Who is the most chad person from your country Sup Forums
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Feels good to have an alpha leader man.
So basically leafland has no chads?
Lung cancer killed his ass. Some chad
>smoking is the ultimate redpill
whoever this hunk is.
I'ma post for Aus.
He was made emperor of the Patagonia, basically he was made representative of the Wallmapu on Europe officially by the Mapuche council on chadness alone.
Nathan Fielder
Québec here.
Just Google his name. Really. Google his fucking name.
Ned Kelly was a fucking BEAST
In Canada one of these trees.
El Cid or Pelayo
Cucknada pls
I'm trying to hide your testosterone deficiency.
Agreed. He is literally America incarnate
One of my mates dad
>single handedly trying to save the white race, has 8 children
>literally named Chad
Local heros lads, local heros.
This mad cunt.
>He declined the invitation to be decorated, however, because according to him General Montgomery (who was to give the award) was "incompetent" and in no position to be giving out medals
Fuck, I think I'm gay now
Fuck this, and fuck everyone who says that Canada is a complete liberal shithole through and through.
I try my hardest to push myself towards greatness, as I know that my ancestors were conquerors, explorers, warriors, honourable men, and some of the best god damn leaders the world has seen. No, I'm not just saying that shit like a neo-nazi fuck face, I'm saying that because I have actual fucking records of my families lineage back to 400 AD. I'm a god damned descendant of Oliver Cromwell, so if that isn't something to look up to and try to live up do, I don't know what is.
I try my hardest to be healthy, to be smart, to be logical, to be kind, to be the best person that I can humanly be.
But I never even come close to a French-Canadian from the Régiment de la Chaudière, who served in WWII, and openly showed compassion, mercy, and humanity, to his enemies.
Welcome to the world of Léo Major.
He was born on January 21, 1921. His father wasn't exactly the best man, and Léo ended up living with his Aunt at 14. Instead of crying, whining, and letting the world feel sorry for him, he grew some heavier balls at age 15 than most men have at 40, decided to strive for greatness, and joined the army at 19 to "Prove to his Father he was somebody to be proud of". Yeah, he wasn't even fucking 20 yet.
You know what one of his first assignments in the army was? Mother fucking D-Day. Yeah. A private going to D-Day isn't uncommon, but what actually made him stand out is that he single-handedly captured a mother fucking HANOMAG (a heavy armour vehicle) by himself. Historians assume that he simply whipped out his massive titanium ball sack, swung it at the front of the vehicle, thereby breaking the engine and shattering all the bones of everyone inside at the time.
(more coming, I am still typing this)
Trump is an arguable certainty, but there is a contender
First you wanna kill me, now you wanna kiss me. Blow.
correction there are two contenders
Harvey Weinstein
Look at how disgusting those transgender freaks are. Literal filth.
winston peters
That would be me
Errol Flynn
Your country doesn't even have a fucking KING. Should've teamed up in 1776.
Obviously pic related.
He littlerally blows chicks minds.
>Tfw having to cover your hog from the queen, but she sees and smiles anyway.
Now this alone is just fucking insane. A private single handedly capturing a heavy armour vehicle by himself is unheard of, but this is Léo Fucking Major. This Hanomag just happened to contain secret nazi codes that the Allies pretty much had no fucking way to decode.
But it gets better.
A few days after landing, he was having a nice stroll in a flower meadow until a full SS patrol came up and tried to grind him into sausage. But he killed four of these guys, the rest ran. But one managed to actually light phosphorus grenade and throw it at him, taking out his left eye. Many men would insist on getting sent home after such a grave injury, but not this mother fucker. He refused the offer many times, and instead decided to wear a bad-ass eye patch and insisted that he "Only needs one eye to sight down a rifle". He served as a scout and a sniper, and joked about is saying he "looked like a pirate". Yep, guy lost his fucking eye and makes jokes about it like it's nothing.
In 1944 during the Battle of the Scheldt, he was out on a reconnaissance mission and spotted two German soldiers. It was raining and freezing, so he said to himself in what we can only imagine one of the most bad ass voices "I am frozen and wet because of you, and so you will pay". He captured the first German and used it as bait to capture the second. The second attempted to shoot Major, but instead, Major crushed this Germans skull in. He went on capturing Germans like this until eventually he captured their Commanding Officer. Yeah. The remaining Germans surrendered. He came back to camp with 98 prisoners. A guy who has impaired vision managed to, alone, capture nearly 100 men in a single night.
Steve Irwin was a harry fucker
Flash by name, Flash by nature
You call that a queen?
