Fact: If you're a vegan you shouldn't post on Sup Forums
Fact: If you're a vegan you shouldn't post on Sup Forums
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Nice stuff
lol umad meatcuck
Sup Forums incels can't keep up with /fit/ vegans
Awwww, did my big baby boy not get his milk? Drink all your milk and I'll give you a bologna sandwich.
I don't eat meat (neither did Daddy Führer) and I name the Jew among strangers and Roman salute in public.
How tall is that soy boy? 5'2?
Looks good. Did you make it? Recipe pls
bloodlapping cucks and morally relative pedophile apologists get the FUCK OFF MY FUCKING BOARD.
go soak in child and animal blood somewhere else podestafag.
'cause we're not stupid enough to blast and cruise tren like your boy in the photo
>all these non-arguments ITT
when will vegans admit how eternally BTFO they are?
>"Maybe if I post it again in the next thread someone will care"
meatcucks eternally BTFO
>Humans don't matter animals do
Strawman, literally no vegans say this. However, just because humans are above animals doesn't make it ethical to kill them needlessly.
>muh culture
>muh tradition
Not a valid argument. If it was the culture of a certain group of people to eat babies, would that make it ethical or moral?
>muh b12
Most people have a B12 deficiency regardless of whether or not they're vegan. B12 isn't impossible or even difficult to get as a vegan.
>muh jews
Bullshit, you fucking retards. Doctors that want you to eat meat are being payed by the meat and dairy industries for profit.
>eating meat is an evolutionary advantage
Cancer, diabetes, and heart disease are evolutionary advantages?
Kys meatcuck.
>All the meatcucks leave the thread immediately after being BTFO
Wow, very convenient.
Whey isn't vegan.
- Processed meattrash lowers sperm count
- Estrogen in milk lowers test and stops you developing into a real man
- Casomorphine in milk is addictive
- Milk gives you prostate cancer
- Milk gives you acne
- Heme iron in red meat gives you esophageal and stomach cancer
- Meat gives you colorectal cancer
- Eggs increase cancer risk even when adjusted for intakes of macronutrients or for other food groups
>culture and tradition is bad
>jews are actually good
>"uhhh well actually everyone is deficient in it, vegans more so, but I'm going to ignore it"
>doesn't see the correlation between predatory carnivores and intelligence in the animal world
>A cow has the same IQ as a wolf
>Eating protein gives you diabetes
>doesn't address all things in the original image
Its the vitamin b12 deficient brainlet vegan everybody
Except that's not a valid argument either. Your claim is that there is no moral difference between humans and animals. This is demonstrably untrue - as far as we know, humans are the only sapient beings in existence. While some humans (with birth defects) lack this capability, the vast majority are sapient, while not a single animal can be said to be sapient.
Vegan starter kit - veganuary.com
Vegan youtubers - activistjourneys.wordpress.com
- Vegan diet healthy for all stages of life
- Vegan B12 in traditional fermented foods & seaweed e.g. tempeh, kimchi etc.
- Loads vegan products fortified with B12 (produced without the use of animals)
- USDA 40% of US population flirting with B12 deficiency due to modern farming
Swallowing your boyfriends sperm isn't vegan FYI, millions of sperms are murdered by your mouth every day!
>things are bad m'kay
Shut the fuck up and stop acting like you can live forever without drinking babies you God damned hedonist
P has to be present in ALL humans. Literally just BFTOed yourself
wasnt a woman try to climb up the everest to prove that vegans were strong and she couldnt handle it and die?
also learn the difference between validity and soundness
bitch don't tell me what I can and can't do
Who is this not-ripped man and why do you keep posting him?
Wow... And too think that every single person before the 20th century died of fucking cancer... Wow just... Wow...
*blocks your path*
>culture and tradition is bad
Not an argument
>jews are actually good
Not an argument
>"uhhh well actually everyone is deficient in it
>vegans more so, but I'm going to ignore it"
Like I said, it's not hard to get B12 on a vegan diet. You can easily supplement it, drink B12 fortified foods, or just eat some unwashed fruit or veggies and you'll get enough of it.
>doesn't see the correlation between predatory carnivores and intelligence in the animal world
Uh, no, I don't? Even so, what does that have to do with us humans?
>A cow has the same IQ as a wolf
Again, what exactly are you trying to say here?
>Eating protein gives you diabetes
Obvious bait, won't even give you the satisfaction. Try harder, meatcuck.
If only they bought heavily processed soy foods, they probably would have lived longer!
>doesn't understand green text
We have canines for a reason. Vegans are honestly retarded if they think "Meat" is bad.
>duh animals!
K I don't care about the death of our food so that I can eat
>d-duh CANCER!
Cause every single person before the 20th century died of some sort of cancer because they ate meat like literally everybody else, right?
