White people don't have a purpose anymore

If you're any other race, your future looks bright. Your country is developing. You are making inroads to the annals of power.

If you're white, you've got nothing to look forward to. You're blamed for all the world's problems, when you - as an individual - had nothing to do with them.

Is this a fair analysis?

Chinese people are looking forward to the development of their country. What do Westerners have to look forward to?

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pizzagate is real



That has nothing to do with what I said you stupid fuck

>anals of power

>Anals of power
wew lad

Pizza Gate is REAL

Retards it says annals

All out war. The video games have been preparation for this.

That's not a bad way of framing things.

>Do white people deserve to have something to look forward to? If not, why should I subscribe to your moral system?

Im white and have an iq of over 9000.
Must be awesome being a chimpanzee tho.
I wouldnt know...
Op whats it like?
Will u explain if i mail u a box of omaha bananas?

Only the Chinese, Koreans, and Nips, and to some extent the poos are developing. Every other non-White country exists as a tick on the flesh of White civilization. If Whites go, they go too, and the Chinks will inherit the Earth.

a race war is pretty much all we have to look forward to

Race war.

If you're a white, the infinite bounty of space awaits you or your children.

If you're a non-white, you have nothing to look forwards to but stagnation and slow death from resource scarcity on Earth.

give me a break, non white countries will never develop. White countries pour billions into their development every year, and they're still stuck in medieval times but with cellphones and other trinkets that we give them. Only the best of the East Asians have come close to catching up to us, but that's only because they literally copied our economic systems, and we pay for their defense, and we openly shared all of our technological and medical knowledge with them post WWII. No, my friend, reality is far more bleak. In truth, no one has any hope for the future if the white race perishes. We'll all revert back to our primitive ways, and the world population will violently plummet.

Banging ur mom.

Europeans > Chinese

>remember Darth Vader?
>this is him now
>feel old yet?

Collectively, our star is falling. But there's joy and personal victories to be had in fighting for your civilization. Think about the great German generals of World War 1 and 2 who are nonetheless revered despite their eventual loss.

There is also the balkanization of Western civilization to look forward to, and the opportunities to forge strong communities out of the bones of our collapsing civilizations.

But certainly there is no happiness to be had as a conscious white person by just sitting back and watching current events.



So much anal of power for them to look forward to.

The human animal will never colonize space, this planet is our forever home. We are using all of the resources we need to get there by breeding billions of unnecessary humans.


kek, op why you write anal in your post.hahahaaaahah!ahaa

>Blamed for all the world's problems
>No purpose
Pick one.
>What do Westerners have to look forward to?
Everything. Nothing is gained at our expense. The high-culture of Afrikaneers did not become the high-culture of black South Africans. Everything we stand to lose will be lost with us.

>ching chongs

I don't even know if your average chink even knows who his leader is outside of posters to be honest. Much less know he has something to be proud of (which he doesn't)

The greatest threat to the white man - at this point in time - is still his fellow white man. That means there's still hope. It would be, however, time to give up if the greatest threat to the white man was NOT himself. But for now, it is.

>You're blamed for all the world's problems, when you - as an individual - had nothing to do with them.

But you did have something to do with all of them. You collectively failed. You lost control of the world, and then you lost control of your world. You wanted cheaper useless shit, so you got replaced with cheap labor and machines. You got cheaper shit, but you lost the means to buy it without debt. So you took on debt, and now you don't own your house, or your car, or anything of worth. All the while, you were happy being worthless, just as long as life was simple and you could get by. You didn't adapt. You learned nothing new. You atrophied. And now life isn't simple and you can't get by. All you are doing is navel gazing, while blaming everyone but yourselves for being miserable wretches.

"Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day
You fritter and waste the hours in an offhand way
Kicking around on a piece of ground in your home town
Waiting for someone or something to show you the way
Tired of lying in the sunshine staying home to watch the rain
You are young and life is long and there is time to kill today
And then one day you find ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun"

Empires end. Time to die.

Can I ascend your anal of power big boy?

It's the only this that really matters on this planet.
If you can sleep at night knowing everyone holding significant positions of power in the world is involved it this sick shit, then you deserve to perish.

>What do Westerners have to look forward to?
Chaos, war
Man up like your ancestors who thrived in chaos and warfare. Its the white man's forgotten strength.

