being a black conservative/right wing is not easy, specially when you're a college student, any tips ???
Being a black conservative/right wing is not easy, specially when you're a college student, any tips ???
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Based black man!
stop being an uncle tom
Sup Forums is a satirical board but congratulations in living up to the stereotype that niggers are low iq
just bee urself
Latino conservative here. My advice is just to think about the first principles. Circle back to a few core axioms that you work from.
What are you "conserving" that makes you conservative?
If you are logically consistent, everything else should follow.
Just act like a respectable gentlemen, I've made friends with blacks who act normal instead of using nigger speak and blasting rap as they travel down the hallways in packs.
You're a part of them. They'll see you as one of them. Troll the fuck out of them!
Here's a tip, go to Africa and live with your own. It might sound like a crazy idea because Africa is full of niggers and you want to live in a comfy white country, but Africa is actually a pretty nice place to live with good infrastructure, large cities and business opportunities waiting to be tapped. Go home, black man.
Take the Hotep pill
You're fucking up the movement. Either embrace your nigstrocity or kys, we don't need you.
It is worst to be a leftist.
You can talk about conservative issues and POCs WILL HAVE TO LISTEN YOU, because you're not a FWM, so use that in your advantage.
Stop complaining, that's leftitst
>specially when you're a college student, any tips ???
>any tips ???
Yeah, learn to spell properly, nigger.
conservative nigger is an oxymoron
Keep your faith in God active by being involved in a church and with fellow conservative believers.
to church you go, nigger
Go back to Africa, nigger.
Abuse your position in the victimhood hierarchy to flabbergast Jewish communist professors and their puppet students.
Sorry you got stuck with that discordant pair of identities. I would imagine being a BASED BLACK MAN in a MAGA hat is similarly frustrating to being a right-wing atheist.
being a conservative is hard for everyone bruh. theres institutions in place that ensure this
Soli Deo Gloria. Makes your life easier.
Being a racist is a waste of your time, all you can do is try to piss people off behind a keyboard because you know that you cant do anything in real life, this country might have a lot of white people, but 50% of the congress (((people who run the country))) 90% of banks are run by Jews, the media, Hollywood and a lot of major entertainment industries. white people don't have any fucking power in this country, just keep wasting your time trying to troll and trying to piss people off online, and you know what will piss you off even more ? the fact that i'm part Jewish !
Keep it up. Don't listen to the fag haters. Lowest layer of hell is for traitors. Don't betray your beliefs. I think black conservatives are without a doubt the coolest guys out there. Fuck libtards and wanna be nazis. Just shit post till you feel better. Keep it up
this this this. use their own tactics against them op. You're in a unique position to sway people.
nigger calm down
>Latvian flag
>I'm sorry, but you're not white
OP ur gud
>being racist is a waste of your time
>i'm jewish.
>"being black and conservative is hard!"
>"poor poc/muslim, here's free money and some white girls to rape" on one side, and "le based black man!" on the other
Make Africa Great Again!
Gold comment lol
Totally unironic. You can make it a great place. Help your people. Why would you not want to do this?
Redpill yourself on other black republicans. You'll find most white republicans are going to love and cherish you like a brother, because.. well thats what we do for one another regardless, but furthermore the left can't scream "RACIST!" at you.
Jesse Lee Peterson is one of my favorites:
Do you hate your own people? Seriously .. Why are you wasting your time in a white country, where you don't belong. Think of the things you could do. Think of all your ancestors, and what they would have expected of you.
start a black separatist movement that is pro altright
think black ethnostates and mexican ethno states
Black conservatives are the salt of the earth. Dont give up user
Infiltrate some sjw group for the lol and fuck all the crazy liberals girls who need a black guy to virtue signal. Ask a freepass for all the tests because it oppress you.
Life seems easy for ypu.
or film the coal burners and post it on their fb pages
Oh... It seems to me that I need help with that. I thought that niggers are those who got low IQ and act like niggers not all the blacks. Am I right?
Don't be a nigger and you'll receive preferential treatment for education and employment. Leftcucks are willing to fall all over themselves to give you a cushy job to prove that niggers aren't inferior.
If you're a high IQ black you're literally the most privileged group in our society.
>being a black conservative/right wing is not easy, specially when you're a college student, any tips ???
Drive to the hood once a week and ask yourself if you'd rather be there or where you are now. It will remind you that what you're doing now will guarantee you never have to live like that. It's worth it in the end, user.
>Why are you wasting your time in a white country
America is not a white country and Blacks have every right to be there considering you retards forcibly brought them over
Just as long as you dont think "black conservative" mean you are allowed to chase white girls... all for it
but I think there will be a big movement of black conservative larpers just so they can try to get to the white pussy
dont be that nigger
Holy shit I thought based black guy was just a meme.
by the way you’re not black and you’re not jewish you’re an abhuman crossbreed that belongs nowhere
miscegenation, not even once.
heres a le based black man meme
Stay the course and you will be successful. The problem lies when "Niggers" try to beat down a "Black Man" for not being a part of the herd mentality, don't buy in, fuck them. Focus on you and doing well, and you will. In the end you WILL go somewhere with your life while they are still left wondering wtf happened and blaming everyone else for their problems. If possible try to explain your case. But honestly, being rational really doesn't work with niggers coming from white mouths. The future of the black race lies in good men like you. Your words carry meaning, to an extent. You will make the right friends, and lose the wrong ones. It's ok, they never mattered anyway and will only drag you down.
Here's a tip: leave the U.S.
when they're all busy protesting and watching CNN, you study, study more. Become a sharpened razor.
> be intelligent black person
> don’t profit from raycism histeria
Dude if I was black ...
Shill better next time.
