\pol\ will dfend this
pol will dfend this
shes a pleiadian
No one on Sup Forums like Ivanka
No we won't, fuck ivanka. She's a new succubus
IVANKA 2024/2028
If it makes shitlibs cry I'll give her $5 billion.
Wrong usage of the word handout.
somehow i don't believe its a 4 billion handout.
What if I said blacks vote for democrats for passage of laws that give them a handout?
>gets to keep more of the money she made
Pick one.
Besides that she's a leftist jew, so it shouldn't surprise you that she's trying to get more money.
how can they get a 4 billion handout? are they implying they that much in taxes, so they make substantially more? I thought they weren't actually worth anything.
Republicans will defend this. They love the idea of people working hard, "the dignity of work" unless it means the children of giant fucktards like Trump then it's GIBME all over.
MUH DEATHTAX... Trumpcucks so stupid. Enjoy no tax cut at Trump and his kids run off with millions. Oh by the way, Hillary and Obama are gonna make out like bandits under this "tax cut."
Conservatives are dumb as shit. Grab your guns and bibles, Saint Matthew is laughing.
*teleports behind you*
Bob Corker tweeted “Alert the Daycare Staff” after Donald Trump’s latest bizarre Twitter meltdown. Republican Senator Jeff Flake condemned Trump as being dangerous. Republican Senator John McCain has spent all week slamming Trump from various angles. Republican former President George W. Bush gave a speech condemning Trump. But the voices of concern coming from inside the White House are the most damning, because these are Trump’s own people, and they’re doing this based on what they’re seeing out of him behind closed doors.
This comes after a Vanity Fair profile last week in which Trump’s staffers also voiced concern about his declining mental capacity. Corker also revealed today that Trump’s staff has privately asked him multiple times to intervene because Trump was going too far off the deep end.
She's hot fuck facts
No idiot... She's a Jew.
Repeal of the death tax is hardly a handout. The money was taxed once already, why tax it again for changing hands upon death?
shes a jew im not surprised.
When you're fucking dead you're dead. It's not "taxed twice" you faggot.
The founders HATED hereditary entitlement, you're talking about the 0.2% of families with money north of $5 MILLION.
What happened to you that your such rich peoples cock so hard? You'll NEVER make that much and if you do through actual work you'd never cry about it.
The difference between rich liberals and rich conservatives is easy = GREED.
>The founders HATED hereditary entitlement,
Then why didn't they tax inheritance?
Dictator need to fund his reelection campaign somehow. Doesn't it make sense that the American people fund their own dictators family life style too?
Why should the state have a right to other people's money once they die. It should be the owner who decides where the money goes. Fuck off you literal commie.
I'd like Ivanka to sit on my face
>Trump enterprise net worth 3 billion
>Tax cut gives you 4 billion
liberal logic everyone
>/leftypol/ will believe this
>let me give you back your own money and call it a handout
I don't know why you're so concerned with whether Donald Trump creates a trust or not. Billionaires never pay this shit. You're fucking retarded. You will never develop a tax policy Talmudic enough that these kike financial planners won't subvert it.
>for this the president's daughter absconds with four BILLION DOLLARS OF YOUR MONEY
Only in Drumpferica
>See niggers and mudslimes not work and slowly defile and ruin your country
>Study and work hard all your life so that you can provide a great life for you and your children
>You're taxed up the ass for it but it's worth it so while others go play you continue to work
>Do your duty to civilization creating offspring that you've given good guidance so they have not ended up as degenerates
>Do your duty to civilization by being law abiding productive member of society
>Hope to give your children an advantage in life as you've imparted to them your wisdom
>Gibsmedat wants to take it all away
Fuck off. See here's the thing. I don't resent the rich. I don't resent the super wealthy even. If I go into my doctors office I don't want to stick my hand in my pocket on top of him already being a better member of society than I myself am.
"Hey doc thanks for fixing me up, can you pay for my kids too?"
no refunds
She did earn what she has. She cant help she works hard. She could have stayed home and shit out welfare babies for Tyquane.
beautiful jewish tyrones
aaaand straight to the archive we go
>I believe what I read on the fake news media
They wouldn't be jewish tbf
your post made as much sense too so is why i went there in the first place
I'm pretty sure she's one of the few people to be universally hated on Sup Forums
Lefties hate her for being related to and on Trump's side, Righties hate her for the shit she pulls with Trump.