Africa and Middle East have no whites.
look where there at.

You have multiculturalism to look forward to dummy...

How is that not having a purpose? A better way to put it is Europeans are being intentionally repressed, oppressed, and potentially wiped out; to the detriment of all of humanity.

Get in here. Concrete proof of pedophilia in Hollywood.

this post is a load of horseshit only an indoctrinated zombie would believe.

You have to have faith. Whites will overcome Jewish tricks and survive. We might lose entire countries, and parts of some other countries, but there will always be members of the white race that will survive. Do your part to make sure you and your family are part of that group.

or you know- maybe you were born into that mess

>> anymore

cause history just stop int he 1980's right and this current cancer we live in will always be the norm

>Is this a fair analysis?
fuck no, you inbred bong
don't you think Romans were blamed for all greeks' problems?
don't you think the goths weren't blamed for all Rome problems?
and on, and on...
It's been like this since day 1
> What do Westerners have to look forward to?
asteroid mining
first private space station
first Lunar permanent base
first commercially valid fusion reactor
to name a few

> (You)
>or you know- maybe you were born into that mess

You said white people don't have a purpose anymore. You're right. How we got here doesn't matter. All that matters now is the hustle.

We are a patient people. If push comes to shove, we can slip away and hide, let the shitskins try their hand at things with no help. When they've had enough destruction, we'll come back again, ready to put things back together like only we can. We are resilient.
I think that's what we need to do. Give them a taste of their true 'paradise.' I'm not so worried about the chinks, they seem to have their ducks in a row, but the average gibsmedats black needs to be taught in the only way they can learn.

>What do Westerners have to look forward to?

Gassing the Jews that have destroyed their nations, the second rise.

Topkek famalam. Complaining about blaming the actions of individuals on the nature of the race.

This is either god tier irony or terrible bait. I lost my sides either way.

Surely white people have as much right as anyone else to have something to look forward to.

I mean look, I will make an admission. One of my great grandparents was in the British Raj (ruling class of India). But he was hardly the instigator of colonialism. And I don't think he killed anyone. Who knows.

But even if he did, there are people TODAY who kill people. I haven't killed anyone. So am I really to blame for the world's problems, just due to my skin colour?

Eh whatever. Yknow I think I'm on the verge of supporting Jeremy Corbyn these days - maybe with his happy-go-lucky politics, everyone will be seen as equals, rather than competing groups.

As a a native american, I quite enjoy watching the white man crumble

UK shitskins can't even make a good bait thread.

That's a ridiculous argument. You're an idiot. You're a total moron. "The other races depend on us!" - haha no they don't.

You would you literal subhuman retard. Why havent you chewed enough duct tape to knock yourself out for the night yet?

A bit like Elysium I guess, if you've ever seen that movie? The rich people live in a space station / colony - they're mostly white. Poor people, mostly non white, live on the polluted, overcrowded earth.

>As a a native american, I quite enjoy watching the white man crumble

Is it like nostalgia for your own people's past?

>Tfw when you make the planet livable for mongrels and their kin and they blame you for not doing a better job

>t. Achmed Montgomery II


Youre an idiotic shitskin if you arent aware of that fact. He is 100% correct. Pretty much all non white countries are fucking shitholes, only whites have ever made them improve. How are you this fucking dumb? Oh ya, its because youre a literal nigger that smells like shit. Kys.

You're missing my point. White countries for ages had a collective goal - establishing empires.

But these days there is no unifying goal to our societies. Instead it's just "do what you want, it's dog eat dog, do whatever you like (within the rules)". There is no common purpose anymore.

But the Chinese do have a common purpose, which is to develop their country. They want to become number 1. America is already number 1, and the rest of the West supports them, so what are we striving for? What's our next goal?

so this is why she's a feminist

If the globalists have their way, you mean? That's easy. A mass grave.

More like a fitting outcome for the avarice of your kin.

White countries need to close their borders and focus entirely on space exploration.
The world as a whole will never get together for it, there is always going to be something "more important" (muh programs n shieet) that will take precedence over it.
If yankee cocksuckers don't get humanity to mars we'll be fucked as a species when Planet X arrives.


>Fight and lose
Not very inspiring bro

>implying nigs have anything to look forward to

That's weird. My great-grandparent too.

