how will it go down boizz . an
NOV 4th
nothing will happen because antifa is austic as fuck and made up of fat brown mexican women and skinny white homos.
OWS 2.0 in HD
Can't wait.
I'm excited. Hope it's violent and shows that those antifa fucks have no power.
The maceys thanksgiving parade, you mean?
Nothing will happen. Stop shilling this event in an attempt to get Sup Forumsacks to go and shoot up their local Antifa protest. Hello FBI.
The world market collapses. Death and Destruction will be the norm within a few weeks from now, check out the numbers at the end of my post
what game is this
Fuckin dumb shit
Who is this character and why do I see her everywhere?
Fuck all will happen.
Get in here. Concrete proof of pedophilia in Hollywood
That's a "male", and it's pathetic.
if numericals of the same value
antifa punks out and pulls off some faggy shit
Eather a giant berage of tear gas and rubber bullets but most likely in democrat areas police will stand down as they do their dildo thong march
Which day is that
It's a trap from some shit anime
felix from re zero and it's a fe(male)
November 4-8 is when the us government is scheduling the simulation of the
CME EMP event.
a computer game
The best scenario would be mass civil unrest but the more likely one will be a few nazis getting btfo on the street and the general message.
is this the new beach head 2000 exe ?