Can China be stopped from replacing America's place in the world?
Is China unstoppable?
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move labour to india,
problem solved
no, theyre literally doing what europeans did 100 years ago.
They have massive debt and a lack of females in their population.
Prepare for the Chinese to crash along with the US when it does
I fucking hope not, America's an interventionist, arrogant piece of shit country who's long list of war crimes should instantly make them a nuked country. China on the other hand, even in it's history, has always been isolationist. China's always had the highest GDP and they'll take back their rightful place in the world stage and you'll become a shadow of your former self
Chinaman have small dick that can get really hard but you wouldn't even feel it raping you.
Yes, their economy is running off of government reported false numbers even worse than ours. And the economy and legal slave labor are the only thing they have going for them.
America's place in the world is between canada and mexico, and a miltiary presence in every single country on earth.
China will not be in either of these positions.
Go back to sleep chink favoritist.
Do you see Bangladesh, Nigeria and Bolivia becoming the dominant world power if they teamed up to form one country? No? So why would anyone expect America to maintain that status?
massive debt? are you retarded? they have more liquid capital than any country in the world, and their currency isnt based on Jew magic
China's male to female ratio is actually quite balanced and their debt, although an obvious problem, if done right will only deflate and cause a crash other than stagnation.
leftypol propaganda thread
>asking if a country who's citizens eat dirt is "unstoppable"
Try to know before being a faggot
They do have a lot of debt. I think it was 300% when you added state or public debt. It's the highest in the world other than Japan's and it's growth is way too fast for 10 years, that's never even been close to the rapid debt growth they've had. But i'm optimistic they'll surpass America. Higher population = More workers = More GDP
No, the country is going to implode like any day now. They're also souless and eat dogs. Oh, and they steal their ideas from the western world. Also communists.
Don't fall for the China meme.
You're delusional if you don't see that China's replacing America as the world leader. I personally view China as a more important leader in the world now.
Nice propaganda. I swear only Americans think China's communist. Not even China thinks it's communist. Deng Xiaoping literally made a 180 degree turn with what Mao Zedong did. Why talk about things you know nothing about burger?
China's female problem is going to cause massive population declines in the not too distant future.
And when the US can't afford their cheap crap, their economy crashes.
Someone post the videos of chinks getting run over.
For every 1 female there's 1.15 male. They don't have a female problem. And couldn't we say the same thing for you? It's you who has debt for China, not the other way around. They literally own you.
Yay!! Yet another China thread!
>Can China be stopped
I actually lived and worked in Guanzhou for about 2 months.
Mainland Chinese are absolutely inept drones that cant go one minute without backstabbing eachother for the most menial shit. The Cantonese are a different story but it doesnt matter anymore.
They cant even handle a fucking sea port properly.
they have a housing bubble that makes 08 seem like a wet fart
Can we pop the bubble?
will a war keep China in their place?
. But I still have high regard for the Chinese. I'd equate their dynasties to that of European empires. I see them as equals, and it's only natural they'd become the super power considering their huge population
You're missing how this works.
If the US can't pay China, they can't get their money back
>Running out of fresh and usable water by 2025
Yeah I think we're fine lmao
>China in their place?
You mean an apocalyptic wasteland? Yeah we do that easily.
What are you getting at?
Ergo debt. You owe them
>I'd equate their dynasties to that of European empires
Yeah. Those dynasties achieved a total of fuck all during all those centuries. Other than you know.....getting millions of chinks killed.
Also the ability to buy a lot of shit with bullshit money doesnt = superpower.
Id expect Spaniards to be lazy:
>China has another very serious demographic problem due to sex-selective abortion and its one-child policy, resulting in a ratio of 120 boys for every 100 girls. It's estimated that the percentage of men in their late 30's who have never married will quintuple by 2030, and this large number of unmarried young men will have a detrimental impact on population growth.