You want to give money to the institution that is the biggest money waster? Why not let the children have their fucking inheritance so they can continue to provide jobs and capital to the country, they are far smarter than any beurocrat or politician, and I’m not just talking about Trump’s kids.
the best part is, that they don't even believe that trump is a billionaire
>$4 billion dollar handout
>not $4 less billion stolen from her at force
if the founding fathers hated hereditary entitlement, why didn't they do anything about it?
if the founding fathers thought health care is a right, why didn't they say so, why didn't they make any laws?
if the founding fathers wanted stupid niggers like you to have an opinion, why did they make it so only landowning white males could vote?
sage goes into the options field
Considering I would literally tongue that goddess's asshole while she pissed on me, I don't care if she takes four billion imaginary Federal Reserve Jewbux.
>"nepotism" is bad
No, that's where ethnic loyalites come from.
>being a sodomite
Hell is for ever!
This is the retard ideology that’s killing this country
are you talking about the estate tax, the one uncle sam steal all your hard earn after you die? ok.
Damn Donald get your fucking mind out of the gutter. Its your daughter for Gods sake.
This is a new one.
>sourcless blogpost
>Trump cures cancer
>"Trump using taxpayer money to increase his own lifespan"
>"fuck Trump"
Dualistic (left vs right) thinking is indeed degenerate.
God save the State!
1 God bless our native land!
Firm may she ever stand,
Through storm and night;
When the wild tempests rave,
Ruler of wind and wave,
Do Thou our country save
By Thy great might.
2 For her our prayers shall rise
To God, above the skies;
On Him we wait;
Thou Who art ever nigh,
Guarding with watchful eye,
To Thee aloud we cry,
God save the State.
I'd let her give me a hand
But this too
And those money belongs to Government, why?
It hurts you to know how much we hate your kind, eh, leftist fuck?
We can never go back, you caused this, so now your suffering is just about to get started. Enjoy the result of your kind fucking shit up with reckless abandon for the past 60 years and making enemies the entire time!
Call them "anti-white," user.
Dullards like yourself never have a word against the "respectable conservatives" I've noticed...
>this country
blacks don't contribute anything therefore yes, it's a handout.
Jumping up and down yelling "Leftist!" like a Hannity-watching conservatard makes you my enemy, user.
>Sup Forums will defend a jew
not sure if b8 or justretarded nigger
>\pol\ will dfend this
Nope. I am Sup Forums and I have been against both Ivanka and Jared since the day Trump gave them the two top positions in the White House. My respect and like for Trump drop a lot due to that nepotism. Ivanka and Jared are both commie-globalists who have no business being in the White House or telling Trump what to do. They also got Trump to hire other commie-globalists and move away from a lot of his MAGA agenda. Jared is also a slum-lord, so what does that say about Trump that he puts a slum-lord in such a high position in the White House and calls him a "good boy"? You are judged by the company you keep, and Trump keeping both Jared and Ivanka around really makes me question the true motives of Trump.
Say NO to the commie-globalists agenda!
>This is the retard ideology that’s killing this country
shes not asking to import 6 gorrillion muslims
libs have a habit of conflating tax cuts and hand outs
Post her feet
youre about to get nuked and you can thank your vaginal jewish period aid at the jim jones convention you inbred pedo bed pissing fuck
Remember when Obama gave you the biggest tax hike in decades but it wasn't called a tax so you just kept sucking his meaty satanic cock as he took an extra 2% of your money and gave it to the insurance companies who actively lobby against the expansion of Medicare?
Heh. Good times.
You can swallow now, btw.
>Jew wants moneys
Wow, really?
fucking kek
>stealing less=giving
This is what socialists actually believe.
>parents work whole life to keep the family business going
>kids forced to sell it to vulture capitalists to pay death tax, lose their childhood home, their family business, source of income
Why do you hate individual liberty? Why do you want to enslave people? Does the idea of wealthy people being wealthy make you so envious you’d trample ordinary people just to get even? What a sad miserable person you are.