What did they mean by this?
CNN ad
I actually dont get it. You americans are weird as fuck.
Plz explain
>Facts first
Umm no sweetie
Fake news bruh
It roughly translates to "please watch our dying shit channel"
they are appropiating a mysoginist fat-phobic meme started in Sup Forums.
Somebody must stop em
That right wing losers are fucking racists, its sad they have to boil it down to the simplest of ad form to get an obvious point across. And I know I'll get flak for this but for fucks sake even you delusional right wing losers here know it
cnn is getting really pathetic (even more so)
i was in an airport the other day and their coverage of trump was outrageously defensive and neurotic, i was pretty shocked. i think he broke them.
Us and our hard-on for food analogies. I wish we could use fuccboi analogies instead. It doesn't make sense on paper, but we'll find a way.
>w-w-we aren’t fake news
>CNN is literally making a food analogy to legitimize themselves
lol. Best timeline.
>reupload it
>disable comments
for what purpose
lol the jew crys out as he hits you.
Well said brother:)))
They are condescending as fuck then.
The hole is already dug. I hope they get memed to death
>comments disabled
>ratings disabled
"CNN might try to tell you that it's a banana"
What the fuck I saw these exact two posts last week. Down to the letter. I had deja Vu last time too, what did one of you fuckers do?
They mean that only cnn tells the truth and even if everyone else says otherwise cnn is correct.
>fake news
So is the pee tape an apple or a BANANA?
You're just in the wrong timeline, user. Don't worry, it happens.
This is a man. Some people might try to tell you that it's a woman. They might scream woman, woman, woman over and over and over again. They might put WOMAN in all caps. You might even start to believe that this is a woman. But it's not. This a man.
It's not an apple its an image OF an apple
How do we know it doesnt taste, smell and feel like a banana, or anything else for that matter?
Isnt perception just one sense that makes up reality?
fuck trump and FUCK white people REEEEEEEEE
Kinda looked like a dying channel to me
not sure what you're talking about but this was the first time i posted about it. it was their friday coverage, erin burnett, she was super flustered about presswoman sanders' comment that general kelly should not be questioned re: congresswoman who listened in on trump's call. erin was fuming and called it a "military dictatorship" multiple times
And this is an Orange
Title: this is an orange
there is no possible way for me to verify that this isnt wax or plastic fuck this fake news and fuck cnn
Yeah but what if the apple identifies as a banana?
I don't know what you're talking about, so many it was the other guy.
This is propaganda. Some people might try to tell you it's news. They might scream "news, news, news" over and over and over again. They might put "NEWS" in all caps. You might even start to believe that this is news. But it's not. This is propaganda.
"CNN might try to tell you it's a transbanana"
They are trying to cover up the fact that they say how you should feel about something. Instead of giving the facts. They say words that add opinion and conclusions to things. Which makes them fake news. It is pretty sad that they can't see it.
>Comments are disabled for this video.
So they are saying if it has a dick it's a man
Wait a second
Are they calling transgenders liars?
Is that what this is?
>this is a man
>some people may say it's a woman
>some people may scream it's a woman
>you might even start thinking he's a woman
>but he's a man.
>facts first
They're trying to claim we're fake news and not them.
>Captcha: 7900 DEPORTIVO
CNN taking shots at the LGBTP scene
Umm no sweetie, it's actually a computer generated image
Have you EVEN CONSIDERED IT MAY IDENTIFY AS A BANANA? I mean transphobic, much???
We don't get it either. CNN is on another level of autism.
Get in here. Concrete proof of pedophilia in Hollywood.
This could easily be anti tranny propaganda
Why does posting that video make me a Hillary fan posing as a polack?
Cultural appropriation!!!
>Comments are disabled
Always get a laugh when a regular leftist does this for their bullshit YouTube blog or whatever but when an honest to god mainstream media channel does it it becomes so much funnier.
Good to see you again, Irishbro. Still fighting the good fight against the CIA niggers?
I thought it was pro tranny propaganda at first but then it didn't follow the narrative
It was a peach
I think that was the angle they were going for. At first I thought it was immigration or some other retarded shit, but now that I think about it this makes the most sense.
Holy shit this ad is so incredibly fucking transphobic! How can this happen in 2017! Where is the LGBTQBTARSPXYZ progress and acceptance???
You konw who else likes apples? Satan.
Smart people would turn that ad into a direct attack against trannies
fugggg why does CNN keep getting BTFO?
This is a soundstage in Atlanta, Georgia. No matter how many times (((CNN))) tells you it's Saudi Arabia, it's still a soundstage in Atlanta, Georgia.
its a metaphor for the tranny situation, if the facts say that its a man, its a man, facts don't care if you have a boy pucci or a gaping wound and fake titties, YOU ARE A MAN
What if a man keeps saying hes a women cnn?
9-11 was an inside joke, and so is CNN.
They might put WOMAN in all caps. You might even start to believe that this is a woman. But it's not. This, is a man.
>but it's not.
>it's an apple.
actually the names of fruit are completely arbitrary, that's what intelligent language is
why the fuck does CNN need an ad? did they air it on their own channel?
how many millions did these idiots spend on this
I'm pretty sure this goes without saying but this is about the hardest hitting and truthful journalism CNN has put together in a long time. Well done CNN, this may be the award winning exposé that brings your network back.
Literally a joke about trans-fags.
Someone post the naked landwhale on the subway with 'beautiful' written all over her
Funny this applies to all the screaming sjws who cry about genders and races and doesnt for right wing people or even trump
CNN audience has trouble differentiating Apples from Bananas.
>did they air it on their own channel?
Why would they do that, I'm guessing they'd want people to actually watch the ad
They played an ad on their own network so that their zombified viewers continue to believe the shit they shovel into their heads is true.
Anderson Cooper loves bananas.
>two parenthesis
w h a t d i d h e m e a n b y t h i s
They've also crunched the data and determined that the reason they don't have any viewers is they don't talk down to their audience enough
So can we spin this as a transphobic ad by CNN?
Or to try in a feeble attempt to keep them. The timing is interesting too. Maybe they know shit is about to hit the fan and their viewers probably won't appreciate being lied to for an entire year.
This is a Woman
>This is a president.
>Some people might try to tell you she belongs in prison...
If it is, she's hideous.
Is this a Red Dwarf reference youtube.com
Someone made a Caitlyn jenner spoof
this... is an apple
(((some people))) might try to tell you... this is a banana
(((they))) might scream banana, banana, banana
over and over and over again.
(((they))) might put BANANA in all caps.
you might even start to believe this is a banana.
But its not.
this... is an apple.
I strongly doubt it
This is mind control
CNN is failing so hard they are using mind control
Kek @ that front left guy
Man, too bad Youtube doesn't allow video replies anymore
I'm guessing even normies know something's wrong when you can't comment or rate by now...
best post
I wish the logo flashed at the end without all the fake news shit, would have been more powerful/less ham-handed
MEME the fuck out of this