>By 2028, both India and China are estimated to have 1.4 billion residents each, but India will start to take 1st place with a growth continuing until 2050, while China's population is expected to decline after 2030.
I'll type slow so you can follow.
if debt can't be paid
it can't be collected
if it isn't collected, China get's nothing back
If they get nothing back they lose money for no return
America needs to go to war with China and bitch slap them back to the cultural revolution.
So paper, silk, gun powder and asian philosophy isn't anything? Or the fact that they were the richest country in the world for most of history? But the chinks dying for ridiculous wars i'll admit. They went to a war where 30 million chinks died because 1 chink said he was the brother of jesus. This was in the 1880s. Didn't read the whole story of that though
yes. make it more expensive for there construction to continue. Their gdp is artificially kept up with domestic construction materials. If that stops, gdp slows. When it slow financiers get nervous and start calling on it debts. and so on and so forth.
simple answer. tariffs. lost of tariffs will kill em
There's estimated 10-20 million Chinese without Hukou's(citizenship paperwork) as a result of the One Child Policy(probably females).
No, only with war
and it'll be a war we can't win
Yeah you're a retard. I don't think you understand that that means your in their debt and the power scale goes to their favour but whatever
>Bangs head on desk
Trust a spainard to not understand how debt works
Yes we "owe" them, but how are they going to collect? They can't go to war with us over it, we'd never give them their money back. They can't hurt us economically, because we're a large part of their economy and if we suffer, they suffer. So now what? They're just going to keep lending money, because they have to. We keep them afloat, they keep us afloat.
But they would also implement tariffs on you too? Then you'd both lose? and since America is on top of the world stage that would look terrible on you and the public would see that you're intentionally trying to hurt a country's economy out of American hegemony
As far as I can tell, china doesnt want to be world police. So, anything I guess.
China is already solving it lol
Given the history of communism. China's economic gains probably wont last long.
They’ll never be able to project power like we do
china has been loosing its manufacturing competitive edge since 2014. Their growing middle class has made vietnam and mexico cheaper to manufacture. How they can hurt us it to call our debt with them. But if we got to war, all debt is forfeit.
Ghost cities are a meme
Thank you!
Someone understands it
I said that if you owe them debt, then the scale of power tips to their favour. That is all. I don't think they care too much about what was it? 600 billion dollars of debt? That probably isn't too much to them. Also I'm pretty sure you're the ones not understanding debt. And you will eventually have to give it back if they ask for it and if you don't then i'm guessing you may get sanctioned if they go to the UN courts I think. Not sure. But there are obvious ramifications to not giving back money. Same thing that happened to Weimar Germany, even when they were extremely poor they were forced to pay back the money they lent. But that could be a different situation
China is a massive joke actually. They play as 1st world when 2/3 of their country is africa tier. The chinese are known for their culture of lying and cheating. They fake most of their reports: IQ, economy, military, technology, quality of life...heck there is even a theory saying that they faked their population numbers. Never. Trust. The. Fucking. Chinese. This is coming from someone who lived in mainland China. Don't trust the chinks
Western European influence is what shaped the map and the world today, modernization was a race that the Chinese lost. All of these great accomplishments were superseded when the West took control.
>if they go to the UN courts
You can't honestly be this stupid.
theyre trying but they our making our mistake
USA debt is weird because it is all in dollar denominations. We could literally print all of our debt away if we wanted to, and it would tank the currency, and tanking the foreign exchange reserves in most emerging economies. It wouldn't be a great idea, but we could do this
>theyre meme?
prove it
Get in here. Concrete proof of pedophilia in Hollywood.
I completely agree that Europe has always been the most important drive to progress but I don't think it's right to put down Middle eastern, Indian or oriental progress in the world. But yeah I can obviously see that what's shaped the world today and pretty much given us such comfortable lives is Europe, and i'm very proud to be apart the European race
Ok, you're right. The power tips in their favor. So? Power of what? Some imaginary number? There is no law without enforcement, it's they're just words on paper. Same thing applies here. Without any enforcement to pay it back, why would we? I'm sure there are some ramifications for not paying it back, but you don't understand how the U.N. works if you think they can place any sanctions on the U.S. There's parts of the U.N. that have automatic veto power; China, Russia, U.S. etc. The United States would simply veto any kind of action proposed against it, and it doesn't matter how many other countries vote for it, because we're a superpower.
