Hey CIA NSA OR FBI Niggers

E-mail me if you got what I was laying down in deleted messages... lets talk.

Other urls found in this thread:



it's paul. not pool.

I've tried deleting this thread minuets after I posted and I can't. This is what happens after you hit the bacardi and a bowl of weed and are prone to paranoia. My sincere apologies nfor the waste of space thread, but at leas is not a BBC. And the pic is hot no?

yes who is it

fuck you

u will be banned

RON PAUL, Sup Forums

yea - great pic.... also sage, if the thread drops you'll be alright.

Well crap, there is nothing to argue about in this thread. OP taking the fun out of it.


Delete this

I mean, if you want to talk to us, send us an email. You are not, and never will be, worth bypassing Congress to identify you.

Sup Forums mods are shit and should let Metro PCS - Dallas, TX users on android post again.

Well I hope it drops then and I will put sage in the options box so I don'y bump this. Honestly I'm fucked up and I posted some shit that the agencies might at least flag. I was just saying, fellas, muh niggas, If you readin this just hit me up straight up.

>implying NSA needs (((congress))) for that

and I forgot to actually put sage in the options field because I am retarded.

I don't think OP can bump.

Someone ID this young lady before delet

fuck it. let's comp the thread.
have a cocaine bump comped.

>hairy arms

boner lost

Ftv Larysa

>Someone ID this young lady before delet
Looks like Georgia Jones.


on our right? I can barely tell they look smooth to me. She is small chested, which no doubt turns at least 50% of. I like 'em small ( and big, while perky...) because they don't sag and become repulsive after 27. Small for the long haul. ... that was supposed to rhyme.

Contributing to OP's paranoia, have a Bump.

lol fuck it.... Bump.. srsly hairy?


She usually only does softcore or rug munching, but there's a nifty video out there of her shoving her arm up Faye Reagan's hoohoo.

Yeah right, she took the time to shave that puss but kept the Robin Williams look for her forearms...

Intel pls hire me I'm psyop master I put Bernays to shame. Reatalk yo'

this is what happens when you're a retarded newfag who doesn't know how the site works
>email me
like I said, retard


Are you ok?

In particular now, not in general.


>this is what happens when you're a retarded newfag who doesn't know how the site works
>>email me
>like I said, retard
This whole thing has been factitious to a degree. I'm not even sure I can explain it to someone who may be a genuine autist... I was hypothetically talking directly to the "spooks" who would have direct access to all my details including email addresses, as apposed to the regular Sup Forums user... seems to obviose to even be trying to explain, everyone else seemed to catch it.

>Are you ok?
>In particular now, not in general.

I am very drunk and stoned right now, I am not usually like this.

Yeah I have done it too, it's not that rare, but what did you figured out?

>but what did you figured out?
Probably nothing that hasn't been thought of before...... yet I haven't ever heard of it before, and I could go into more detail/more schemes than i even eluded to in basic detail. I'm drunk and stoned read this thread:

and ctrl - F LlplJYC9

Like I said I'm drunk and stoned, you'll laugh, but you will have to find my deleted posts.

Today is the day of not gay OP. This is the third chick that has made me go goddamn today.

I get the general idea, anyway you just named one method for a terrorist attack, the point it's that you developed the method by reading about a real attempt, therefore they can reach the same conclusion as you did and that's actually relevant.

Don't delete posts that much even if the captcha starts acting weird, sometimes a ban it's better than 60 people death in avoidable drone explsion.

what a nice, entertaining thread to discuss politics in.

pssst. I know which businesses you've hijacked for their contacts. Tighten it up!


Sauce on Puss leaf


I too need a job CIA you know what I do.

Those nipples are too boyish

Are you that paranoid canadian that used to post all kinds of weird shit on Sup Forums years ago and would even give out your own information? You used to have an asian girlfriend or some shit!

Agent Smiley here. What's on your mind, son?

If your cia or nsa then you can prove it.

What's my favorite kind of Porn?

I just wanna put in a guess of lesbian or no porn because it's "degenerate"

That's not how the game works, boy. I give you something, you give me something. I gave you my identity. Now what's this all about?

Haha you are definitely not cia. It's so easy to guess lmao.

Have fun larping niggers.

You'll have to do better than that if you want my protection. Let's be friends. Spill it.

I'm not cia I just wanted to guess because I'm bored.


>What's my favorite kind of Porn?

Bestiality. The kind on two legs.


Tiddies to small.

You don't fool me, you dirty little pervert.

I despise niggers and actual bestiality is gross too.

You are like room temperature right now.

I've got access to your to all of your electronic media. Those pics of Jamal sucking your girlfriends dick? They're hosted in Utah.

Jokes on you

I don't have a gf