>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
PREV APPEARANCES/LINKS (fuck poo in the loos too)
TrumpTV Weekly Updates:
>Pres Trump/CommSec Wilbur speech on minority devel week 10/24/17
>Pres Trump arrives @Capital Hill &ignores protester 10/24/17
>Pres Trump motorcade to the Senate Lunch 10/24/17
>VP Pence @American Ent Inst 10/24/17
>DefSec C.H.A.O.S. Mattis meets w/Duterte 10/24/17
>SoS T-Rex in pakistan 10/24/17
>CJCS Gen Dunford presser on Camp against isis 10/24/17
>StateDep Press Brief (Heather) 10/24/17
>WH Press Brief (Sarah) 10/24/17
>Pres Trump presents Medal of Honor to Cap Gary Rose 10/23/17
>Pres Trump Joint Stmt w/PM Lee Loong (Sing) 10/23/17
>Pres Trump/Boeing Pres/PM Lee Loong sign deal 10/23/17
>Pres Trump/VP Pence have lunch with PM Lee Loong 10/23/17
>Trump Triumphant
>American Hero
>The Renewal of the American Spirit
OP pastebin:
/ptg/ PRESIDENT TRUMP GENERAL - [Autistic Screeching] EDITION
Hey /ptg/! I'm spending the evening with my mom and was wondering if I could "bake" the next thread to show her the ropes! This is one of my favorite hang out spots, so I hope I can show my mom a fun time here
Blessed it this thread with trips.
Did Costa hear the speech before he twittered this?
It begins.
Trump and his Saudi buddies are making cyberpunk real.
So what kind of damage is this fake dossier being the evidence for the FISA warrants going to cause?
I wonder if lamestream media retards know that the more they hate Trump, the more I like him!
No one knows at this point.
Media pushed the flake speech so hard
No one will remember in the morning after the next “trump does a thing”
>That Op
if drumpf's so smart why doesn't he just replace everyone in congress with his own people?
Forgive my ignorance but how do we know it is fake again?
He was almost crying like an infant
Not every moment is historic because it makes you happy
Because it's partially based on one user catfishing Rick Wilson on Twitter.
Because we wrote it.
>bablyon is being rebuilt
Just beat this neat 2hu spinoff and this theme is bretty gud
Use basic principles of logic
I'm going to bring my LOCK HER UP sign to university campus tomorrow for some preemptive salt mining. I'll periscope and post a link if ya'll are interested in that sort of thing. I encourage you all to start being very public/vocal about draining the swamp; we are slowly but surely moving towards the Day of Rope. I believe Hillary and Obama going off in cuffs will shatter many of the mentally ill left's world view and make them realize how wrong they are, but it's not enough. We need to be public about us being right. In sociology, it's called "sanctions," in feminist-speak it's called "slut shaming" or just "shame culture." It's a fundamental part of our biology as humans for the community to enforce the normal values. Even sub-saharans use community pressure to create a status quo. Antonio Gramsci theorized "Cultural Hegemony," which is key to the long march through culture's societal institutions. We need to take our nation back. Thanks for reading this post, please get out and talk to normies, make it known they are wrong. Vindication Day is coming. We can't just be bystanders.
I just reposted because I'm too lazy to retype. Did anyone else demonstrate or protest or cause a general ruckess during the election? I'm not going to sperg out nor did I but I 100% believe we need to take back control of our cultural hegemony.
captcha: COURT CALLE
Check em
He looks like he's in unbearable, ending pain.
because we made up the pissing part
Babylon is in Iraq, dumbass.
fug off you smelly moodslim :DDD
Shia's stream is back up, but hopefully the frogs will give it another go
It's called midterm elections, dumbass
Isnt this an Archer reference
>iraq is a country
That's where you are wrong.jpg
Holy crap the 2017 median Democrat is like the 1917 median Bolshevik
that's not from the dossier
>we must stand up and refuse to be silent
>I quit
it's a bold strategy Cotton
You're not from the dossier.
Probably much worse, you know. The Bolsheviks, to their credit, weren't psychotic transsexual pedophiles who wanted to give everyone HIV.
Ourguys party.
have you ever heard of Revelations? READ A BOOK!
