a fucking con man of the lowest sort. He just openly promises great things, then does none of them. He talks a big game, then fumbles the ball. Typical New York KIKE real estate developer.
Not a president. Definitely not an effective person.
>Not a president.
That's where you're wrong, kiddo.
If having your feels hurt swung your vote to Dolt 45, then you were never a "leftist liberal". And I say this as a racist leftie who has and will continue to vote straight Dem tickets.
We weren't though.
Trump 2020
Make America Great Again Again
Just a reminder that liberals are making their own misery while Trump destroys TPP, bombs the shit out of ISIS his first week, launches operations against online child predators, and launches ICE operations against illegal aliens.
Just a NIGHTLY reminder.
Early-Mid 2016. But it was a double scam and Trump at least had the chance to do something or shake Washington up.
When he went into full Zionist mode. But we should have been more aware of that based on his history.
>If having your feels hurt swung your vote
KKK discriminating against niggers> RACISM
BLM discriminating against whites> GOOD
My fefes did not get hurt, I experienced racism
People like you are re-electing Trump in 2020
Thanks =)
That or something like it happened to a lot of people during the second Obama term, though. They unmasked themselves and many recoiled in horror. Many, especially, who wound up on this board.
>No you weren’t.
Denial is not just a river in Egypt
When anime wasn't made real :(
when I realized that Obama didn't have any hope and the only change he wanted was bad. He wanted teachers to stop filing Referrals on black students cuz it's rayciz (and not cause the student is a POS who throws desk/chairs in the classroom)
He forced our government to not even acknowledge Islam's role in Terrorism.
sometime before 2008, I realized I was conned.
>Implying I give a fuck
The lefts perpetual temper tantrum is a gift that keeps on giving.
Were it not for the swamp (existing permanent bureaucracy), the country would have ground to a halt in February. He's accomplished nothing except for your lulz. Well done.
really, it's going to be a glorious next 7 years
Syria strike, DACA negotiations are the two main things I'm upset about.
I'm glad the health care bills didn't pass because they both sucked and the GOP would have been like "LOL WE SOLVED HEATHCARE!" and stopped looking for a better solution.
I realized I was conned when wikileaks released the info on Hillary and the DNC, that is why I changed my vote to Trump and will never vote Democrat again nor trust the MSM on anything until they admit they are corrupted and promise to change. How about you?
legit tranny here-
he has no goddamn clue what he's talking about, and probably snorted coke backstage before the episode.
Your hallucinations have been noted.
I feel sorry for people like you who are either idiotic, or over-paid, under-skilled trolls.
HAHAHA that is funny. Thanks for the reminder....Bill Nye the science guy is like well - see thumbnail
Classic shill.
How does it feel, knowing you collect a paycheck for nothing? Perhaps you may feel ashamed, hmm?
When I realized every single time the media talks about an "anonymous source," they're talking about some pig faggot traitor.
Halfway into Obongo's 2nd term. It took me a while to realize the "Hope and Change" he ran on was just a rebranding of Bush Junior policies.
Similar story here except I'm yellow and it was a slow crawl from uneducated liberal -> "educated" commie -> Libertarian -> Paleoconservative.
It's been a wild ride