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It's always funny to me that in every abortion debate the pro-choicers always like to bring up rape babies and cases where the mother's life is in danger. But in reality aren't almost all abortions not related to either?
Based Clayton
same should go for if a man wants an abortion
Bump for interest.
grandma was a member of NOW, made me a member young.
Can confirm the rape/life defence.
Also "muh body" defence for years.
You go Clayton
Clayton fucks your bitch.
B-but that would mean equality for both sexes! You bigoted, sexist fuck.
Why are leftist women so obsessed with killing babies? I think it's probably a necessary thing for demographic reasons, but it's still a barbaric practice, and their obsession with it seems insane.
>muh kike god says no
The discussion should end when the roastie bitch pays for it her own goddamn self. This whole argument is always twisted by leftist fags. We aren't paying for your degeneracy.
End of story. Be a useless whore, and soulless child murding piece of shit on your own dime, not mine.
That's it. End of story.
They're Calhoun's rats.
You can't murder something that isn't a human yet, hope that helps
tfw personal responsibility for a baby goes out the window a second the man is involved, then it becomes his responsibility
>carrying a death sentence on a criminal convicted beyond reasonable doubt by the justice system of a heinous crime
>disgusting, ass-backwards barbaric practice
Mean while
>a woman having an abortion, killing an innocent human being for no other reason other than “not ready for it” or “oops I’m a whore who fucked without a condom and without birth control”
>progressive, empowering values for a woman in the 21st century
> Clayton: Vintage Alpha
At the least being able to sign away his rights and obligations
That in and of itself would fix a lot of shit.
>when a man wants to dump a woman with a child and not pay alimony or child support, that's where the conversation should end
Women use abortion as a form of birth control.
why isn't it human?
I can't speak to that exactly but I think it should be noted that abortion isn't the only answer in a rape. The morning after pill prevent the sperm attaching to the egg so it's not abortion and the woman doesn't have to keep the baby.
It should also be noted that I have yet to meet a pro lifer who isn't ok with aborting rape babies.
1 in 1000
~10 in 1000
this. if a woman can unilaterally decide to terminate a pregnancy whenever she chooses then a man should be given the right to financially abort a child before birth.
>but won't someone please think of the children!
>financial abortion only punishes the child!
so does abortion. and so does raising a child as a stronk independent i don't need no man single mother.
>killing an innocent human being
Humans are born with sin, a baby is not innocent until it is baptized
While I am against abortion, I do not think I have a right to tell anyone what to do with their body.
In reality does women getting an abortion have any direct affect whatsoever on your life? Anti abortionists are pretentious socialite assholes who cannot mind their own business. Talk about self entitled snowflake
>stop liking what I don't like!
>stop doing it even though it has nothing to do with me!
>you shouldn't be allowed the right to practice and participate in abortions, in turn advancing stem cell research and much of medical science as a whole, because I simple don't like the idea of what happens inside of your body!
I wish lobotomies were offered to those cretins. Talk about regressive
Except it is human, it's just in a slightly lower stage of development. By this logic we should be allowed to murder retards because they aren't as developed.
Clayton what's going on buddy
Man doesn't have to spend the next year with that baby in his gut. You lose ownership of your sperm when you loose it into a womb instead of a condom
shits fucked
im not even religious and I think we live in Sodom x 99999999
Fetuses don't even have the mental capacity of a retard, but yes Eugenics is a good idea
Finally we can agree on something
I find it appalling when people say abortion is good when it kills niggers and spics but only then. It's an inhumane practice that shouldn't be done on anyone.
I'm not OK with it. death penalty for rapists because the personal cost of bearing and giving up or raising their child is so high.
Kill the rapist, not the kid.
Good luck baptizing a baby in the womb leaf. They have to be born first don’t they?
A baby retard is still a baby. A cluster of cells is just a cluster of cells. You're objectively a moron if you cannot get past and accept the vast amount of differences between born and unborn, let alone developed and undeveloped. Handicaps and mental retardation is a defect more than a underdevelopment. Sometimes it's the result of cellular overdevelopment in fact
>extra chromosome
>i shouldnt mind my buisness when innocent life is being taken
>there are other forms to get stem cells other than just abortion
>It doesnt have to have anything to do with me, i want to make sure it doesn't happen when my wife for some reason decides to get pissed at me and kill my child
The term is "legal parental surrender" and yeah we need it. Both abortion and LPS should be legal, nobody should be forced to become parents
But he has to spend the next 18 years supporting the child.
I don’t support abortion, but your argument is flawed.
Nigger lover.
Kill all sinners, especially the unborn
What's going on big guy? You just tripped my wife.
>likely a woman
stop being such a stereotype
You literally have no argument which doesn't make you sound like a pretentious fragile snowflake.
>wahh don't do what you want with your own body
>wahh stop the world because other people are doing things which has no affect on my life whatsoever
using that same logic we are all just clusters of cells. IF we found single cell organisms on Mars we would consider those life. WHy doesnt the community therefore label embryos as life.