I would not be surprised at all if President Trump was into Hentai
The national Center for missing and exploited children is rapidly deleting pictures of Virginia kids. Every other state has 100% of their pictures. Virginia is down to half...Every week they delete more pictures
Needed this
>Feels election
>You hear about the shooting in Las Vegas
>I like to call it Lost Wages
Our president doesn't masturbate.
I hope Trump agrees with my taste in waifu
He doesn't masturbate to it, he enjoys the art.
not true Donald masturbates inside Melania's vajeen
we wrote it, it's a shitpost.
Pajeet please.
>tfw you spend too much time on Sup Forums
My mistake. A true patrician.
Because of picture related. Fusion GPS is a joke.
Wtf is Stephen a shill now too? He must be if he is associating with Bannon who is a shill.
Because only a retard would believe it.
Are you a retard?
"ghostwriters" are the cuckolds of the literary world
Impeach the orange menace reeeee
this adds up
l w y m m d
>wtf i love boko haram now!
DNC funded it and FusionGPS is known for digging up falsified dirt in the past
Look what you made me do? Right?
I have been made aware that there is literally no evidence of Bannon having any of the MAGA views he has now prior to the election.
Truly another Ann Coulter.
you got the digits so i guess
I got it from google images so.
If it was real, it would have been confirmed over a year ago when it was created. It's bogus, which is why Fusion took the fif.
Playboy publicly operated a CP ring in the 70s. Spread this on social media. Hollywood never kept pedophilia a secret.
He's such a rude guy, also Kent state fags got what they deserved then they threw shit at police.
He's a fucking Leninist and it could not be more obvious.
Wtf I guess I'm a fed now.
He is literally stuck in a room. What else will he do but browse a kosher pulled pork sandwich making forum?
Good job user. I will do something tmrw as well. Going to the barbers so I’ll bring up the scandal there and mention how all non-Trump supporting White men should publicly shamed.
>Going to the barbers so I’ll bring up the scandal there and mention how all non-Trump supporting White men should publicly shamed.
>Islamic cyberpunk
This has potential
Sup Forums btfo
18 billion
Rundown on the FusionGPS situation
>someone within GOP establishment hires a hitman agency to dig up reports and hearsay on DJT
>some details of which may have been concocted by a Sup Forumslack
>after the convention they give up & the DNC flies in to continue funding
>this dossier is then shipped around to our intelligence agencies
>FusionGPS, the people who made the dossier, are now liable to the DNC to get dirt on DJT, whether they make it up or not.
>They just so happen to be directly connected to a russian lawyer
>FusionGPS connected lawyer then contacts Don Jr with dirt on russia
>this then “validates” the rest of the dossier in the eyes of the liberal press & CIA
>FusionGPS makes their money
>DNC and GOP establishments both got enough dirt for phase 2 of their plan
>GOP swamp creature John McCain gives the DNC funded dossier to the fbi
>who then ships it to the CIA
>which gets the ear of miss DNC herself, AG Lynch
>who then, with the help of clapper, uses it to spy on DJT & start an investigation
>DJT, furious over the allegations and the fact that comey wont call the allegations bunk fires comey
>the house, both GOP & dems then rush at the 11th hour to pressure Sessions to recuse himself
>sessions, a lifelong senate republican does so without even alerting DJT beforehand
>the investigation is then in the hands of an obama leftover who is sessions righthand man, rosenstein
>he, with the advice of both senate republicans & democrats appoints total swamp monster & hillary pal mueller to head investigation
>the investigation has broadened so much now to the point where they are now looking at charging manafort for crimes unrelated to russia
>& are now using that to charge DJT with a RICO charge for allowing him in trump tower
>& this has totally hindered DJT from pursuing any sort of partnership with russia as mueller, the GOP the DNC, & the CIA is holding a gun to his head
>all because of a bogus document pushed by the very ones holding the gun
What in the name of god is that supposed to mean? It was initially a smear against certain sources of information that weren't friendly to MSM narratives then people coopted it to fight back against that.
This is a thread for politics faggot
Anyone else find it a little odd that Bob Corker is sending out "alert the daycare" tweets after it is revealed that mueller is investigating tony podesta?
Assange no, what are you doing?
Yeah I know but it's a nice photo
I find it odd you know that.
>yoshi island
>not Donkey Kong Country
girl gamers amirite