>I fucking love science
I fucking love science
People get paid to write that shit
I wish I could do that
Get the fuck outta here ain’t no andromnidous rex ever honk like a fucking goose that’s some straight up bullshit
>honk like a goose
goose are petty vicious.
That would actually be even more scary.
What would the purpose of roaring be when you hunt via stalking?
Considering how much of an asshole geese are, I don't doubt this.
This, I would have imagined they hissed a lot too like a lot of reptiles. Imagine how scary it would be see a twenty foot lizard bird hissing as it bares it's knife sized teeth.
Hope they make the audio adjustments in Jurassic park. I wanna hear that Rex honk like a goose.
I wonder what this research based its findings on?
Are there certain bones that are utilized in roars in animals, or what?
Roaring would likely not be for the hunting, but rather for territory marking. Many animal species today vocally mark their territory, from lions to songbirds.
*honks externally*
Yeah, especially since that dinosaur never existed.
Intimidation against things you're not stalking you fucking mong
Fuck this made me laugh too hard.
>a 120+ decibel screeching goose honk before it devours you whole
>Hope they make the audio adjustments in Jurassic park. I wanna hear that Rex honk like a goose.
>Hope they make the audio adjustments in Jurassic park. I wanna hear that Rex honk like a goose.
>Hope they make the audio adjustments in Jurassic park. I wanna hear that Rex honk like a goose.
>Hope they make the audio adjustments in Jurassic park. I wanna hear that Rex honk like a goose.
They were also black and gender fluid
>>I would rather have science lie to me
Go ask a lion
Yes they did they were flat though
Why the fuck is this on /pol
Dude, nothing ever existed. This is all a big AI simulation.
DIDF fuck off
so according to you tigers don't stalk?
I used to think that sharks roared when I was a little kid
why are the jews trying to retcon dinosaurs so hard nowadays with their gay nigger bird theories?
>hey goyim, studies show chickens descend directly from fucking stegosauruses and shit
>hey goyim, dinosaurs had feathers
>hey goyim, they actually quacked like ducks
science ruined dinosaurs. I remembered how much I was intrigued by them in my early years, they were cool dragon-like monsters who could have a fuckton of different characteristics(horns, super-speed, super-size, spikes,...). Now that science has reduced them to big chickens, I feel bad for the new generation of kids who'll never be as intrigued as I was.
Crocodiles can growl and hiss really fucking loud/deep and it sounds goddamn terrifying. Couldn't imagine it coming from something twice their size or more while being tall as fuck at the same time.
There are literally dinosaurs alive right now (ex. Sharks, alligators etc.)
They don't get paid very much for it.
>I feel bad that kids won't grow up believing in falsehoods
>new jurassic park starts with this
Canadian Geese are tougher than the citizens, pic related
Well a honk coming from a 12 meter tall dinosaur would be pretty much a Roar
How is this political?
>believing in the dinosaur meme in 2017
I have a feeling a 30 foot carniverous monsters “honk” or “growel” would sound pretty damn intimidating
Who cares about muh roar
As long as they can make neat machine gun noise that’s good enough
lol retard alert
>talking about parts of dinosaurs which do not exist in the fossil record
Vocal chords don't fossilize. These 'scientists' are talking out of their ass.
WTF i am a flat earther now
Unironically this. Show me real dino bones and not shit faked to get funding and I'll shut the fuck up.
Protip you fucking can't because dinosaur research is a fucking scam
The closest thing I've ever seen is a huge ass panther skull that was passed off as a mini t Rex. Dino's did not exist but large versions of modern animals did.
Slowly getting ready for the reveal that Dino's were a lie.
>dinosaurs were a coverup for shit like cyclops, trolls, sphinx, and griffons all along
haha ebin upboated
Welp, time to edit those Jurassic park roars in sony vegas for your Jewtube accounts.
do you see that R2D2 bastard we've got who's been sitting on his arse surviving nephilim floods for 122 zinbobmingorion years? He just came back with word he was wrong 25 minutes ago and in fact all these no armed bastards are silent and drinking tea on the pear earth
>Le deformed wojak maymay
Totally not a newfaggit kek
God put the dinosaur bones here to test our faith
>Science is a jewish psyop trick
>The closest thing I've ever seen is a huge ass panther skull that was passed off as a mini t Rex
what the hell are you talking about