Tucker gives one of the most important monologues of the last 100 years and all I see are slide threads
Come now..
Tucker outlines Podesta Group/Russia/Manafort Connection
he makes it so clear. could be spreadable content
We are no longer in the calm before the storm..
Take in the full gravity of this monologue. It's starting.
it is really getting shot down guys
we've all known this bombshell information for nearly a year now. it's a little difficult to get excited about these retards finally catching on
pissing into the wind?
did trump hire manafort so he could fire him, but bring up his name early?
Did trump plan this out years ahead of time?
Is trump truly that genius?
Tucker lays it out all so clearly and convincingly that it literally may break spells
The rogue "Senior Employee" at the Podesta group is an interesting development
You think Ya hot shit doncha?
It's hilarious to me that liberals cry 'muh Russia' when we're literally ZOG:
Manafort was a plant
Shareblue is melting down. Shills are everywhere. Here's a literal shareblue shill tweeting nonsense.
and check out what drudge posted. The bank accounts of the rich elites in bahamas were hacked.
Somebody may have Hillary's account info...
What's a Maggie Haberman
So Manafort is a double agent, works for both the Podesta lobbying firm/DNC and the Russians. Did Trump know this? Is this why he fired him early on?
This is big.
56d shogi
nah, I mean the Uranium One probe is just to distract from Trump's impending impeachment as reported by CNN earlier today (headline now changed).
that WHanon or a LARP said months ago manafort and mueller both have already been pardoned by Trump
Yeah I remember can you post caps
Anybody have the caps predicting this?
The "insider" posts I think?
Bannon is this smart.
Bump for this
>our source says
>most important monologues of the last 100 years
>(((Fox news)))
Oh what it must be like to be an oblivious newfag bluepilled burger.
He was feeling depressed recently....
satanic digits
And he did it without dropping cringey memes
Something I just thought of.
If this is true, it can be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt: Russian collusion at the level of the fucking President and Secretary of state is of a level of national security interest that they could definitely unmask names in the blanket phone call collection database. Trump can literally hoist them with their own petard, the unconstitutional surveillance state.
fox news is fake news.
this is a controlled take down.
we must bring down EVERYONE without mercy.
once podesta goes down we go after alefantis.
Okay friend. But did you watch the video?
Btw heres a good noncucked news source for burgers with cable. They ran a one hour special on white privilege and they're airing clinton cash on the weekend. + infobabes
>reddit spacing
Forgot mfw
>i dont know what reddit spacing is
nice fake flag you faggot
forgot to take my meme off.
And notice how you stopped when I called you on it.
Is Cucker Tarlson still working? Shit I thought FOX NEWS must be dead as shit now, what with their demographic dying of old age.
I, too, was going to join the military for the neat costume to make dissent threads, Then I found military surplus.
Ha ha, liberal fuckwits.
Also bump.
don't have them but that's I remember
>/dale/ was always right
Show me your Tucker face Sup Forums
you still havent argued against what ive said.
kill yourself retard
You might misunderstand their demographic considering how often they're posted here.
Explain how fox is fake news.
They on youtube?
It's habbening!!!!!!!!!!
This is coordinated. Guess part of the deep state decided to bet on Trump
run by jews.
Their ratings are higher than ever faggot, try harder.
>TV company
>not run by jews
I know that. But fox is the main source of info for most of the people that elected trump. Even though the hosts are top goys there are still redpills that slip through the sieve.
It's on TV, clips can be found on yt though
sure, steve's mom. your son is the president. sure he is.
>being this retarded
>from a person we cant say
If its fake news across the street its fake news in our house too.
Right wing media is just trying to discredit rledt wing media using same tactics.
From FBI user last year:
Q: Give a specific example of large scale corruption or collusion.
A: Saudi Arabia visits and donations to the Clinton Foundation. Russian Uranium fiasco. Hillary and the Israel lobby, the Council on Foreign Relations. AIPAC. The list is endless.
>the group's employees included a person whose only official job was managing Tony Podesta's art collection
>Tony Podesta's art collection
really makes you think
The Russians are connected with the DNC, not Trump
Would you like to place a wager on that, my fellow goyveem?