Hmm, I wonder how many meatcucks have died on Everest...
However, the basis of your argument is still incorrect. The moral difference between humans and animals is completely arbitrary, yes, but all moral differences between acceptable and unacceptable food are completely arbitrary
I know I shouldn't post here but you can't stop me.
I hate the meat industry, but the idea of going vegan or vegetarian is repulsive. Decided to raise our own livestock instead. They live a good life and get killed ethically, and using every part of the animal means they didn't die for a few different cuts.
I understood just fine. Epic meme pic though, totally proves your argument.
>We have canines for a reason
>duh animals!
>K I don't care about the death of our food so that I can eat
I don't care about other people, so I should be allowed to eat them
>Cause every single person before the 20th century died of some sort of cancer because they ate meat like literally everybody else, right?
U being srs right now?
>Off-site liberal faggot vegan shills posting in groups
Vegans are so weak they can't handle an argument as an induvidual, rather needing the support of a group to assist them
*triggers your gag reflex*
fucking idiot, you don't need b12 on a vegan diet. plenty of swole vegans on youtube. kys.
*murders vegans*
*its ok with Leaf police*
You realize those are designed as weapons right?
This guys' forearms are bigger than his biceps... why do you keep posting this soyboy?
Not an arguement
I don't eat people because they taste disgusting, extremely unhealthy and it's illegal, not because I care about them.
Most vegans have high-pitched voices, passive-aggressive personalities, bad teeth due to excessive sugar intake, hair loss, and thin blood.
The ''fit'' vegans you see in the pictures they post are taking steroids and other supplements. Without supplements, especially b12, they break easily.
Globalism is veganism, which is why the vast majority of them are weak leftists, women, or both.
According to their own vain philosophy and outlook on the world, they should kill themselves, literally.
>vegans getting btfo forever and ever
many meat eaters cling to the B12 argument because you can only find it in natural sources through animal products (which are there through bacteria). truth is you dont need that much, it's easy to supplement (the bacteria thing again) and it takes years for any noticeable deficiency o manifest.
i'm vegetarian, am I welcome or should I leave?
This thread makes me hungry. Must go and buy some fastfood.
I'm just throwing this out their but you can still eat meat without killing animals.
Your a fucking communist also.
do you own a gun?
*doesn't stop*
Vegetarianism is a bit iffy, but is much much more agreeable, pescatarian or lacto-ove vegetarianism is much better tho imo
isn't that kind of cruel to just cut off limbs of living animals like that?
Most people should probably eat less meat and more vegetables. Cutting out meat all together is autistic though.
You typed out all that fucking nonsense and still didn't manage to come up with one single argument against the principles of veganism itself.
Literally need to eat Brah
>muh culture
>muh tradition
This pretty much only applies to the ways its butchered and cooked brah. If it was my culture to give people millions of dollars a year in taxes would it be ethical or moral brah? no.
Nothing is inherently ethical or moral. For you to deny that these animals are a slave race that exist purely to feed people is absurd.
There is nothing left in these animals existences other than this. They are either eaten, or slaughtered to existence. There is no in between, not for them, and not any more.
>b12 supplements
B12 isn't easy brah. Its pretty much 99% only in animal products, and essentially proof positive (other than literally canine teeth and binocular vision) that Human Beings are predators.
>Doctors want me to get protein because they are jews
Okay brah my doctors are paid by the cancer industry to up my red meat consumption so I get cancer. You sound like a holohoax denier brah.
>plants don't help cause cancer at all brah. In fact Carbs don't contribute to any of those conditions at all.
Oh wait they totally do. Carbs in relation to all of those illnesses help create and exacerbate those issues. Fuck man.
Anyways brah, I know you're a vegan, but you should probably put your LGBT flag back on because i'm gonna give you the cock meat sandwhich brah. It's a Polish Sasuage. You'll like it.
Sorry, I don't like meat in my mouth, faggot.
Meatcucks are nutritional retards.
Vegans are better looking in every way than pimple-laden, dairy-jowel'd, beef thighed, greasy fatfucks.
Also, meat is the most inefficient way possible of consuming the nutrients you need. Breeding, transporting, feeding, for fucking YEARS before you get a bite of your juicy meatsticks. If you eat beef you are responsible for the extinction of the fucking rainforest that is being slashed and burned for your retarded appetite at a rate of 1 acre/second. You dumb fat cunt.
>poster calls out vegans as being weak
>vegan attempts to ask if they own a gun as a sign masculinity
Do you know how many animals are killed by guns everyday? A vegan cannot own a firearm and pretend to be morally right, think of your animal brethren!
Are all leafs like this or just you?
>Docosahexaenoic Acid
Things vegancucks have to supplement. Really makes you think.
t. vegancuck
>this is litterally you
I guess I'm not like most vegans because I have a deep voice, I'm universally liked, I have great teeth, thick negro hair, and I don't bleed because I don't menstruate like you.
