Fluoride in Water explains liberal craziness

Liberals show signs of poisoning that manifests in the "nu-male face". This is a phenomenon that happens mostly on cities that are near rivers were fluoride is used. These men all have the poor eyesight and distinctive "fluoride stare" typical of people who absorb fluoride above the 0.2ppm concentration that the body can handle.
>Symptoms of fluoride allergy include skin rashes, mouth lesions, headache, weakness, joint pain, gastric distress, fatigue and vision problems

Fluoride ingestion has been associated with adverse health effects such as IQ deficits in children, depression, weight gain and heart disease. Fluoride also results in impairment of the amigdala

Damage to the amygdala has been found to make people unable to identify threats, and experiments turning it off with magnets results in people briefly becoming liberals

Which European countries Fluorate the water? The ones that first started doing so were Sweden and Germany, and used it from 1954 to 1971. The countries that still use fluoride in the water are the UK, Ireland (1ppm), France, Spain (Basque country 1ppm), and Serbia (1ppm).

Note how European countries with 1ppm are also those that had organized terrorist groups. The years of introduction of fluoride water also coincide with the boomer period and the hippy movement. Fluoride was used in Soviet gulags to make prisoners more docile. Rat poison is made of fluoride

42 of the 50 largest U.S. cities have water fluoridation. 28/30 largest US cities voted Clinton. Only big cities voted Clinton. Florida banned fluoridation. Trump won Florida.

Other urls found in this thread:


Wew, my state banned it, i can drink the tap water still.

How do we save ourselves from this blight?

Get in here. Concrete proof of pedophilia in Hollywood.

i always thought this was bullshit until i got off of drinking fluoridated water, got back on it, then off of it again. I can really tell the difference

This paper identifies the sources of Fluoride:

Here is a top 10 list of ways to reduce fluoride exposure:

I constantly have headaches and take runny, explosive shits almost every time. Im in decent shape, work out several times a week and eat moderately healthy. Am I being poisoned by fluoride?

thanks for the info user. looks good

I too thought it was bullshit until I found about the incredibly predictive power of this theory, how it explains lots of things (voting Hillary, cuckold porn, inviting rapefugees, spreading VIH now legal), and how it binds together a lot of studies and Sup Forums theories.

Not only that, but it also fits perfectly with the common wisdom regarding epidemy transmission:
>If it spreads along lines of communication, he says, the cause is information. Think Bieber Fever. If it travels along major transportation routes, the cause is microbial. Think influenza. If it spreads out like a fan, the cause is an insect. Think malaria. But if it’s everywhere, all at once the cause is a molecule.

Maybe your diet is actually just shit.

Turns out blacks are disproportionately harmed by Fluoride
1. kidney patients and diabetics are especially susceptible to harm from ingested fluorides. Blacks suffer disproportionate amounts of kidney disease and diabetes in America.
2. blacks disproportionately at risk for disfiguring teeth damage from fluoride, compared to whites.
3. American Dental Association and CDC tell parents of newborns to use unfluoridated water for infant milk formula, but this information does not reach black parents

Turns out that fluoride harms women more than men.
1. Fluoride known to make women dumber.
2. Fluoride known to produce breast cancer.
3. Fluoride known to produce migraine.
4. Fluoride fucks menstruation and Ovaries, reducing fertility rates.

Ok, but presumably you get much more fluoride in toothpaste than in water. Right? Even though you spit it out theres much more than the trace amounts youd get in water

Starbucks uses fluoridated water. The fluoride ranges from 2-8mg/L. Official safe levels according to EPA were lowered to 0.7mg/L

I swear on everything i saw THE STARE at the airport the other day
>resist shirt
>had the stare
I stared him the fuck down with my American flag hat on.
But than eased off, (never looked at him again) to show the fluoride zombie that i don't give the faggot the time of day. Flight was to LA, Commiefornia, of course

Is this discoloration the product of fluoridation??
I know one you fuckers has to be a dentist getting that hush money so tell me now or i'l be behind your m0m saying "hush mummy"!!


Get off the proxy bucko, lay off the tea and acorns and you'll be ok.