Hey guys, look at the spic with a highschool diploma. Go back to your siesta you fucking homosexual.
>thinking the UN courts can do shit
Nigger tier intelligence.
>But we're never gonna pay the debt!
We pay the debt every year you stupid fat retards. Interest payments around 6% of U.S. gov spending every year is interest payments on debt. In a couple decades 15% of our yearly spending will be interest payments. No we don't get to just not pay.
dude, yes this is the only way you can stop them
but you are not going to do it, it would destroy the world
so, prepare for slow stagnation
It'd involve you reading a book
like you can read
>nigger detected
Never done a siesta in my life, spaniards aren't included in the spic definition and nothing wrong with wanting a dick up my ass
... It's not so much that you're forced to, it has more to do with the fact they can place economic sanctions on you that affect international trade
And if the US government suddenly decide they do not want to pay back the debt and interest anymore, what is china going to do?
>nothing wrong with wanting a dick up my ass
Should've linked you to the comment I made, just read the last comment I made
Eyes on the prize. I'm trying to have a decent conversation with you.
You ignore thousands of troll posts everyday, do so in this thread as well.
soon their power will end.
China is so stable that it's rich party members are all buying property and hiding money overseas because they fear shit might collapse
>all these fucking pro china posts
How many yuan do you get paid per post
They'll empty a lake in Canada and ship it to them. And Canadians will pay for it!
we don't want China to stop progessing.
We want them to find ethics, and improve their standard of living, then we partner with them and all improve.
Thinking the UN can do anything is retarded.
I'm responding to a lot of comments from different people, sorry if I didn't see what you wrote.
Speculation is that many of them are doing it to avoid Xi Jinping's corruption crackdown
stop buying it
>this is the whole reason why they have the us by the balls
and probably default
I already said what they can do, I'm not in favour of the UN but ignoring the power they have over other countries is ignorant.
considering that they are going full state police this is probably ending this year
US debt is the safest asset on the planet. China doesn't have the US by the balls by owning our debt, and in fact most of their foreign exchange reserves is made up of US assets. It's really interesting
China basically owns Canadas government. When the hell are you burgers going to launch a CIA coup to get rid of this chink puppet Trudeau?
You seriously can't be this retarded. It honestly can't be possible.
China also will be over taken by India in the far future, no country can stay on top forever.
>lack of females
Artificial wombs and sexbots will solve this.
No they can't. It effects international trade. We're the world's number one importer. Do you not understand how much money we spend annually in imports? $2,244,000,000,000. If you take us out of the world economy (which is exactly what you would do, slow down our economy, therefore slow down our importing). Then you take out a large portion of the Chinese economy. They can't afford that. Also, going back. Who is going to place sanctions on us? I just told you, the U.N. doesn't work like that. You can't just ignore my facts and then proceed to wander in circles with your argument.
THE U.N. HAS NO POWER OVER SANCTIONING THE U.S. I'VE SAID IT THREE TIMES NOW. You are clearly extremely uneducated on how the U.N. works, and how the veto system works. Look it up, read up on it. Understand that we use this veto power to bully other countries, just like Russia does and then FINALLY realise that the U.N. CANNOT sanction the United States.
>China doesn't have the US by the balls by owning our debt
i said by buying it
>Would end up worshiping the sex bot and thinking artificial wombs should be turned into powder fertility drug
China's economy wont last.
are you fucking kidding me! holy shit! nigger trying to sat this guy
is going to educate me on chinese econ? this dude is a commie fuck. Suck xi ching pings dick if he could. Fuck off faggot