Will homosexuality ever be illegal again in the United States so we can prevent things like this?
End Gay Pride
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I know a single mom who took her child to a pride parade. And it's full of sexualized homos, wearing leather leashes and all sorts of shit. Even had furries. Single moms were a mistake
As much as I dislike pride parades and all that stuff, there is a marked difference between a) man whose natural attraction is to other men and wants to live an otherwise normal and prosperous life and b) that fucking thing,
Instead of blaming single moms how about you commend them for continuing to take care of the kid and blame the deadbeat father who left her?
If you tolerate one you inevitably welcome the other
Well, I'd prefer blaming both of them 2bh
>Will homosexuality ever be illegal again in the United States so we can prevent things like this?
Not as long as the Jews are in power.
That's like saying if you tolerate heterosexuality then you invariably welcome pedophilia and bukkake. That freak in the photo is so far removed from the average normal gay person that it's not in the same universe.
The craziest thing about this guy every time he is posted is that he's supposed to be a "drag queen" but he doesn't look like a woman, he looks like a demonic owl
He's not that far removed from all of the gay people I've ever known.
Fallacy: Slippery slope. Fuck off
>Single mothers are absolved of their moral agency for the rest of the child's upbringing because of the presumption the father left for dubious reasons
I know you're baiting but this argument is complete shit.
>Stand up for single moms!
>By saying they're too stupid to make decisions on child raising on their own!
What about in rural Iowa? Do you think that pride is full of leashes and nudity? Is the issue fetish gear and nudity or people being gay openly in public?
I literally can not imagine that thing, walking, breathing and speaking like a normal person.
It just looks like a nightmareish figment of my imagination, not like a human
There's an image I didn't save but I'm now obsessed with. Can you help me Sup Forums?
A little girl's good liberal parents brought her to the gay pride parade and she stands, ready to obediently cheer her culture heroes, with a naked hairy man ass in her face.
Please post if you have it.
Both. I don't like people being openly straight either, if they're playing around with sex toys and shit in front of children.
No such thing as a slippery slope fallacy you dipshit.
Source: see the creature in OP as an acceptable & encouraged lifestyle to pass onto children 2 years after muh marriage equality
Kill yourself at your earliest convenience
So married gay people should be banned from holding hands in public because it hurts your feelings?
>So married gay people should be banned from holding hands in public because it hurts your feelings?
Homosexuals should be thrown into mental hospitals because they're fucking insane.
>Their mental health matters.
And yet you never gave them help and kept reinforcing their mental illness.
Can we please go back to automatically determined flags? I'm so sick of baitposters with BLM, Gay, or Communist flags and their ironically fallacious posts.
Yes because that's the same argument you cum guzzling abomination
They should be banned from breathing because it hurts civilization
Why not throw you into a mental hospital for threatening to harm others?
Being gay does not always cause subjective distress, therefore it is not a mental illness.
just exterminate all the fags, easy af.
homosexuality is a mental disorder
gender confusion is a mental disorder
>slippery slope isnt real dude
>fake news that actually proves my point anyway
generation zyklon will gas you, and it will be hilarious
Get in here. Concrete proof of pedophilia in Hollywood.
>Why not throw you into a mental hospital for threatening to harm others?
I'm not a faggot.
Besides, faggots inherently harm themselves and others with the STD's, abuse, suicide, cancer, thousands of sexual partners, etc etc etc
Face it faggot, you're a cancer on humanity.
You know that when a homo committed his first gay sex act (for instance, letting someone ejackulate in his mouth), that person did not feel pride but rather deep shame. After that, it just becomes a vice.
>Kill it with Fire
No seriously this would give my kids nightmares if they saw it, this isn't drag this is fucking scary.
Homicidal ideation is grounds for commitment.
There are gays who don't self-harm and don't have STDs.
>Homicidal ideation is grounds for commitment.
And yet bug chasing is legal because some Jews in government say so...
>There are gays who don't self-harm and don't have STDs.
No, there really aren't. Homosexual sex is inherently harmful and STD's are virtually faggot only.
Faggots can't get married btw. God intended marriage for man/woman, not man/man or woman/woman.
Besides, above all that...
