Why do whites blame black people for their own shortcomings?
Why do whites blame black people for their own shortcomings?
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I don't, I blame hispanics, shill.
Why should a dumb nigger be allowed into a top
ivy league school with grades that wouldn't even get them into a good UC school?
That literally puts people in danger.
I blame other white people. The situation with minorities is pretty much their fault.
they dont blacks are usally much less intelligent and much more violent and it doesnt mesh well with western society
Why do blacks blame white people for their own shortcomings?
why do successful people become wealthy due to intelligence and pass their wealth and intelligence to their offspring IT JUST ISN'T FAIR
we need to remove math requirements from admissions so PEEE POO OF COLOOUR have a fair playing field
Is this some new green pill i've never heard of? I swear the regimen you guys are on is more intense than my Nana's, how numb can you become
Basis of race instead of basis of status
People of status actually have a purpose for being there that's not muh oppression
Oh come on, pinky.
Blackies are kicking your ass in sports and college.
Get it together, John.
business often hire color over skill because "m-muh diversity"
>100 IQ nigger with a 25 on his ACT
>110 IQ white dude with a 28 on his ACT
>nigger gets in, whitey gets BLACKED from attending his dream school
Gee why would anybody have a problem with that I wonder...
Wait... are you asking why one person would blame another person for their own shortcomings?
Why wouldn't any person be responsible for their own shortcomings, exactly?
Good one.
this exactly
i dont agree with athletes getting in either
but the nigger is literally accepted because of his skin color
A nigger with an IQ of 100 is kinda impressive though, compared to a hu-white with an IQ of 110.
>1 post by this id
Edited for accuracy
this is the most retarded comic I've ever seen, it doesn't even acknowledge the fact that the minority is getting into school with lower grades than the white who didn't get in
It's not so much admissions to universities based on race that is a problem, but rather scholarships handed out overwhelming to minorities just because their skin is a bit darker that is the problem. Even though I know I'm smarter than most of the black or mexican minorities, I don't get a scholarship.
we blame jews even more.
we do these to feel better about our own failures with an easy scapegoat.
This picture is dumb. Why wouldn't the black guy get the position?
I blame the rothschilds.
Sage David is working overtime tonight brothers he is scared.
>rich kids
>affirmative action
How am I supposed to compete with this?
>uses cartoon to make a claim
So his only qualification is being a nigger, when everybody else has actual reasons for getting in?
Thanks for the propaganda, it's gonna work bigly
>How am I supposed to compete with this?
I got into a Top 30 university without any of those. Granted my high school GPA and SAT scores were very high.
This doesn't make any sense either. Why does juan get free everything but not john? Like being illegal is a magic pill. John should just find a job that pays under the table if he wants to cry about it so much
Why isnt jew included on this list?
I like this comic because it admits that minorities don't deserve to be in college.
someone shop their GPA over their heads
>raised in distant state
how would that affect anything?
but the difference between the minority with the first two is that they're in because of their race, not even because anyone helped them get in
sports players shouldn't get in college for kicking a ball around though
*Mestizo mexicans
If you are a hispanic that isn't mestizo, you aren't gonna get benefits
Stop blaming the "Hispania" descent from spain for the brownness of the beaner, THEY ARE INDIANS
very funny, but why not post the real version?
dude if people are getting an advantage by breaking the law you should just break the law too lmao
it's literally that simple
What shortcomings?
What do you mean?
That is also a fake, this is the true version.