>niggers and spics
Your logic is flawed.
They bring up the extreme cases of abortion to justify it as a whole. Not only is it disingenuous, but it ignores the truth that most people are aborting as a result of playing in sexual traffic
Only if prenups are mandated for marriage and not simply an arbitration.
>not having morals
>unborn children aren't people
>thinking fetuses are babies
>deny birth control because Jesus
>deny sexual education because Jesus and "it's immoral to kids"
>bitch about people having a ton of kids
>bitch about welfare for poor people having kids
>bitch about people aborting their societal parasites
Aborting these kids ends up saving you all in taxes. Either provide sexual education and birth control for the poor along with a last resort for abortion or deal with the welfare and parasitic effects they will have. It's literally a guaranteed investment.
Its human
Its just not a person
Its new human DNA, an embryo
Its a human in the first stage of development
This is objective scientific fact
You're a moron that cannot accept objective scientific fact because it doesnt align with your ideology
If it turns out that a woman killed her own child to cover up her adultery, THAT'S when discussion should end and action---namely, putting the whore to death by public stoning---should begin.
> i care about another life therefore im a pretentious snowflake
even if i was any of those, would that ,make my argument invalid? the point here isnt to prove im a pretentious faggot its to prove that abortion is only called murder becaue whores decided they want to keep riding the cock train and not take responsibiltiy for being dumb
Give me one reason why, using your same reasoning, we shouldn't euthanize anyone that's a drain on the state.
These quotes only say that humans develop from an embryo, not that an embryo is human
>using that logic
Actually what you did was cherry pick a piece of that logic, then conflate it with your own trite. 0/10 we are not just a cluster of cells, though maybe I should just speak for myself since you dont seem to be very self aware. A first stage fetus is just a cluster of cells, and it stays that way at every stage ubtil the brain is developed enough go have memory. Deal with it you willfully ignorant/pretentious faggot
It would be funny if it didn't work so well, but pro-lifers cuck out every time. If you are against abortion, you should be against it in all cases.
>In reality does women getting an abortion have any direct affect whatsoever on your life?
Do it on your own cash and not our tax dollars and conservatives will no longer give a fuck. As long as Planned Parenthood lies through its teeth taking said money there will be a problem.
Also stop calling the death of a pregnant woman double homicide if youre not willing to call an abortion infanticide.
Its this simple:
Into the trash it goes
Put it up for adoption
You're a retard. Its new human DNA, it zygote is the first stage of development of a human being. Are you suggesting that is wrong, that human development does not start with a zygote? Because that is objectively wrong and you need to go back to high school to learn basic science.
The word you are looking for is "person"
It is not a "person" until different points in different societies
It is however a human and that is objective scientific fact
>with your own body
But it's not, it's the baby's body
>b-but it's attached
Okay so do siamese twins have the right to murder each other if they feel like it?
One could (and I will) make the argument that all life ever is "just a cluster of cells" since according to science there is no soul and therefore we're just a clump of cells with wires in our heads telling us what to do and when
all fetuses are female for the first month or so until the testosterone hits.
If her body her choice has any meaning, why doesn’t the female fetus get a choice? It does have a body after all and having a female body is the only qualification for having choice.
>Morning after pill
I'm just wondering how this abortion shit is even a problem. That shit is cheap as fuck and is sold everywhere.
I'm starting to think women just don't bother getting it because they want the title of "have had an abortion due to rape" under their belt that they can then parade around when it suits them.
if cherry pciking is picking thre most benificial parts of that logic, tell me what the unbeneficial part of that logic
also, noun
a group of similar things or people positioned or occurring closely together.
>In reality does women getting an abortion have any direct affect whatsoever on your life?
Do you think everyone is a libertarian or something? The whole point of democracy is to use the violence of the state to enforce social norms.
Alternatively go to national review boomer
>IKR, why do we even care if a woman is raped it's nobodies business other than them self
Neck yourself
I'm surprised someone with autism is so bad at reading
>nobody should be forced to become parents
Who is forcing people to have sex? If I follow the exact recipe for making a cake, I can't complain when a fucking cake is what comes out of the oven.
>nobody should be forced to bake a cake
So are you denying that human development starts with a zygote or what? Seems like you're evading the argument because you know you're talking out of your ass and cant just appeal to normie retardation to achieve consensus here.
ITT: nigger lovers
Abortion affects shitskins way more than whites. Nigresses are several times more likely to get abortions than white women. Most Planned Parenthood clinics are in minority heavy areas.
there's no bigger turn off than a woman who supports abortion
You don't know who you're talking to. I'm not a liberal or even a democrat. Its not my fault that both parties want to see the other fail more than they want the country to succeed.
>we do b-but it has to be our way or else no deal
I'm not defending the overall anti intellectual state of the left, and I don't deny how weak and afraid they are to debate. But the right is a hype train circlejerk. Right wing conservatives are the most tolerant people anymore, due to how they generally treat free speech, but there is a risk with thinking you're great just because you can take apart the objectively worst of society. That's not impressive it's just necessary to deal with the left. People getting religious about it cringey, like Kekistan for example.