I can't hear you over this delicious beast flesh
lol these fags agree
Listen Brah the only argument I need is im fucking hungry and Its a free country. Ill eat what I damn well please.
>this frightens the vegancuck
>can't even grow a full beard
>will most likely die of a heart attack by 40
>colon cancer treatment starts next week
Give me one physiological trait of the human organism that suggests we are natural meat eaters?
>Married one child
>Trump supporter
>Nigger hater
>Plant based diet
I'm into your religion. You can have it.
Bottom line: without the grid, electricity, supermarkets, i.e. ''civilization'', vegans do not exist.
If you throw a strong, intelligent human into the wild, he'll make tools for himself and survive.
If you throw a weak, dumb human into the wild, he'll attempt to forage and die.
>sorry, I don't like meat in my mouth
seems like you like it better several inches up your ass
>vegancucks think they look good
99% of you are fragile soyboys with the body weight of a 6 year old girl and the aesthetics of a skeleton
>muh rainforest
wow, some subspecies of tree frog died out ! what a tragedy!
Comment discarded
tastes better than anything you eat
"meatsticks" are worth
when muscles glasses left the show died bro. stop bringing back the painful memories
Binocular vision.
>"There's no reason for humans to eat meat anymore. It costs more to raise livestock than just eating non-meat food. It's just unnecessary killing"
How do you answer this?
>m-muh cancer!
>sh-shaving? no, he's probably just naturally effeminate like I am
lmao pathetic vegan cuck
Shut the fuck up. I'm so tired of being disrespected on this goddamn website. All I wanted to do was post my opinion. MY OPINION. But no, you little bastards think it's "hilarious" to mock those with good opinions. My opinion. while not absolute, is definitely worth the respect to formulate an ACTUAL FUCKING RESPONSE AND NOT JUST A SHORT MEME OF A REPLY. I've been on this site for 6 months: 6 MONTHS and I have never felt this wronged. It boils me up that I could spend so much time thinking and putting effort into things while you shits sit around (probably jerking off to traps or whatever gay shit you like) and make fun of the intellectuals of this world. I've bored you? Good for fucking you. Literally no one cares that your little brain is to underdeveloped and rotted to comprehend my idea...MY GREAT GREAT IDEA. I could sit here all day whining, but I won't. I'm NOT a whiner. I'm a realist and an intellectual. I know when to call it quits and to leave the babybrains to themselves. I'm done with this goddamn site and you goddamn immature children. I have lived my life up until this point having to deal with memesters and idiots like you. I know how you work. I know that you all think you're "epik trolls" but you're not. You think you baited me? NAH. I've never taken any bait. This is my 100% real opinion divorced from anger. I'm calm, I'm serene. I LAUGH when people imply I'm intellectually low enough to take bait. I always choose to reply just to spite you. I won. I've always won. Losing is not in my skillset. So you're probably gonna reply "lol epik trolled" or "u mad bro" but once you've done that you've shown me I've won. I've tricked the trickster and conquered memery. I live everyday growing stronger to fight you plebs and low level trolls who are probably 11 (baby, you gotta be 18 to use Sup Forums). But whatever, I digress. It's just fucking annoying that I'm never taken serious on this site, goddamn
Playboy publicly operated a CP ring in the 70s. Spread this on social media. Hollywood never kept pedophilia a secret.
eat a steak
>thinking that any of that is far fetched
I can only imagine how bad your life must be.
Costs more to whom? my wallet? which ill gladly pay?
or the animals? who know only exist to be subjugated?
i'm not obligated to do things that are cost effective
me living in a mud hut is cheaper than having a house with a/c, right?
The article admits that half of those are non-essential. D3, DHA, and B12 all have vegan sources.
Letting animals forage feed is basically free, they'll taste better and be healthier too.
>be me
>be vegan
>don't talk about it or judge anyone for eating meat
>if someone finds out I don't eat meat they freak out and won't leave it alone, usually saying some insulting shit
Why do people act like this? I don't talk about it but as soon as someone finds out they won't stop talking about it. Is it because they feel guilty or something? Does seeing me not eat meat make meat eaters face the fact that it is an option not a necessity and they get angry that they don't have the willpower to stop? I don't care that you eat meat, so stop bringing up the fact that you do and talking down to me.
Thinking you're universally liked is just narcissistic man.
Your moral "Argument" is nothing more than a simplistic call to utilitarianism. Why have art? Why have luxuries? Why not just all live in a 5 x 5 gray pod consuming protein bars and working 12 hours a day until you die? Besides, we already produce enough food to feed the entire world and still have some left over. We don't even NEED more efficiency. So your economic argument is blown out of the water.