Is he ok?

Sam bud, if you're here, talk to us bud

Other urls found in this thread:

So it looks like Mossad is cutting off their loose ends. Sorry Sammy


be careful apparently Sam Hyde threads aren't pol related anymore. and here I was always sticking up for our mods ;_;

yeah dude, wtf did he get himself into this time? You don't get that purple from just hanging upside down. He must be choking himself out or something. Damn, look at his lips too!.

Probably his Abacus pills


poor man. rest in peace

Yeah I lost my sides when I first saw this pic, but then I thought what if someone's choking him out and is posting this shit to mock him.. creepy to think about.

he took those pics while hanging upside down for a few minutes, how stoopid are you people

sing us little diddie
maybe a negro spiritual of sorts
(You) know (You) got it in (You)

Damn, that's like a real horror scenario you just thought about. But he's retweeting alt-right memes on twitter right now so I think he's fine.

i guess we'll find out sooner later.

the line about getting shot with paintballs by a honda crv had me losing it. its hard to paint a picture more pathetic than that lmao

i thought his twitter was suspended

The MDE twitter account isn't

i dont know who he is or what is happening but he looks like death 100%

Pretty sure he's gonna fucking die soon. Literally did nothing in life just to be the funniest human being ever. At least he'll be the Jesus of comedy or something.

>tfw followed by Sam on MDE twitter
Feels good, man.

Don't think we will be hearing from him anymore. R.I.P

Fuck you Sam

I better get my fucking book before you die

It's just the niacin flush guys, relax

When you're watching Million Dollar Extreme: World Peace , just remember that it's not like other shows. It's structure and dialogue are incredibly deep, almost to the point where you have to be paying complete attention to them to even remotely understand it. I remember watching an episode on Adult Swim (though I can't remember what it was), where I thought the show was absolute bollocks. Then, I closed my eyes for a second, and all of a sudden the episode had an entirely new meaning. It was insane the way Million Dollar Extreme: World Peace could just become something so different when you take a look into the show.

Another thing you should note about Million Dollar Extreme: World Peace is that it's easy to get a headache watching it. Not because it's a bad show, but because of how many ideas Million Dollar Extreme: World Peace is riddled with and how complex they are. Soon enough your head will fill to the brim and the the show will just sound like noise to you. Just turn it off and give it a watch the next day.

If you don't like the show itself, you'll definitely at least enjoy reading through the scripts and clips on Youtube, and picking apart the episodes themselves and all of the artistic and academic values that go into making it the complexity that it is.

man does not look ok. Hope he's alright.

Did you try to be funny and get his attention?
Be honest now...

Nope, I don't tweet. I guess he just found me somehow and liked my dp/desc.

What's up with him mentioning fentanyl and suboxone? Don't tell me this faggot got hooked on opiates.

MDE World peace is a show for people with an iq of at least 110, though I wouldn’t mind dating a girl a few iq points beneath mine :^)

Someone send in a Rescue team!
We need to extract code name: Dyke Killer
Out of there!

It's like he spent the last 24 hours snorting coke off a tranny's dick

You have to be somewhere on the Ashkenazi - Ching Wan Hon, spectrum, to really fully appreciate MDE.

Only true khazars get what MDE is 'bout.

Link your meme twitter account then aussie

The Goyim are too stupid to comprehend the humor

then we should just not talk about him?

Poor mom

He didn’t fuck a tranny!

Who cares man, that thing is hotter than anything you'll ever get

Sam here. I'm fine. Send help.

RIP Friendly Dad, he was a beloved family member by all

sammy babay happy halloween

Sam, I you.

Tell me about it, these schmucks think MDE is anti-semitic or something.
MDE is kosher only: "If you still got the skin then you can't win", is what my fadda always told me.

I live an hour away from Rhode Island. I'll collect the body if I ever find it.

Sam should do drag queen story time at a public library.


Sam, the old Jewish slide thread, and topic shifter.
What are you sliding today Sam?

I wish Sam were my friend :(

who cares.. .Sam is a fucking washed up piece of shit... fucking has-been

sage in all fields

right he'd better not kick off before he ships my books. it's almost been a year

>swedish cutfag


That’s my friend you’re taking about

This is making me laugh so hard. I don't know what's real anymore. Everything about those two photographs is amazing.

was that Identity Evropa's initiation?

He's been all arou d the grillobe

I live closer, I’m taking the body and holding it for ransom


I make that same face when I take a gargantuan shit

He got more skrilla than ur hole family fag

>He didn't get the first edition at Christmas and the sweet MDE shirt

Who’s the guy on right? Looks familiar


Now that I think about it, that's literally a IRL version of the /biz/ Wojack.

Sam come to Austin or Galveston Texas. You can crash at one of my houses. Take a vacation. Fuck bitches.

Confirmed black man

poster child for contrarian beta males... nobody cares faggots

We still love you, Sam

Everything broken no computer or phone lost wallet also I ate something bad now I'm damn near freezing too death and I'm locked out yelled at by Honda crv they shot me with paintball gun and feet are covered in blood or blisters from walking to STD clinic with heavy backpack on #suboxone #fentanyl #rhodeisland

I have a feeling there is a secret message here.

My gut is screaming at me that there is more to this.

Having friends is beta

what did he mean by this?

So waht really did happen Sam?
Stung by a Bee?
Odd ball MSG reaction to some Chinese buffet?
Lift bar fell across his face?

Nobody in Sweden knows the word skrilla except for disconnected white milennial men.

Hanging upside down for 20 minutes or something?
Allergic reaction from his Abacus pills?

Sam, if you’ll be my friend please say so on twitter


Food poisoning combined with head upside down

The new leader of Identity Evropa

Who's got fashwave art of sam hyde? Does it exist?

We warned him that he couldn't keep getting away with it. Lools like his global killing spree is finally at an end

Eli Mosley, seems like a decent bloke

Ok. Y'all can just fuck off. I'm sick of it. It isn't even funny anymore. Even the news stations know I am just a meme. At this point you are just playing yourselves in a real life drama as retards. Let it go. I appreciate it and this place, but find someone else that they don't know yet. T.

Holy fuck that’s Eli Mosley? With Sam?

He's lying upside down in either his inversion table or hanging upside down from his power cage in his inversion boots

>no phone
>takes photo and posts it to instagram

you guys are easily trolled. this is a bit

No duh

This. It took top Mossad agents to take the beast down. He finally didn't get away with it.


they aren't....



Fuck Sam Hyde the degenerate pedophile child rapist that is afraid of Muslims because he thinks they rape kids, just like him.

I wonder what was on his computer to cause that?

Yep, good things ahead my dudes

I'll tell you what, that cheese I tried one time and couldn't figure out what it was? It's swiss cheese.

>t. Million Dollar Extreme: World Peace Riiiiiick

I turned myself into a madman, Morty! I'm madman riiiiick!

Sam used to be pretty goodlooking when he was younger.