At the end of the day it's not about superficial titles and labels (political affiliation), it's about substance of ideas vs substance of ideas.
>hey guys white deaths are ok if there are nigger deaths too! What do you mean a war of genetic demographic attrition favours the hyper fertile, globally dominate demographic? Whats myopia?
try harder legbeard
Not to mention that its actually whites that abort in higher numbers to begin with
C'mon user... What's so bad about sticking your dick into the scene of a murder?
You can be the cuck to raise the rape baby. Make sure you make his father proud that you raised his offspring proper and his bloodline continues
Development is not the problem, specifically sentience is. And since no doctor can agree upon a week where the baby becomes aware they dont have any logical ground to say "this fetus is not a life".
There are babies that have been incubated at 20 weeks and have made it out just fine meanwhile other parents have aborted theirs at roughly the same period.
Saying it louder for all the little girls in the back. When I tell you to lick the whipped creme off the tip that's where the discussion should end.
>sentience is the problem
For defining when it constitutes a "person"? Sure!
As for its status as a human though?
Objective scientific fact that human development starts as a zygote.
Cry all you want, you cannot escape this fact.
Did you quote the wrong person? I dont see how partisanship has anything to do with what I posted.
>In reality does women getting an abortion have any direct affect whatsoever on your life?
Not me personally, luckily, but I once knew a guy who knocked up his girlfriend. They both decided to keep the child, and he was really looking forward to being a dad. While she was still pregnant, they had a nasty break up. Despite this, he still wanted to be a part of the kids life and was determined to be as good a dad as he could. Knowing this, she aborted it out of spite and taunted him over it, which absolutely wrecked him.
I've heard other similar stories about women using their unborn children as leverage against their husbands, boyfriends, parents, etc. Situations like that are one of the many reasons why, at the very least, the father should absolutely have some say in the decision.
You responded to my post with "you vs us" form. I want to let you know that I don't support what your post implies I did. There should be another way to fund abortions but there is no reason to get rid of the option for people who can take advantage of it right now. Going backwards isnt a smart move and neither is doubling down on promoting it as the best option
What constitutes life or "personhood" is poorly defined and the left likes to shift the goalposts whenever convenient for them. Anything to make themselves feel better about committing infanticide I guess.
I think you completely misunderstood why abortion is an ethical problem. Mitosis has never been the basis for this argument. You are not only being dishonest to other users but to yourself with your mental gymnastics.
>the father should absolutely have some say in the decision
I totally agree. Your example is repulsive behavior on the females part. At least people who thought they could never walk again, can, because of stem cell research. Science can give us miracles if we go about it properly
>Why are leftist women so obsessed with killing babies?
It means they have less responsibility, less accountability, and, most importantly, more power. That's really what it's about, anyone who says otherwise is either brainwashed, full of shit, or both.
I am just stating a simple fact that human development starts with conception, as a zygote. This is an objective scientific fact.
"Personhood" is the natural progression of the argument considering the inability to escape this fact.
>Who is forcing people to have sex?
>What is rape?
Forced sex aside, how much of an autistic virgin can you be that you think most people only have sex for procreation? FFS user go touch a woman
I think it's reasonable to be angered at people who kill off human life for their own convenience. Especially if those people want you to pay for their murder with your tax dollars by claiming that it's a "human right" for them to terminate humans because they don't get to netflix binge anymore.
That's pretty dumb argument as it's an important "clump of cells" that grows into a human. Do you ignore blood loss because it's a clump of animal cells too?
Abortion wouldn't be a problem if women weren't treated as (((equals))) and instead were treated as property, namely breeding machines as intended. No need for abortion and birth control if the woman is assigned to her partner.
You're irresponsible and incapable of taking measures to control yourself. It's no wonder that you all want the government babysit you grown children.
You vs us as in the individual vs the rest of your countrymen. Tax dollars are an implicit unavoidable agreement as to how I contribute to my country. I dont recall ever getting to vote for PPH.
I am willing to concede tax dollars to life of the mother scenarios and rape but nowhere does that mean Im going to work my ass off so that people who have played in sexual traffic can do so at our expense.
Could you tell me when in gestation a baby is able to think or feel then?
You're angry at them for removing life which they themselves created, which woulsnt exist had they not created it. That makes you pretentious - I don't see how it can be anything else. What's it to you what other people do with their heart, mind and body in private? Apparently it's everything for your ego. Learn how to mind your own business you pretentious cunt
Blame the federal reserve for how fucking awful the tax system works here. Fucking kikes
>I've never had sex in my life because sex is a dirty practice for heathens and people who are capable of having a social life
We never disagreed on the zygote retard
But you are just a cluster of cells. That's a fact.
I'll leave them alone when they leave the baby alone.
But women have to pay like $500 to get an abortion, even if it's done at planned parenthood