BTW, do you believe things about race realism related to IQ and race?
If so, you should check this:
They're pretty interesting and show that the B-W IQ gap might not be mainly due to genes.
I thought most blacks are conservative.
They are against interracial marriages, fags and pro-gun and the only reason they support someone like Hillary and Sanders because they are not ""racist"" i.g. they make them the privileged group.
Most of them actually don't vote at all.
They appears as massive democrats in stats but they never take account of those who don't vote.
Of course it's not that simple, some are socially conservative and economically democrats, vice versa...
Take the opportunity to shit on leftwingers any time you get. Especially if they are white leftist cucks, if they contradict you, just call them racist. Use your minority status to your advantage in today's political climate.
That's what I'd do if I were black at least
take it and infect as many of your brothers as you can.
you might actually be breaking out mind slaves in the current year of our lord the Space Chicken.
you poor genetically inferior specimen, jews are intellectually superior to all ethnic groups, and im not jewish dumbass, i look black, im 25% jewish, my grandfather. Not me
I like to hear anything socially conservative from the African American community. You know blacks are disproportionately affected by HIV/AIDS and I really like to see the community leaders speak out against lesbians and the gays. This one point, I will always join with anyone who will stand against homosexuals. I think the black community has had enough coat tail riding by clever lesbian politicians and activists that are trying to consolidate minorities into one soulless block. Don't let the queers take what little soul the urban african american possesses. I'm down with chicken and waffles too... and I listen to this guy on the radio.
Just remember what's important.
Freedom and justice.
By being against propping up minorities and loving the constitution you are a much more enlightened and selfless person than any of those other faggots.
There is black guys in my college who're pretty conservative, leftist never dare to talk to them about politics.
But they came from private school so not really a surprise.
>jews are intellectually superior to all ethnic groups
Yeah but it is due to genes?
Read this
>le based black man
>let's go fellow pedes!
How is South Africa? Would like to have an honest opinion about it?
I heard that Africa is getting better, good thing, less immigration this way at least.
No need to thank me
I don't know about the rest of Africa, but South Africa seems to be the same old.
The country is shit, but it at least seems to stay at a consistent rate of shittiness.
We're just kind of use to the crime rate and discrimination against whites now.
It's not great, but at least it's not the middle east.
Hide your power level. Even if that means going along with whatever bullshit they're trying to promote.
If you're going to be professional about it, infiltrate some of the activist groups and subtly steer them away from their objective or make them look even more retarded (trans-dog rights, gender-neutral changing rooms etc.).
Do this while studying hard to provide for your family and getting into a position of influence so you can crush leftists.
>mfw the Kike comes in with the correct answer, once again proving their eternal cognitive superiority even when it works to our advantage
Go to africa
Redpill the black people.
Yeah, I heard about the probleme with farmers.
Be happy to not live in Russia at least, crime is really high without any civil war to excuse it.
>any tips?
Castrate yourself for the greater good.
thanks for all the positive replies, ive taken all tips into consideration, the problem is not about facing sjws, feminists, or having a good social life on campus, its about the censorship and the "safe space" rules that the college has made to support these sjws, the myth of "hate speech" has infected almost all the average millennials, its almost impossible to criticize anything without backlash, censorship and punishment for thought crimes, the treatment i get from even staff members when i wear a MAGA is just hilarious, i actually just like to wear MAGA hats to piss them off, dealing with this on an everyday basis is actually a funny experience, but i feel like its getting worse everyday, i hope the expressing political views should not be censored, and no im not talking about people who have genuine criticism, im talking about when white people are trying to promote pride of their ethnic decent, they get censored and called a racist, (which is not protected by the first amendment btw, its slander look it up), i will try to be very careful but very straight forward at the same time throughout my journey, hopefully everything will better
It's easier than being a white on the right. They can't throw the "racist" meme at you as easily. Keep standing up for what is right. And ignore shills. They want us to divide.
Not one of the chosen. I'm just in country.
You should see how these rats behave on their home turf. If you think the poz is just something they use against the rest of us you'd be dead wrong.
Trumpf is not a conservative
Why did you ignore my answers?
It's not censorship they want. It's submission. They want to beat you down until you feel like you have no other choice but to be on their side. Redpill. Think critically. Respond concisely. The easiest way to defeat a leftist is to ask questions.
Ask Jesus for help.
Africans do not consider African-(((Americans))) their own since they are miscegenated with jews. They will not accept them. In fact they were hapoy to get rid if them even when they were actually fully African, so.
>this nigger thinking that sucking up to us will keep him from getting the rope
Just highlight the crimes of the democrats, KKK etc.
If they're black themselves lindon johnsons "ill have those niggers voting democrat" Hillarys "Black predators beyond redemption" and the fact the dems put you in the same bracket as Gays and the disabled.
The racism of low expectations is a real thing
(((college))) is a leftist indoctrination machine, their (((job))) is to drill your head with psychobabble from the frankfurt school of tavistock
that said, it isn't a bad idea to pay attention to what it is they're doing and what their psychobabble is so that you can inform others and come up with arguments to defeat all of their markov chain talking points
though since you have revealed your powerlevel to (((them))), you are going to be a target in the worst way, worse than all the boogeyman stories of the white devil you've ever heard, jews are ruthless and without oversight to keep them from illegal activities
keep your wits about you, always be aware of your surroundings and don't leave yourself vulnerable
kill yourself u fucking porch monkey
>claims shilling
>any tips ???
don't ever forgot to stop reminding people about the moorish slave trade in Europe
What do you mean?
Sup Forums is satire. We're libertarians, not right wingers. You fell for the meme. With that said, as long as you're not a nigger, you're OK. Black, so what? Just don't be an idiot and stop falling for memes.