Craig R. Brittain is /ourguy/ and he needs your help to win the 2018 US Senate Election in Arizona
Arizona vote for /ourguy/
Other urls found in this thread:
>voting for politicians
What are you, a kike slave?
White revolution is the ONLY solution!
>Not voting for politicians
>Not giving all of your money to Based Craig
>Not giving your soul to Based Craig
>Not getting "Brittain For Senate" tattooed on your forehead
This is a forced meme pushed by shills in an attempt to get impressionable people to do stupid things. Don't fall for it
tHiS iS a FoRcEd MeMe PuShEd By ShIlLs iN aN aTtEmPt tO gEt ImPrEsSiOnAbLe PeOpLe tO dO sTuPiD tHiNgS dOn'T fAlL 4 iT
Make America Check Em Again
>doing this
Now he lost my vote.
How will we dethrone Kelli Ward?
HOL UP how have we never heard of this man before
You want veterans to die?
Marijuana is ending the opioid crisis and saving lives, decriminalizing it shuts down the cartels, if you're against this you're for the cartels
Kelli Ward is only in the news because she sucked Sean Hannity's cock and let him cum in her ass, and also paid him a bunch of money, otherwise no one would give a fuck about Ward
You have he used to be really popular on Twitter before he was banned
This. I work at the Pima GOP Office and every veteran I've met whether old or young supports at least decriminalizing marijuana. The only people who oppose it are the fat Baby Boomer fucks who never served their country in their lives.
Ward is against it and so are the Dem candidates this year.
Send Craig an email, he needs your help - [email protected]
That's good to know, the only reason I supported Kelli was because she wasn't Flake.
Craig also worked on Ward's campaign team. So did many of the people she treated poorly locally and fired (like me) in 2016. She was winning then she fired us and she lost
Thank you so much for making this thread. I'm in contact with him now and I'm gonna meet up with him to discuss work on the campaign.
He's awesome. He's bringing in a ton of people on and he's going to be speaking at the events in the beginning of November.
Craig Brittain is a no hope faggoty loser LARP'ing as a Senate candidate. lol
U Mad
Yeah checkem
Thank you Arizona
>introduce Constitutional Amendment to opt out of paying for Boomer health care
>decriminalize marijuana
>supports veterans and guns
How could anyone not vote for Based Brittain?
Thank you! Make sure to spread the message
love the policies, but didn't he do Revenge Porn? Sounds degenerate.
Take one T out and I'm on board.
We're gonna make America a colonial territory again, and we're gonna make their military reestablish the British Empire.
God Bless America, and God Save the Queen.
There's no such thing as Revenge Porn, that's some shit feminists made up like White Privilege, it's not real. He just ran a website like this one where users could post whatever they wanted
Like imagine if people tried to pin everything bad posted on Sup Forums on moot or every bad Facebook post on Zuckerberg
woot, go get em craig!
Thanks user, almost fell for the (((trick)))
>guaranteed housing
you can help homeless vets without veering into stalin territory
If you do some research you'll see that Revenge Porn is a term made up by SJW feminist lawyers in 2013 to describe how they're not personally responsible for posting their own nudes to every website online. It comes packaged with the fake story "well, I only had one set of nudes and I only sent them to one guy, and he's also the only guy I've ever slept with and I lost my virginity to, so he must be the leaker" - great story right?
Just one problem, that has never happened in the history of the human race and especially not in the Tumblr era where girls post their nudes everywhere, including this website
Here's why it's not socialism - the military is contract labor. You have to be approved and you have to work to be eligible for the benefits. It's just part of the deal.
You cut back all the money we're spending on foreign wars (Trillions) and you've got more than enough to house the 20k-30k homeless veterans.
We're going to be scaling back the budget a lot, Brittain also has a comprehensive plan to balance the budget unlike any in US history
Kelli Ward is a scientologist
Fox News sucks
I knew you missed us.
We're watching you, Craig Brittain.
Stop watching him and vote for him