Fuck i forgot muh flag

Answer this you tards

Canada still uses it everywhere too.. Just moved from Toronto(fluoride central) to Quebec City(no fluoride) and there is a HUGE difference in the quality. Fluoride is disgusting poison

The sources I have read points to that being true.

>Dr. Okano: You certainly need to brush your teeth. The question is, do you need toothpaste to clean your teeth?
>Dr. Okano: You really do not need toothpaste to remove the dental plaque from your teeth. Purely the mechanical action of the toothbrush bristles and your dental floss disrupts the dental plaque that ultimately leads to tooth decay and gum disease. So you really don't need toothpaste.

Fluoride free toothpaste
Nice strawman you POS
Traps aren't gay,

they get poisoned by communists and they become communists

childrens ice cream Mandrake

you need a shit load of carbon to filter the water

or you could stop allowing companies to dump pollutants in the water supply, random drug dosing is never a good thing and I for one feel that you should be able to choose which if any drugs are added to your water

fluoridation conspiracy theories are a jewish trick to keep you from drinking water, which is free and the healthiest thing you can do

>is a scheme to get rid of industrial waste

Wow. Toronto is also one of the worst SJW hellholes in Canada. How is Quebec regarding that aspect?

I'm glad you ask my fellow patriot

Is bottled springwater safe? its all I drink and its bottled 45 mins from my house

Quebec City is 90% white and relatively xenophobic/protectionist

The water here feels like silk, it's amazing

Look at the label. They add fluoride to a bunch of them.. Canadian Springs for example has zero fluoride while Nestle has a lot. Presidents Choice has no fluoride too

Ive been drinking compliments ill only buy canadian springs then

>Go to party
>Promise myself I won't mention jews or globalists this time
>Have half a beer
>Start ranting about how my nazi internet friends and i figured out that filthy kikes are poisoning everybody's water and trying to genocide white people
>Everyone stops what they're doing and gives me a blank stare for some reason

fucking sheeple

How do you explain portland oregon than ? they dont put fluoride in the water and every one there is batshit crazy liberal.

wtf i love fluoridated water now

Most canadian cities banned floride in the 90's. I can't stand canadian posters, at first I thought it was trolling but most of you are mentally fucking retarded, and it's not just Sup Forums people I meet in my daily life are retarded as fuck as well. I fucking hate this country so much and I laugh everytime one of you gets murdered or gets maimed horribly by a shitskin or just from pure stupidity.

I was about to make a point giving credence to the fluoride in major cities but you pretty much covered it here:
>42 of the 50 largest U.S. cities have water fluoridation. 28/30 largest US cities voted Clinton. Only big cities voted Clinton. Florida banned fluoridation. Trump won Florida.

It is true.

Its an outlier. Maybe heroin counter acts the effects of fluoride.

Portland Oregon doesn't have fluoride in the water supply and yet it is the most nu male city in the country.

Dumb fucks, Portland OR was invaded by Californians, since like the 60's

Every single native to WA and OR fucking hate Califags with a passion. Portland and Seattle are products of that hate.

Also, if you hydrate well and your city uses a high dose, probably the tap water is worse.

I've been drinking unfiltered tap water for 20 years and I'm unironically Nat-Soc. I don't see the problem

Compliments might have no fluoride in it for all I know, look at the label

I'm from Portland

I always thought we were the victims of chemical or genetic warfare. We'd be the invasion point for Russia or China after all. Most of my friends weigh less than 180, are low-test, and are useless in a fight. It wasn't until I went to school in the rockies and met midwest people that I realized how puny and blupilled I am.

There was a big stir in the local community about ten-fifteen years ago because the city would not stop putting flouride in the fucking water even though LOTS of people said they didn't want it. It was like pulling teeth to get them to stop (no pun intended).

I don't know what happened. My dad is 6'2" and 250, football player sized. I'm barely 150.

Oh, and fuck californians.

>dude make sure the bottled water doesn't have flouride even though the tap water hasn't had it for 20 years duuuuuuuh

Yea dude, you totally aren't a retarded fag at all.

