Is Lolicon Legal In Your State?

t. Illinois pedophile

It's legal in Ohio just because all of their adult women are hideous and whory.

pizzagate is real

every thread they now make is a shill thread

Pedophillia is legal in the Vatican because the Pope and Roman C*tholics are pedophile scum who rape german babies, Australia (former german colony) is under attack from gay pedophile Anglo Catholic, genocide is in order.

/jp/ stop leaking over, thanks

Pizzagate? More like Papalgate. Get it because all Catholics are pedophiles and ts written in the Catholic Bible (false Bible written by jews) that If you rape children god will let you into heaven
>This is what C*tholics actually believe

Isnt this map obsolete since loli is legal on the federallevel?

Unless it's made to look like a specific and real child, loli isn't illegal anywhere in the US, but it can be used as circumstantial evidence in a CP or sexual assault case.

Unless the constitution or a federal law or that says something is legal, states have the power to legally restrict or ban it. That being said, loli which has is not an attempt to represent a specific real child has been previously ruled as constitutionally protected by the first amendment. Of course, such legal precedent is transient, and can be reversed.

Mmm, "leaking over".

We literally just had this thread. Stop fucking sliding. Funny how whenever something happens these threads pop up like locus.

America is run by catholic pedos who hate god (a german) and worship satan you are probably a Catholic so i won't bother explaining why Catholics are Satanist and Lutheranism is the final redpill

AoC there used to be 12, recently changed to 18 even though neighbor countries are 16

Pretty sure caltholics just think you need to talk to a priest inorder to talk to the higher up. Not catholic though

>run by catholics

a place where artistic nudes are legal

I'm not asking the google. WTF is lolicon?

What do the blue states mean?


>Aus flag
He's on a Victoria Bitter fueled shitposting spree. Leave him alone.


No, it's because our CP laws are a broken mess.

tooheys new superior brew

>Loli is illegal in Texas
>have 18 folders of lolis
Eh, I don't think state authorities care all that much.

>It's legal in my state

Wew, thank the lawd

Hey now..
But desu youre not wrong tho


>catholic bible

do you know how I know you're a jew?

No, I'm pretty sure Texans are completely fine with the sexual exploitation of LOLI.

You can have sex with the family dog in my state but you can't look at nude cartoons.

All this really means is that if you're a scumbag pedophile who rapes an actual girl they can use your loli folder to tack on a few extra years.

I don't think police anywhere care about lolicon unless you are viewing it in public.

unless its crossing state lines its really none of the federal governments business

Well, I don't really care about the law.
Now, if it was on the same level as CP then I would really care. But since it's not...


Neither was gay marriage, the Affordable Care act, and abortion. We all know what happened there.

If you could not post anymore pictures of my wife's sister that would be great.

FPBP, I've 3DPD is rampant here, I've forsaken them almost completely fo 2D and wizarddom rapidly approaches

same thing
>gay marriage
federal taxes
nothing further than as far as funding
same as federal jurisdiction on murder

Here's a better map

Pedophilia is wrong.

Why don't you enjoy giant turd dicks fucking big titty whores like the rest of us?

anything on the internet crosses state lines


most likely yes
but ownership is not a federal issue

My point is that these things were never amended in the U.S. Constitution. The Supreme Court just got an itch up their ass and decided they would create law based on their interpretation of the U.S. Constitution.

I'm more of a wet panties kind of guy myself.

>my specific brand of christianity is the right one
>all those other ones? satanism. they weren't REAL christianity

>the laws are generally enforced
no they aren't

The funny thing is in all recent news, the people who have the most problems keeping their junk in their pants are democrats.

See Hollywood, NeoGAF, Anthony Weiner, the Podestas and number of other Dem politicians who raped women or diddled children.


>choosing the inferior sister

yes i agree i was listing what the federal enumerated powers regarding each topic

Like this but with less clothes

Flan is nice but she is mentally ill dude.
You may as well be a tard wrangler.

Shouldn't lolicon be legal as an avenue for paedophiles to NOT go into the real world and find a real human child?

It's literally just a cartoon. Let them be degenerate in their own home. Unless there's stats so suggest cartoons inspire real world violence and assault? In which case, lets do away with Dragon Ball Z before too many kiddo's go super saiyan

I stopped fapping to SHITTED when I was 12, newfriend

>not having a thing for loli yanderes

good thing its ambiguous in the lakes. ill fap there

illegal here but just don't use public public wifi or computers without vpns.
don't use government computers nor hard drives.



>laws are generally enforced

cite one instance of that happening.

dude wtf