Are we going to end up at war with North Korea?
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if kek grants us with the appropriate digits.
I hope.
North Korea is the last of its kind. If North Korea falls, the whole world will be united under one flag.
north korea is shit. complete shit. don't be contrarian to the point of retardation.
one could say Jewnited
I hope so. That deployment money would be sweet
you're going to end up in flames and mad max style dystopia when the dollar goes poof
You have no idea how massive the US is, do you?
no, Kim is a pussy
They hate us for our freedom.
No, it's just the time of year when NK ramps up the anti-US propaganda.
It's still not likely. North Korea still doesn't have a way to probably survive the fight by any means except not having it, so it's all likely just theater.
>have no merv
>have no inter atmosphere icbm
>call yourself a nuclear power with your stone age missiles
I wish we could go a whole presidency without any wars or major military strikes.
Reminds a lot of how they debated whether Iraq could drop chemical weapons over US cities via drones.
Wouldn't EMP attack cause nuclear plants to melt down?
you're the nigger
honestly, people get kind of retarded about EMPs. there are ways to protect electronics from an EMP. an EMP would mostly just affect computers and phones. If you want to protect your phone from an EMP put it in a microwave when the EMP goes off because the faraday cage in the microwave will protect it.
>loves sand niggers
you're a dumbass. an emp blast would cripple usa to the point where the nigs riot and rob you fatasses and you all starve
The war NEVAR ended, faggot. We could go bomb the fuck out of PingPongYang at any goddamned time.
What do you think an EMP is? It would only take us back to the 80s technologically.
Short answer: no
Long answer: no
this, Just like how the Middle eastern nations are openly at war with Europe and the United States.
any electrically powered nation knows an EMP happens every time you flick a light switch.
You ape.
america's entire infrastructure relies on electronics and the power grid. traffic, airlines, commerce, internet, etc. and your infrastructure is already as shitty as it is
Not fucking soon enough.
I'm out of EA the bombs can drop as the Eyes see fit.
Turn it off and on again you fucking primative.
>"every time you flick a light switch you change the magnetic field of its components and fry the circuitry"
shut the fuck up
but that's already happening.
Electromagnetic Pulse doesn't fry circuitry unless its made by pajeet.
You could nuke my house and I'd survive.
i suggest you go learn what an emp is you imbecile
>be government
>conduct study spending millions of dollars to study thing
>panel of experts chime in and say consensus is that thing is very bad
>farmer fud denies thing because obviously he's an expert in infrastructure
An Electromagnetic Pulse.
A pulse in a novae formation of electromagnetic energy.
I have a fucking electomagnet right here.
What are you african ?
>no kimposter in this thread
I guess Glorious Leader is no longer working tirelessly. At least he thanked us for our gratitude and offered advice on torture.
He was very nice.
who got it
Well, if you think a dozen targeted airstrikes to destroy all the nukes and assassinate the government followed by silence as China slips us the 'thank-you' check for cleaning the place up and allowing it to install a puppet government rises to the level of "war", then hopefully ASAP.
Pretty funny. I kek'd.
is this the height of aussie shitposting. go run a magnet through your hard drive you faggot
Pic related.
We are technologically superior I use solid state it does nothing I am doing it right now.
The media really did a number on you, dude.
I hope you never have kids.
Allah willing
What about Iran?
Iran is controlled by the U.S.