5 foot 8 125 pound antifa twink starts shouting in the face of a 6 foot 220 pound veteran. He thinks he's untouchable with police near by but he's not undoxable.
Time To Dox An Antifa Twink and Bring Him Back To Reality
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Doxxing is for fags. As a based centrist, I cannot morally endorse it
what city?
Heres the link.
There are places you can do this where you won't get in trouble.
Also sage.
l e a f
Seriously dude, delete this thread before you get banned.
Why did he look like he wanted to make out with him?
>he hasn't taken the leafpill
We're right in literally every thread. Look to your sins, bong.
Bump to find the little faggot
They all do. When they say fuck Nazis they are actually wishing. Same for feminists, with their daddy issues and their love of dom.
Not your personal army faggot
How did that veteran refrain from decking that faggot?
God, I wonder.
Berkeley local here
He looks like a high school student or freshly out, and probably local.
Fuck off commie faggot, you're next
Shills scared for their antifa brothers life.
How can you tell what city someone comes from just by looking at them?
Fuck you nigger.
that's the difference between strength and weakness.
the kid looks young.. and maybe part white.
it is possible in time he will learn from his mistakes and ascend with wisdom.
or not.
how you guys still allow to get in pol, get out !
>hes not reporting anti white hate crime whenever he finds it to avoid his people being falsely painted as racists
fuck off leaf you fucking traitor
doxxing does nothing to these cunts except minor embarrassment. We lose our jobs and go to prison. They get an ellen interview and a soros payrise. the least we can do is warn others around him what a cunt he is, seeing as the authorities have abandoned their posts in every regard
>he does nothing
this is why we are being genocided t b h
Get in here. Concrete proof of pedophilia in Hollywood.
Bump to find the fag
good thing no one cares what centrists think
or leafs
He shits bigger than little faggot.
Man i would have maybe killed him.
Thank god im not in that sit
not your board commie...
You fascist should all be disgusted with your selves.
fuck off commie
So veteran took it like a bitch, scared of de polize
Always knew that US army is a bunch of faggots.
The path of a based centrist is a lonely one, but a path worth taking all the same
Because he talks like he is. Probably a skateboarder. If not from berkeley he is from sf or la/portland.
I correctly profiled eric clanton as well. I said he looks like a professor.
What are you, an SJW?
Why because we are better then you?
>using reverse psychology
What are you a fucking retard?
Go fuck yourself stormfag. Stop being such a faggot and fight your own battles
Thanks for the bump retard
When you use illegal tactics to strike back at people using legal tactics, then you'll only hurt your movement in the long term.
If he ever puts a hand on you, put your fist through his face. But shouting at someone is not against the law and you wouldn't want it to ever be.
Got his address guys.
He is-
>Faggot Faggotso
>Faggotsville USA
>123 Faggot st.
his number is
Thanks leaf
OK hand sign at 0:59.
communism will be eradicated
is this Sup Forumss new husbandfu to join the ranks of past wifu antifas?
Look at him, see how the lower breed of whites mimic nigger behavior? Posturing against a much stronger opponent because you have a perceived advantage (lots more people and police watching).Then there's his diction. He mimics what the niggers he's seen on TV do, because they sure do seem cool and self confident. "Dis id B-TOWN, BITCH!" he says, taking on an effeminate version of what he perceives to be a rough and hard "ghetto" accent.
Degenerates in the wild boys. Only a few weeks until, god willing, it's open season for that veteran.
If I find him I promise I'll hatefuck him. Yes he's a cuck but fuckable. Fuck til he can't walk
What about kidnapping him and making him my sex slave
Hmm I dunno what the US laws on slavery are but I suggest streaming sessions if you do it.
Check the based stickman ko vid in the park, and the vid of the vet in berkeley who stood up out of his wheelchair after teen punk was talking shit. The kid looks familiar.
Nearly 100% this is the kid. And I was threatened with a dox ohhhhh by a leaf, which is in this thread, right now. Listen leaf...let me show you how this is done! I will be the one to own this faggot.
>As a based centrist
:03 in
>As a based centrist
I want to doxx his boipussy :3
Dude you are so banned. Will have been worth it though.
Any one else getting the idea this kid is a massive queer?
Saying you're a centrist is like saying you can't tell whether you have to take a shit or take a piss.
It doesn't exit.
Kill yourself.
Yes, along with that qt bullied Trump supporter twink with curvy hair and glasses. They should date tbqh.
Those who feel inferior to the based centrist always say things like this. You fear and hate a logical mind
any pics? i missed this
doesn't look like the same person desu.
I tried for about an hour the other day to no avail.
Can anyone give me any info on his tattoo or shirt? Might help..
Same Voice Looks Almost exactly the same
>Original vid
You ready to watch me go to town? Give me an hour or 2
''I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot:''
''So because thou art lukewarm, I will spew thee out of my mouth.''
Myth or the truth, at least the devil had the balls to take a side. You can't even do that.
That's not centrism, you fuckin' idiot.
fuck no. you're nuts
found the shirt.
fuck outta here leaf
Get off the fence, faggot.
Niggers hate you too.
That is a shill trying to protect his ppl. Tell me shill, can you protect them from me? Can you get in my way? And how long do you think it will take to find his true identity? Leaf boy shouldn't have pissed me off, now your boy is going to get pissed on XD
no one cares if antifa get doxxed because they're not fucking fascists
That's moot.
>muh fence sitter post
Dont bring skaters into this faggotry. I skated for years, then joined the Army. Got out and they are still the only red pilled people I know. Iam 28 though. Shit could have changed.
Skating was a refuge for people who didn't appreciate the main stream. What is the mainstream now?
I'm also an agnostic. But god was being a little unfair with that quote imho
Fuck off commie faggot
Forget about centrism, let's get back to the topic at hand-doxing the little faggot. I hope he ends up in a nut house.
>Delete this
>Thinks it'll make this thread more credible
You fucking idiot.
Do not use pepe to endorse your treasonous bullshittery
nah fuck off
The fear in his eyes, this is just fucking pathetic
Be worried, your ppl can't get in my way, and I won't stop until im finished with little "B-Town Boy"
The centrists will not be denied
Pick one and only one faggot this isn't nu/pol/ gtfo
The only Center Leafs have is the center of their buttcheeks, right where they let all the Somalians rest their dicks all day while collecting welfare.
>Antifa member gets doxxed.
>Employer is notified.
>Goes into work the next day.
>Hey I got a call saying you are a member of an anti-fascist organization.
>Nice, get to work.
Nobody is going to get fired for protesting Nazi larping ya dumb cunt.
theres probably alcohol in that bottle
Known and recognized as a terrorist organization. The dox is mainly to get him popular and make him the next Tyler the Twink. So he thinks twice about his actions so the next time he tries to act like a terrorist thug he won't get badly injured by a righteous Amercian who had enough of him. In a sense I'm trying to protect him from what he's be coming by giving him a reality check. But whatever if you think Antifa doesn't hold a negative connotation then it won't and never will.
Fellow Berkeley local. I've seen the little fucker skating atound Civic Center park.
>Known and recognized as a terrorist organization.
Sure, on here they are.
Normies however, look at antifa as a reaction to the alt-right, which, thanks to Charlottesville has had any possibility of being accepted into the mainstream extinguished.
They drew first blood. No antifa member has killed anyone thusfar.
These clowns and their bots lol