Homosexuality is a self-destructive and dangerous mental illness, promoted and normalized in White countries by the Jewish elite and the Jewish-controlled media to the detriment of the White race, White traditions and White culture.
*steals your soul*
Last week a pro-fag propaganda performance (conceptualized by those with faggy hapa boyfriends; one of them is a notorious autist) was broadcast as part of an anniversary competition on my local TV. When the judges' scores were released and that act came in fourth place, a chimpout ensured over a certain judge's score. Those against that score should be pro-fags and fans of that autist.
Prove that there are no gays who are disease free. Burden is on you.
There are lots of straight people with STDs. You are retarded.
Marriage existed prior to Christianity. Gay marriages have existed for thousands of years.
Unless the supreme court undoes gay marriage I see no way it can be fixed. There's still hope. Brown v BoE managed to change Plessy v Ferguson so things could change.
>blame the deadbeat father who left her?
The fuck are you talking about?
1.- The father is usually not around because the court system favors the woman, giving her the child.
2.- The father didn't "left her", it's usually women who initiate divorce (in 80%+ of the cases). Unless we're talking about black men.
3.- If the father prohibited the mother taking his child to a gay parade, she would have, probably, written about it in facebook. Then, a campaign would start to denounce the "homophobic, bigot, and racist" father who would then make it to the news as a shit right wing fascist person, discrediting him forever in front of his friends and peers. Maybe he would lose his job.
that looks like a creature that somehow crawled its way out of some poor souls nightmare
Yeah to give more people more rights. They are not likely to remove rights already given to millions.
Why don't we start a "gay shame" movement. Could also be used for trans, "trans shame"
Once sharia takes over in about 100 years due to birth rates
Somenigger put a bounty on this creatures head.
I don't care about people fucking each other in private. But why the fuck do they have to be suck fucking faggots with their bullshit parades, going around naked or half-naked and dressed with idiotic costumes? And why do they have to fucking throw us their fucking gay propaganda and "you must accept us" BS?
That kind of attitude they have is what makes most people hate them. They produce the fucking opposite effect of what they want to achieve.
Boys need a father
Boys need discipline.
you do the same and were so offensive you got kicked out of paradise and did nothing but create faggots with your faggotry
Literally looks like a demon
>>Dad's kiss say "I love you," but green crocs say "I'm too cheap to buy you real shoes".
He has schizophrenia.
you do the same. and were so offensive you got kicked out of paradise. and did nothing but create faggots. with your faggotry
How many years are you going to keep posting the same obscure Australian story?
you do nothing but meme. you have no balls and side with the enemy. some say all gays are schizo. i said one thing. look at all the threads. where is your evidence fucken kike?
You almost had it.
this is so fucked.
Shit like this used to happen in backyards and when you get older your siblings make fun of you for it....
Now this kid is going to get older and its going to be all over the internet.... think about it..... ALL OVER
That creature should be beaten to death, then burned. What a fucking abomination.
every fucking time
>Global pedophile ring
you're a puny sex worshiping narcissist gtfo
when death comes looking for you what will you have to offer, what great or valiant deeds have you accomplished other then filling your body and mind with putrid diseases.
it's a jewish set up. nothing new under sun. trannies>murderers
adam and eve created all deaths and all sins. truvada fixed diseases. doesnt work on stinky gashes though
That poor kid. I want to murder these sickos
Thanks i wanna die now
miss the sodomy of the 1 year old girl thread by a white "hetero" today? miss the 4,127 "noice" threads about hetero female teachers raping their male students?
jews gon jew. why is there connections with the worst president we've ever seen and fucking epstein?
wtf are you talking about. If I kill you am I not the one responsible for your death. Each man has a responsiblity for his actions, so too do you, being a weak sex crazed faggot does not excuse you from reaping your just rewards.
The issue here is Christians defending pedos, not Jews.
the fuck are you talking about you fucking walking vagina. you talk out of your pussy and were proven more than wrong. cut yourself
grab em
Holy fuck it's real.
It's all real.
matthew 18:6 where are the Christians defending that? I'm Christian. i cant stand liars and hypocrites and pedos. there's blood libel for fake kikes. sucken on baby dicks. not for Christians
give it up aipac cunt
The pozzed faggot shill from the LGBT discord strikes again. You will always be an abomination, faggot.
That picture is deeply unsettling.