So Portland and Seattle influenced the state in their vote for Hillary since they are the major population hubs fluoride or not - "dumbfuck"

Just to let you all know that through my intense activeness in Fluoride related threads, I am the reason people now say 'Above 0.3/ 0.2 parts per million that humans are adapted to tolerate' as opposed to 'Hur durrr fluoride bad'

Its actually 0.3ppm though. 0.4ppm and over is when the Pineal gland and the part of the brain that produces cerebrospinal fluid start to calcify with Calcium Fluoride (Much stronger bond than ordinary calcium)

welp, all is good then i guess

lol, no



Some major cities that fluoridate:







So... all of them except Van, Montreal, and Calgary

Not going to explain this shit, but borax and water helps flush out fluoride from your body. Look it up.

Is that fucking popcorn?

No MOST canadian cities don't have flouride in the water. I don't care if you cite 5 cities the point still stands.

Did you know that you body needs to ingest arsenic and cyanide? A tiny bit of flouride is unlikely to lower your already double digit iq.

>Not going to explain this shit

i gotchu. Supplement with Lugol's Iodine as well. Boron removes fluoride (work up to 70mg per day starting at 3mg and building tolerance). Borax is the best cure for detoxifying fluoride from your body, along with lugol's iodine and a magnesium rich diet. Also, look into Activated Alumina, Water ionizers, or reverse osmosis filters. It's important to start avoiding this poison water as much as you can. You can use the site www.findaspring.com to see if you can locate local groundwater near you.

But many experts now question the scientific basis for the intervention. In June 2015, the Cochrane Collaboration—a global independent network of researchers and health care professionals known for rigorous scientific reviews of public health policies—published an analysis of 20 key studies on water fluoridation. They found that while water fluoridation is effective at reducing tooth decay among children, “no studies that aimed to determine the effectiveness of water fluoridation for preventing caries [cavities] in adults met the review’s inclusion criteria.” *
The Cochrane report also concluded that early scientific investigations on water fluoridation (most were conducted before 1975) were deeply flawed. “We had concerns about the methods used, or the reporting of the results, in … 97 percent of the studies,” the authors noted. One problem: The early studies didn’t take into account the subsequent widespread use of fluoride-containing toothpastes and other dental fluoride supplements, which also prevent cavities. This may explain why countries that do not fluoridate their water have also seen big drops in cavity rates (see chart).

Sodium fluoride (NaF), an environmental pollutant, has been tested for its impact on fertility in several species of laboratory ani-
mals. A literature demonstrated that NaF adversely affects sperm motility, morphology, capacitation, and the acrosome reaction.
However, the molecular mechanisms underlying these alterations have not yet been elucidated. Therefore, present study was
designed to evaluate the regulatory pathways involved in the effect of NaF on sperm function and fertilization. In this in vitro study,
mouse spermatozoa were incubated with a range of concentrations (2.5, 5, and 10 m
) of NaF for 90 min in media that support in vi-
tro fertilization. Our results showed that NaF was associated with reduced intracellular ATP generation, motility, and motion kine-
matics. Likewise, short-term exposure of spermatozoa to NaF significantly reduced the intracellular calcium concentration, protein
kinase-A activity, and tyrosine phosphorylation of sperm proteins, which were associated with a significant decrease in the rate of
capacitation and the acrosome reaction. Finally, NaF significantly reduced the fertilization and blastocyst formation during early
embryonic development. On the basis of these results, we propose that NaF reduces sperm motility, capacitation, and the acrosome
reaction leading to poor fertilization and suppressed embryonic development.

thats the stare of people that know you are an idiot and are just waiting for you to shut up and bother someone else

>Fluoride in Water explains liberal craziness
what's your excuse then?

Borax isn't poisonous or cancerous, you can roll around in the shit and not get sick. The worst that can happen when ingesting it is that you will shit your brains out. The reason it kills insects is because most can't fart and their insides end up getting ruptured.

I'm a Water Treatment Plant Operator for a Class 4 plant (a plant producing more than 5MGD per day). Everyone is against fluoride where I work, the boss has tried to get out of feeding it. It isn't a water issue, it is made mandatory by the health department and is a separate process that isn't involved in ANY treatment processed. It is added to our clearwell, after the water is already treated. It is a poison. It serves purposes to trace possible leaks/determine whether it's groundwater or if it's our distribution. We keep it around .7 mg/l, which is significantly less than it was a few years ago.