Don Cherry for Prime Minister
wow what a leaf
When he came back with his prisoners, his superiors could only just imagine the man they had enlisted in their army. Without a second thought, they gave him a Distinguished Conduct Medal. One of the highest honours. But because General Bernard Montgomery was the one who was going to give him the medal, Major instead basically told the General to go fuck himself because he was an incompetent prick. Now, keep in mind this is a soldier who is speaking to his superior officer. But instead of giving Major the boot, the army decided that they could not win the war without Major. They kept the glorious bastard.
In 1945, Major was helping load corpses out of a destroyed Tiger tank into the back of a carrier. After he was done, the driver hopped into the front, and Major hopped into the back. But this seemingly normal day of moving corpses had to have been too good to be true, because this is Leo Fucking Major! The Bren Carrier struck a land mine, and he was sent flying into the air. He landed hard on his back and lost consciousness. Eventually, two medical officers were at the scene and tried to help him. When he awoke, he simply payed no attention to himself and asked if the driver was okay. They didn't answer his question, but instead loaded him into a truck and drove him to a field hospital 50 km away. When he arrived, the doctors told him that he had broken his back in three places, four ribs, and both of his ankles.
he sounds like a poofta tbqh
if a guy does g4p, he's not a fucking chad
Canadiens drilled it tonight.
>that feel when you have to smile but all you can do is scream at the absurdity of cultural propaganda that you are trying to push
His officers told him that he had done his duty, and that the war was over for him. After a week of waiting, Major took the chance to flee. He managed to get a ride to the Dutch town of Nijmegen, a town where he had previously met a family and had made friends with. He stayed with that family for a little more than a month, and then went back to his unit. Private Major (yes, he was still a fucking PRIVATE WHILE DOING ALL THIS SHIT) was Abesent Without Authority, and would typically have been punished. But he was simply too fucking badass for anyone to even dare to.
After a while of waiting, the Régiment de la Chaudière was approaching the Dutch city of Zwolle, which was controlled by the Germans, and had strong presence. During a scouting mission with his best friend, William Arsenault, the pair decided that they would attempt to capture the town alone. Yep, two fucking guys against a town of Nazis. Arsenault unfortunately gave away the pairs position during a conflict with a German, and ended up getting shot and killed. What followed was what people consider to be one of the most rage-filled, tactically genius massacres by a single man in recorded history.
Get out.
He went into the town and shot a bunch of soldiers riding in a Staff Car. He then took one of them as prisoner and led him to a bar where an officer was having a drink. Major disarmed him, and told them that the entire Canadian army was approaching on their position. This was enough to shock the officer into wanting to warn all his soldiers to retreat. As a sign of good faith, Major gave the officer his gun back. Yeah, you don't see many people doing that with enemies.
After he had let the officer warn everyone, he marched in there and started shooting everyone in uniform. He threw grenades, shot machine guns, crumbled buildings to the ground, and made the Germans actually believe that the entire fucking Canadian army had arrived.
A single man, with his cunning tactics, badassery, and pure brutalness, liberated an entire town of Nazi occupation. And he was partially disabled, with the missing eye and broken bones.
Not only did Major actually survive the war, he actually went on to fight Communists in the Korean War.
If you didn't love him because he was a complete badass, you'll love him for his hatred of Communists. (more of that coming up)
Is it wrong that I read that at first glance as "Cuckudeau"?
Obama was based.
World Champion of killing mudshits and deporting illegals.
When the war in Korea broke out, the Canadian government decided to raise a force to join the United Nations in repelling the communist invasion. Major was called back and ended up in the Scout and Sniper Platoon of 2nd Battalion Royal 22nd Regiment of the 25th Canadian Infantry Brigade,1st Commonwealth Division. Major fought in the First Battle of Maryang San where he received a bar to his Distinguished Conduct Medal for capturing and holding a key hill in November 1951. Hill 355, nicknamed Little Gibraltar, was a strategic feature, commanding the terrain for twenty miles around, so the communists were determined to take it before the truce talks came to an agreement which would lock each side into their present positions.
Hill 355 was held by the 3rd US Infantry Division, who linked up with the Canadian's Royal 22nd Regiment on the Americans' western flank. On November 22 the 64th Chinese Army (around 40,000 men) lowered a decisive artillery barrage. Over the course of two days, the Americans were pushed back from Hill 355 by elements of the Chinese 190th and 191st Divisions.
