
pizzagate is real

go back to leftypol, cuck



They are closing in on trump. The sick pedo will rot in jail.


I'm a Hilldawg now

That's the dumbest shit I've ever read in my life. Of course a sickle and hammer wouldn't know fuck about the balance of power between the power of the employee vs the employer. Fucking SAGE faggot

Changes flags leaf

they might be able to meme but they do lie a lot.

U can't meme op.

I feel bad for them.

She's right. They just hired chinese to do the jobs that could be offshored and mexicans to do the ones that couldn't. So what's the problem?

We can talk about minimum wage when we've addressed the immigration issue and the working women issue i.e. reduced labor supply to appropriately increase demand

>the first minimum wage laws were set in the Great Depression

The Left can't read

>1 post by this ID

Why not just raise the minimum wage to 100k per year then?

You're right the left cant meme

No one can answer why the minimum wage shouldn't be $100M/hour

Also sage and gay and more sage and way more gay

>not wanting to crash the system

100k per day, nigga. We could be like Zimbabwe and print out trillion dollar bills and shit. One Big Mac will cost you seven trillion usd.

Fuckin faggot dust bunny

I haven't seen a good political meme from either side posted on this board ever desu desu


The left can't meme, Thomas sowell explains the minimum wage and its effects very well (not that a leftist gives a fuck about the truth), the minimum wage was never said to necessarily crash the economy, you're using strawman arguments because you're a stereotypically retarded leftist