>gets btfo
>hehe just kidding america is no. 1
Just fuck off please

wow this is the gayest false-flagging demoralizing attempt i've seen EVER on Sup Forums and thats saying A LOT
hey OP you're a fairy

lol the Anglo has black hair

>Wah people hate me because my dad stole from theirs and I have the possessions he took and I won't give them back wah wah
Cry more

Holy shit there are still native Americans?

This is all that remained of a person after their non-white people actually, truly, pissed off white people. I don't get why muslims, chinese, niggers, jews etc think it a a good idea to keep pushing. Eventually whites will push back when the rich ones feel threatened, and whites don't really hold back in all out war.

Go back to the slums, Muhammad.

We will colonise space motherfucker. We're already on our way to doing so.

What specifically do we have to look forward to? The colonisation of space I suppose. Apart from that, not much else.

*King kills 1000 peasants for looking at him the wrong ways*
*townsmen get mad and want payback*
*King makes it illegal to kill peasants just for looking at him the wrong way*
Omg why are u still mad say king

Sadly nothing. No wonder we are number 8 in suicide rate. I might add myself to the statistic next year.

> (You)
>More like a fitting outcome for the avarice of your kin.

My "kin?" I don't care about them. Look at the shit here... They're largely useless. The only kin worth having are the survivors. I don't pick them by skin color.

The stormfags don't matter. They only embrace ethnonationalism because there's nothing they've got to be proud of in their own lives, so they lionize people they think they can relate to. I don't relate to them. I only relate to the ones that can help me accomplish my own goals.

You don't understand avarice. I understand avarice.

What the fuck are you talking about

What king is going around killing peasants

Real life isn't Game of Thrones you fucking idiot

But what do white people have to look forward to?

Also which white people are posing threats to which other whites? I would say, that for basically the first time in history, all white countries are now allied. Apart from Russia. But Slavs are only pseudo-white.

It's a allegory dumb fucker

Too long didn't read.

your totally on top, oh my god it's all over.

will you just wait for the collapse, till the colapse actually happens.

Middle East is doing well. Look at Saudi. A very developed country.

A combination of oil, yes, but also encouraging foreign workers, investment, and tourism into the country. Same with the other oil states.

But anyway this has nothing to do with my question. Whites don't have anything to look forward to anymore. Apart from "world peace", which is a bullshit goal.

Those things aren't good, and they won't happen, and whites aren't going to eradicate all the other races if that's what you're getting at. Stop deluding yourself.

Its true. Cant wait for random people to decide they have nothing left to live for and decide to go out with a bang.

Those Soros bux aren't going very far these days I see

unfortunately when your on top thees no where to go but down.

Why do you assume that once a country has "developed" that there is nothing beyond that?
Do you lack the imagination to want more? Do you not see how new frontiers are sitting right in front of us ripe for the first people who dream to explore them? Do you just assume that technology has reached its endpoint and see what we have today as the best there ever will be?
The most painful thing about living today is seeing white people so demoralized after literally doing everything to create the world of today, "developing" means playing catch up, retreading ground long since passed by our countries.

No matter how hard they try to tell you that there is no forward for you, you have to continue to dream beyond that or you will fall into demoralization

But how does that benefit us. Oh yeah, it doesn't. What a shitty thing to look forward to.

What is our purpose then? Space exploration is one I can think of.

Otherwise it seems the purpose or whites is to raise up the other races, some bullshit like that. Which sucks.

a shitty allegory that doesnt work, you stupid faggot.

Globalism and lots of it.

>white race disappears
>humanity stagnates and stops progressing technologically and culturally
>jew world order collapses after mulatto underclass rises against them
>now there is no gibs so the mulattos starve to death en masse

I just acquire money so I can play video games and do drugs my man, it's all anyone can hope to do

>muh learned helplessness meme

This is no different than posting BLACKED threads, Greenblatt. Fuck off.

>Picture of Louis CK

how on top do you have to be to feel good about yourself?

>white race disappears
>ppl will be fapping to vintage porn with white women regretting the decision forever

whites literately run this shit like barter town.


self improvement is all there is now.

we've basically finished everything and all thats left is to push human knowledge.

that and pruning the jew and all of their enablers.

>What do Westerners have to look forward to?

The hope of our Lord Jesus Christ and the promise of the resurrection.

idk if it's right our wrong, but it is funny.