Well, FOX NEWS has always been followed by autist, shut-in losers so they fit her perfectly. They had to give up their tag line because when called out for being fake news a decade ago they sued to lie.
>TFW (((CIA))) convinces Ruplican Boomers on Muh Russia Narrative.
Got any more buzzwords to throw in that word soup?
>I know that. But fox is the main source of info for most of the people that elected trump. Even though the hosts are top goys there are still redpills that slip through the sieve.
still fucking shit you retard.
do you really think all the fox news cuckservatives have left?
poor muslims. when will the entire world stop persecuting them?
No way. They're getting crushed by MSNBC and other Liberal news. Even Republicans can only stand so much Trump cocksucking.
FOX NEWS used to rule, but after half their company got caught being rapists and pedos, plus Trumpcuck central they're not even close to what they were when Obama was President.
Says a faggot who watch a guy whose name rhymes with KEK.
Concrete proof of pedophilia in Hollywood. Spread this via social media.
You sure say retard a lot.
And no. To answer your question, I refer to the analogy of the sieve. Information cannot be controlled entirely. Switching a TV in a lobby from CNN to Fox is like babbies first entry level red pill because they see that fox isn't "Grandpas racist channel" and that it has plenty of entertainment. This gets people interested in entry level cuckservatism.
All about the numbers baby
The source has already been interviewed by Mueller. Killing them would be useless
She is the village slut of all media. All sides love using her to drop their own leaks because she is very gullible and puts out all the time.
>implying conservatives would watch (((CNN/NBC/MSNBC)))
Marx fags are tuning in to those to fantsize about (((marxist))) revolutions, because they're buttmad.
Tucker got something wrong though. The Ukrainian (((Oligarchs))) are the kikes that got KICKED OUT of Russia, not the Russian Gov't proper. They want back in. That's exactly why they're REEEEing in Ukrain right now over Crimea etc.
Bro, I love Tucker and he my dawg... But I hope he doesn't think he's hot shit.
fox is jewish garbage and you're a retard for watching it.
fox shill gtfo
Either bet on him or actually want what's best for the USA. I'll remain skeptical on that, just like we all should, but if it's possible that they infiltrate our government at such an alarming rate it also follows that it's possible that some honest-to-God patriots slip through the cracks.
Is the majority of high end art propped up by illegal finances?
Wow, this is HUGE!! What is /leftypol/ saying about it?
> "But muh Russian hookers!"
> "Trump making hookers pee on the bed!"
> " Antifa claiming to be fighting against Russia the entire time, ONLY to be SUPPORTING them!"
Etc. The left is in shambles right now.
She forget 'racist' and 'fascist'. I say 'she' because anyone shilling for HRC is obviously a bitch.
Fox News literally had more viewers yesterday than both MSNBC and CNN combined.
Fucking neck yourself fag.
I didn't know Manaforte worked for the Podestas.
>be DNC
>set up Trump transition via NSA
>push for special prosecutor
>prosecutor instead finds DNC corruption
>prosecutor starts subpoenas against DNC right before 2018 votes
>lose entire house/senate
>party totally decimated
>Trump runs unopposed in 2020
gj DNC
Lefties commenting on normiebook have literally been reduced to incoherently screaming "WAIT FOR MUELLER!!!!??!!!121!!!" and asking what the big deal is if the DNC colluded with Russia (completely unironically).
I can't wait until Trump tells us we can finally send all these people on a giant camping trip.
Shareblue pls go
Bump and rolling because it might finally be happening
Most important is the claim that Mueller's investigation has sort of softened on the campaign collusion narrative (though they're still looking into it) and are more interested in broader Russian influence operations in American and Washington DC. This means the Podesta Group has a good chance of being fucked, while nothing will happen to Trump (unless he gets an obstruction of justice charge for the Comey firing, which is probably unlikely)
It's being actually investigated now. Big difference.
>we've all known this bombshell information for nearly a year now
the thing we didnt was on Mueller's investigation. This is a huge turning point.