How will the white race ever recover?
How will the white race ever recover?
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But it's true. The guy on the right didn't get that way because of genetics.
One of them is a world changing, history making, millionaire, naval officer, financial expert, media mogul - and the other guy went to the gym and took a ton of steroids.
Stee Bannon is a fucking alcoholic.
If only huge muscles you didn't really earn were enough to get you out of poverty
>steroids are now natural for black men
Yeah and a 45 year age difference.
>He can't get that buff just by eating 200g of protein a day and lifting
lmaaaaaao x3
>when people talk about being superior genetically, it's about physical fitness
Don't put words in my mouth please
so for a nigger to be superior he just needs to roid and lift weights? really makes me think
Getting buff is easy. Its got nothing to do with "muh genes". Black supremacists confirmed dumber that nazis.
LOL That's obviously a shopped picture of bannon
guy on the left has more money, power and influence than the man on the right will ever have.
He is.
we have this thread EVERY day sage please
I'd like to see him get that big under black-run agriculture and food distribution.
The implication from the image is that the guy on the right is superior.
It unironically misses and proves the point.
for one, my white ass will not be in prison where his black ass will be
>steroids make you genetically superior
The black culture has NOTHING that is appealing. And it will continue to self destruct because that's the only thing it has ever done. Anywhere. The rest of us will carry on. And thrive. There's your answer.
So remind me which one runs shit and which one does physical feats for entertainment?
>swole bannon
he'd still be in if he was
Excellent pithy rejoinder
> How will the white race ever recover?
By laughing at the absolute state of any Caribbean country and Africa. Niggers can get uppity and buff and fuck white roasties all they want. Doesn’t mean Jamal won’t shoot them at their family barbecue or the nations they have existed in for millennia will ever contribute anything to a history text book other then being ideal slaves.
cite me a source on bannon ever saying this.
We literally bred them to be that way to work our fields. Every athletic nigger should get down on their knees and thank Whitey that we bred their women to produce them.
those abs look terrible tbhwyfam never go full /fit/
The ancestors of the guy on the left selectively bred the ancestors of the guy on the right. The guy on the right should be thanking white people for all the good we've done for him.
i see this shit all the time in facebook,why is Sup Forums the only site where TRUE freedom of speech is allowed?
guy on the left went to harvard among other life accomplishments...what has the guy on the right done other than steroids and spend most his life in a weight room?
our society is so utterly vain and focused on appearance that a meme like this could even its meant to only focus on looks and nothing else, as if that is what makes anyone great at anything....
id rather thave the money accomplishments and success and look like shit than be a roided up meat head whos broke as shit and hasnt done anything meaningful towards society....personally...
Reminder the people that sprout the selectively bred thing are cucks.
Eloi are genetically superior to Morlocks. Doesn't mean they aren't retarded.
by not sucking on a cows ass and showering in cow pee.
It was the NiNogs that had to watch as the Master raped their women for hundreds of years but your claiming Whitey is cucked lolz
daily reminder: it took the brains of the guy on the left to create through selective breeding, the guy on the right
I mean yeah but the said can be said on both sides. Whites also have a slower metabolism, which helps with upper body strength but at the same time non-whites have better reflex. Its just shit that exist.
this, why did i reply
its fucking hilarious but let them think like this so one day out of nowhere;
>dude im swole u cant fight me
>lol okay but the legion of space gundams equipped with nuclear rail guns i control with my brain can
How will the black race ever recover?
>cherrypicked instagram posts
can i have cancer yet
You sound like a dumbass.
I suppose that puts a Brahmin bull at the top of the food chain.
Fucking retards with this shit again. Sage.
Bannon is our Crassus.
Bannon will die soon. His black heart will kill him just like it did his master Breitbart. You can't live in hate and bitterness and expect to thrive. The darkness is coming for this grotesque.
>strength is the only measure of genetic viability
Better prepare your bipedal boipussies for a genetically superior ape
The likelihood that the guy on the right in OP's picture has not done steroids is pretty much zero. Whenever you see people who look like this it's due to steroids. Yes, once in while there will be a person with amazing perseverance and genetics, like one person in a million, who will attain this sort of physique for a for months or even a few years in their life without steroids but it's rare as fuck.
Who are the dumb fucks that come up with these threads, would be a better question.
Is this Steve Bannon genetically superior that that man?
I bet if he took his shirt off he would look the same
>muh muscles
Yeah now have them take an IQ test...
Eat clen, tren hard
Well who is the fuck on the left? There really isn't much excuse to not look decent.
The one on the left is statistically less likely to commit a violent crime against you and more likely to have a high IQ job.
You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like in a western nation
Thank you!
was at Lincoln Park Zoo, there was a chimpanzee who had been in a circus and loved to interact, and a Chicago ape said, “Let em out-I’ll whup ass.”
Zookeeper was there
Zookeeper says, “He’s as strong as 4 men, has razor-sharp teeth, and can use his feet like two more hands.”
Not like physical strength is as important in the modern world, but have a look at this and tell me what you find.
Muh Dik cuck thread #6 gorillion
self made millionaire with an MBA from Harvard > 70 iq roided up nogger
Let's see if the nigger even gets to Bannon's age now, let alone how he looks
except the guy on the left never said that you fucking liar scumbag.
You could just reverse that image and show a fat old black person compared to a white body builder. The point of this picture is absolutely retarded.
This. Pic related is the natty limit.
>has mansion paid off
>has apartment a loan shark and hookers to feed
I'm going hunting with the fatty
What's that?
>blocks your testostrone
saviour of western civilization
yea he has superior genetics
Has ball cancer
is this shooped? dudes hands are tiny
He's gigachad
Both images are photo shopped
And I can just as easily find a white guy who is that ripped and a black guy who is that fat. Terrible bait
You have ball cancer.
Officer, media mogul, world changing political insider......vs. Jerome and his slave muscles....
This was a tweet that got like tens of thousands of retweets. There is literally no proof that Bannon has ever said or thought that any race is genetically inferior to whites. And yet here he is being slandered and thousands and thousands of people just take it as fact.
He looks like a video game
I didn't know that graphs could be as misleading as this; noted
itt: faggots
>Beta outs himself as sub 21 years old.
Yes, me with my three engineering degrees, what would I know about graphs....................................................................................idiot.
Looks like a ken doll desu
You know nothing about weight lifting.
>eating 200g of protein a day
Why 200g of protein a day? You only need to hit your macros, protein can convert to fat if you eat too much.
if you think that guy isn't on a massive cocktail of steroids you've never lifted weighs in your life.
>pic from the right is from inside of a prison
Well I guess if we are arguing about genetics, why are niggers so fucking stupid?
Nigger rich
The guy on the right has significant white admixture, for starters.
Manlet alert
Same reason Africa is an utter failure.
Yes, in the only place it counts - the brain.
Plus Steve is old and fat. You could do this with some old, fat black guy like I just did. Clearly my work shows that the white race is vastly superior.
>this is what body dysmorphia looks like in males
being fat and lifting weights aren't genetic
>Left: Sub-Saharan African
>Right: North African
Don't know, looks pretty fucking tall to me