The 3rd US Infantry Division tried to recapture the hill, but without any success, and the Chinese had moved to the nearby Hill 227, practically surrounding the Canadian forces. To relieve pressure, Lieutenant Colonel J.A. Dextraze, commanding officer of the 2nd Battalion Royal 22nd Regiment, brought up an elite scout and sniper team led by Léo Major. armed with Stenguns, Major and his 18 men silently crept up Hill 355. At a signal, Major's men opened fire, panicking the Chinese who were trying to understand why the firing was coming from the center of their troops instead of from the outside. By 12:45 am, they had retaken the hill.
However, an hour later, two Chinese divisions (the 190th and the 191st, totaling around 14,000 men) counter-attacked. Major was ordered to retreat, but refused and found scant cover for his men. He held the enemy off throughout the night, though they were so close to him that Major's own mortar bombs were practically falling on him. The commander of the mortar platoon, Captain Charly Forbes, later wrote that Major was "an audacious man, not satisfied with the proximity of my barrage and asks to bring it closer. In effect my barrage falls so close that I hear my bombs explode when he speaks to me on the radio."
This French-Canadian, badass, Nazi killing, Communist hunting, tactically genius, disabled pirate managed to do all that shit and live to tell the tale.
He spoke about the war in the middle east, and said "When I fought, I fought against imperialism and fought to preserve the peace of the people. This war is not a just war, as this is simply an invasion of a resource rich country."
Not only was he a good man, he was intelligent.
He went on and had four kids with his loving wife, until his death in 2008.
He isn't from my country but thor heyedal definitely makes the cut for chad
And his daughter and old lady were getting boned by Tyrone the whole time. No one cares about your cuck commando.
Yeah, he was very based.
Rene Jalbert
Dress like Mapuche dun makes u one.
Well done, leaf. I'll remember this guy for sure.
Germans are the real subhumans
holy fuck, actually an absolute madman
big tit teddy of course
>overcame asthma as a kid from already being a man inside of a child's body
>went to harvard when it meant something and wrote a fucking book
>his mammy and sister died at like the same time so he bit his lip and came inside then went to the dakotas to fuck around as a cowboy and endure harsh living to grieve
>got bored of suffering and decided to fucking volunteer as second in command to the rough riders during the spanish-american war and brain some beaners
>came back and became FUCKING governor of JEW YORK
>then ran as vice president during the 1900 election and fucking won OBVIOUSLY
>when president mckinley was assassinated by presumably a nog, he became the youngest PRESIDENT IN HISTORY FUCK NIGGERS
>the goddamned Square Deal
>parks n shit
>nobel peace prize like barry
>was SHOT IN THE FUCKING CHEST only to be saved by a goddamn book and bled for 90 minutes as he gave his speech before going to the hospital because it was "policy"
>offered to lead pussy frenchman in WWI but got denied, presumably murdered some niggers
>fucked his wife so hard he FUCKING DIED on DONALD J TRUMP'S DAY OF BIRTH thus securing his soul to live on in another being, being a fucking CHAD for another century
>pic related, its fucking him.
Probably Tito as much as I hate to admit that
Chad ass niqqa
>when president mckinley was assassinated by presumably a nog
Leon Czolgosz, watched a program on him.
>disgruntled guy
>had few friends
>lived with his mom
>would stay in his attic room at night and brood about the state of the world and drink milk
>tried going to local anarchist group
>finds out they're kind of petty and thinks they're not real anarchists
>becomes even more disgruntled by this
>says fuck it and decides to shoot the president
I don't like communism, but I cannot deny he was chad and cool.
He had nice titos
To be fair, he is right.. Transgenders are freaks of nature that should not exist. Sex change operations should be made illegal, since it is not natural for a man to remove his genitalia, nor is it natural for a female to attach male genitalia. The fact that people pay their hard earned money to perform this upon themselves is pretty fucking sad and pathetic, and to be honest, they should just kill themselves if they aren't happy with the body they were born with.
Fuck Tito
>Let them fall face down
>If they must die
>Making it easier
>To say goodbye
I think it shouldn't be against the law, though. You should undergo heavy psychological evaluation, but if you are still convinced you want to cut off your dick - why not.
They won't be able to reproduce either, so there's that.
CP ring publicly operated by Playboy in the 70s. Girls as young as 4 appeared in porn mags in Europe. Brooke Shields appeared in Sugar 'n' Spice magazine in the US when she was 10. Spread this info on social media.
Kang, 6'5 feet tall, fucked tons of thots, had dozens of bastards and could go on a syphilles-induced rage on his ministers any time he felt like it.
We also had the guy who was the reason for the first world war.
Probably Gustavus Adolphus or Carolus Rex.
Modern day it's probably Dolph Lundgren