I'll answer any questions you all want to know

Questions about eliminating fluoride ingestion while living in a city

> Is boiled water ok? For Tea and Coffee?

> Is fluoride absorbed during showers

> What about toothpaste and mouth wash?

Dutch tap water is godly. No fluoride is used at all.

Boiling water and distilled water removes fluoride (among other inorganic compounds). Fluoride can be absorbed through the skin in showers and if you get any direct contact with fluoride such as while pumping more into the tanks, it is EXTREMELY dangerous. The maximum contaminant level for fluoride is 2.0 mg/l. The person who delivers fluoride is in full hazmat gear when he fills our tanks. As far as toothpaste and mouth wash, it has a very high concentration of fluoride and I would avoid it at all costs, if in fact you're wanting to avoid fluoride. Look on your tube of toothpaste and look where it says if you swallow it call poison control. There are 20k calls a year on this.

yeah i have a question

how the fuck do we stop this if our boys at the water treatment facilities can't

People are so accustomed to hearing that it is good because it prevents cavities that the abrupt cessation of it would cause local officials and newspapers to have a field day with it. The health department will run articles on how it is good to keep it in the water. It has nothing to do with the Division of Water which all basically agree it is dangerous and should not be allowed into the system. Our top boss over all utilities could not get their foot in the door with the removal of it. Like anything else, Water Treatment is a business. In my utility company we are the only section that generates revenue. We keep our chemical companies happy by purchasing this poison and the byproducts it is made out of (fertilizing industry etc) are happy to have this hazardous waste taken off their hands. In other words, in my state at least it is damn near impossible for a water plant to not feed it.

Portland doesn't need fluoride to go crazy
>soy eating vegans
>blue hair dye
>fucking fluoride addled califags moving in

Why the fuck do Americans drink tap water without a filter to begin with?

Maybe it's cause water here is reverse-osmosis ass but we never do.

You forget that Mexico while does not flouridate the water, they fluoridate the salt. Any imported processed Mexican foods (I'm assuming theres quite a lot) will have increased fluoride in it... In addition to the fluoride in the water.

This maybe why you see the cartels organising almost like a terrorist group on par with ISIS.

Wife and her sister used to get migraines all the time. Both households installed reverse osmosis filters and the migraines stopped and never came back. This was about 5 years ago.

You don't eat the toothpaste unless you are from Canada.

Only 4 things will get rid of it.

Reverse osmosis
Specific Fluoride filter
Run for your local council and get it removed from the water

Fuck off you cunt

If it's plastic and the water is slightly alkaline or acidic then it will leech BPA over time. Ok for a quick fill and drink but those bottles of Evian on the shelf have been there for months.
Avoid long term plastic storage at all costs

Make it yourself with a fluoride filter

Lots of vegetarians.
Eat lots of soy
Soy decreases testosterone
It's why vegetarians look so faggy

Not a reputable source was quote that day.
Good job user!

Lol been filtering fluoride out for 9 years and was redpilled within 6 months.

>I constantly have headaches and take runny, explosive shits almost every time

classic Sup Forums poster


Boiling does not remove it. Get education on this before spreading misinfo

Xenoestrogens in your water.
Hormones in your food.
Chemtrails in your air.
Propaganda on your TV screen, your newspapers, your video games, your education system.
Lies from your politicians.
Wars for your masters.

You need to get ontou your local councils and get rid of it that way by forcing a campaign then a vote by the people to remove it.

>fluoride in the water


>tfw live off well water

When you're trying to have a conversation with someone about something important and they sort of "zone out" with that flouride stare like they are bored as fuck is also a sign of psychopathy. And probably most people have some degree of learned psychopathy at this point as we live in a society ruled by psychopaths that selects for psychopathic traits, psychopaths are admired as role models and emulated by people who see their behaviors as being fit for success.

This thread made me sperg out and go down to the local meijer and destroy their supply of fluoridated baby water

>not even kidding

pic related

Should we Eurofags be worried about this? I lived in Chicago 2002-2011.


wow you made 11 shitposts in this thread and this is your only (You)

step up your game